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Frederick County, Maryland
USGenWeb Archives

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Total Records: 577
1Abb, Charles Henry  __/__/____/__/1932Kim Klein The Registry
2Abb, Clara Ellen  __/__/____/__/1913Kim Klein The Registry
3Abb, Minnie Margaret  __/__/____/__/1938Kim Klein The Registry
4Abb, Rhuann  __/__/____/__/1918Kim Klein The Registry
5Abb, William Augustus  __/__/____/__/1953Kim Klein The Registry
6Abrecht, Charles L.  __/__/____/__/1927Kim Klein The Registry
7Abrecht, Charles  __/__/____/__/1910Kim Klein The Registry
8Abrecht, George W.  __/__/____/__/1937Kim Klein The Registry
9Abrecht, Gertrude Nellie  __/__/____/__/1918Kim Klein The Registry
10Abrecht, Grayson Stinespring  __/__/____/__/1957Kim Klein The Registry
11Abrecht, Helen Eliza  __/__/____/__/1918Kim Klein The Registry
12Abrecht, Katie  __/__/__05/__/1959Kim Klein The Registry
13Abrecht, Margaret S.  __/__/____/__/1959Kim Klein The Registry
14Abrecht, Margaret Crutchley  __/__/____/__/1949Kim Klein The Registry
15Abrecht, William Harry  __/__/____/__/1946Kim Klein The Registry
16Adams, Sarah Ann Kemp  __/__/____/__/1923Mark Ault
17Ahalt, Sarah  __/__/____/__/1900Mark Ault
18Albaugh, Aszira  __/__/____/__/1925Mark Ault
19Albaugh, Betty  __/__/__05/__/1930Mark Ault
20Albaugh, Carrie Virginia Shank  __/__/____/__/1922Mark Ault
21Albaugh, Charles Thomas  __/__/____/__/1952Mark Ault
22Albaugh, Charles (2) __/__/__01/26/1884Mark Ault
23Albaugh, Charles (1) __/__/__01/26/1884Kim Klein The Registry
24Albaugh, David  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
25Albaugh, Mary E. Fogle  __/__/____/__/1914Mark Ault
26Albaugh, Patricia Sue  __/__/____/__/1930Mark Ault
27Alexander, Lewis Hamilton  __/__/____/__/1958Mark Ault
28Alexander, Sylvia Irene Anders  __/__/____/__/1960Mark Ault
29Allnutt, Nathan W.  __/__/____/__/1901Mark Ault
30Anders, Abraham  __/__/____/__/1967Mark Ault
31Anders, Charles Richard  __/__/____/__/1958Mark Ault
32Anders, Dovil Irene  __/__/____/__/1900Mark Ault
33Anders, Emma May Schiltz  __/__/____/__/1952Mark Ault
34Anders, Harry Thornten  __/__/____/__/1959Mark Ault
35Anders, Jacob E.  __/__/____/__/1947Mark Ault
36Anders, John O.  __/__/____/__/1900Mark Ault
37Anders, Mary Catherine  __/__/____/__/1928Mark Ault
38Anders, Melvin Leroy  __/__/____/__/1998Mark Ault
39Anders, Michael  __/__/____/__/1914Mark Ault
40Anders, Orpha Shank  __/__/____/__/1925Mark Ault
41Anders, Oscar G.  __/__/____/__/1963Mark Ault
42Anders, Richard Michael  __/__/____/__/1970Mark Ault
43Anders, Thelma Erlene  __/__/____/__/1931Mark Ault
44Anders, William H.  __/__/____/__/1906Mark Ault
45Anders, William A.  __/__/____/__/1983Mark Ault
46Artz, Leon Franklin  __/__/____/__/1949Mark Ault
47Aumen, Anna Matilda Donsife  __/__/____/__/1958Mark Ault
48Baer, Annie Elizabeth  __/__/____/__/1930Mark Ault
49Baer, Charlotte C.  __/__/____/__/1883Kim Klein The Registry
