Mecklenburg County NcArchives Biographies.....Johnston, John 
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Lee Kemp Ramsey March 3, 2025, 6:20 am

Source: The Long Creek Settlement and the Gum Branch East of the Catawba River
Author: Unknown

John Johnston - Head of household, 1790 U.S. Census: b. ca. 1758, he 
appears in the Mecklenburg Co., NC land records by 18 Jun 1779, being 
deeded 150 acres on the Gum Branch of Long Creek by John BOYD, 
(brother-in-law to William RAMSEY (Sr), who also purchased his land 
on the Gum Branch from John BOYD). John JOHNSTON married 1780 to 
Margaret/Peggy RAMSEY. Although John JOHNSTON was an adjoining 
landowner to William RAMSEY, and William Ramsey had a sister named 
Margaret/Peggy RAMSEY, Ramsey family records and Rutherford Co., TN 
records show that the sister of William Ramsey married David ROGERS, 
and they removed to Rutherford Co., TN. David Rogers also was in the 
Long Creek Settlement and other records show additional Ramsey-Rogers 
connections. From the January 1794 court sessions showing 
acknowledgement by grantors, there is one from John BOYD to John 
JOHNSTON for 252 acres dated 18 June 1788, [proved] by David ROGERS. 
Johnston family records state that John JOHNSTON married in 1780 
Margaret Ramsey. She died after 1783 and before 1787, as John JOHNSTON 
married again 22 Jan 1787, to Rachel Thompson. Both the Johnston and 
Ramsey family histories recorded that Margaret/ Peggy JOHNSTON, 
daughter of John and Margaret/Peggy (Ramsey) JOHNSTON, married John B. 
RAMSEY, son of the above William and Agnes/Nancy "Maria" (Boyd) Ramsey, 
which accounts for additional confusion in the Margaret/Peggy Ramsey-
Johnston names. John JOHNSTON died intestate in 1809. His sister Mary 
JOHNSTON married first Robert SUMMERVILLE and second Arthur JAMISON. 

Additional Comments:
The above biography taken from:
The Long Creek Settlement and the Gum Branch East of the Catawba River, 
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina: A Genealogical Survey of the 
Neighbors and Allied Families of William and Nancy Ramsey 
The record in its entirety can be seen in the History section of Mecklenburg Co. NC
USGenWeb Archives Project.

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