Mecklenburg County NcArchives Biographies.....Moore, Joseph 
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Lee Kemp Ramsey March 3, 2025, 6:30 am

Source: The Long Creek Settlement and the Gum Branch East of the Catawba River
Author: Unknown

Joseph Moore - Head of household, 1790 U.S. Census: Joseph MOORE is 
found on the North Fork of Paw Creek just south of the Gum Branch of 
Long Creek as early as 20 Nov 1762. He is also found as a witness on 
other land deeds situated on the Gum Branch and Long Creek. A land deed 
dated 7 & 8 June 1765 shows Joseph Moore as a carpenter late of 
Pennsylvania. Joseph Moore's will was probated 3 Nov 1797, in which he 
named his wife, Mary, and his children: Minty, Joseph, James, Lucinda, 
Narcissus, and Epharim; and his married children: John Moore, Mary 
TANNER, Margaret NELSON, George Moore, Jane HILL, Sarah DICKSON, and 
Esther Dickson. He left some 400 total acres of land and a farm.

Additional Comments:
The above biography taken from:
The Long Creek Settlement and the Gum Branch East of the Catawba River, 
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina: A Genealogical Survey of the 
Neighbors and Allied Families of William and Nancy Ramsey 
The record in its entirety can be seen in the History section of Mecklenburg Co. NC
USGenWeb Archives Project.

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