50Baker, Linda Lee  __/__/____/__/1947Mark Ault
51Baltzell, Thomas Sr.  __/__/____/__/1896Mark Ault
52Barber, John T.  __/__/____/__/1910Alice Warner Brosey The Registry
53Barnes, Ellen  __/__/____/__/1890Kim Klein The Registry
54Barnes, John William  __/__/____/__/1947Mark Ault
55Bartgis, James W.  __/__/____/__/1890Kim Klein The Registry
56Bartgis, Joseph E.  __/__/____/__/1952Mark Ault
57Baumgardner, Philip  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
58Bell, Jane E.  __/__/____/__/1897Mark Ault
59Bell, Raymond Ellwood  __/__/____/__/1918Mark Ault
60Benton, Ellen E.  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
61Berry, Effie  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
62Besant, Bernard Lee  __/__/____/__/1925Mark Ault
63Bevard, Sarah A.  __/__/____/__/1892Kim Klein The Registry
64Biays, Harry  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
65Biggs, Thomas C.  __/__/____/__/1914Mark Ault
66Birely, Adam D.  __/__/____/__/1900Mark Ault
67Birely, Ella Harwetel  __/__/__05/__/1944Mark Ault
68Birely, Elmer B.  __/__/____/__/1938Mark Ault
69Birely, Katheryn Martz  __/__/____/__/1945Mark Ault
70Birely, William F.  __/__/____/__/1953Mark Ault
71Bittler, Infant  __/__/____/__/1917Mark Ault
72Blake, Charles G.  __/__/____/__/1935Mark Ault
73Blank, Lilly Morrison  __/__/__05/__/1959Mark Ault
74Bollinger, Fannie  __/__/____/__/1901Mark Ault
75Boyer, John H. F.  __/__/____/__/1900Mark Ault
76Boyle, Daniel  __/__/____/__/1830Kim Klein The Registry
77Bream, Mrs. W. E. Cronise  __/__/____/__/1911Mark Ault
78Bream, William E.  __/__/____/__/1925Mark Ault
79Brennan, Mary Barbara  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
80Brightbill, Elizabeth  __/__/____/__/1914Mark Ault
81Brooks, Charles Elwood  __/__/____/__/1969Mark Ault
82Brown, Sarah Virginia Eyler  __/__/____/__/1928Mark Ault
83Burdette, Catherine Rebecca  __/__/____/__/1918Mark Ault
84Burrier, Catherine Hoke  __/__/____/__/1935Mark Ault
85Burrier, Florence Crumbaugh  __/__/____/__/1916Mark Ault
86Burrier, Grayson Sylvester  __/__/____/__/1996Mark Ault
87Burrier, Minnie Mae Toms  __/__/____/__/1964Mark Ault
88Burrier, Nevin S.  __/__/____/__/1918Mark Ault
89Bussard, Ophelia L. Donsife (Peck) __/__/____/__/1984Mark Ault
90Caesar, Fannie  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
91Caldwell, Leo Edward  __/__/____/__/1917Mark Ault
92Carlin, Clay Thomas  __/__/____/__/1947Mark Ault
93Carns, Mattie A.  __/__/____/__/1901Mark Ault
94Carrico, James M.  __/__/____/__/1917Mark Ault
95Carter, Charity  __/__/____/__/1895Scott Selby
96Carter, Charity  __/__/____/__/1895Scott Selby
97Carty, Elda M. Stitely  __/__/____/__/1947Mark Ault
98Cartzendaffner, Joseph E  __/__/____/__/1890Kim Klein The Registry
99Castle, Anna Elizabeth  __/__/____/__/1927Kim Klein The Registry
100Castle, James Henry  __/__/____/__/1959Mark Ault
101Chaney, Eugene Russell  __/__/____/__/1890Kim Klein The Registry
102Charlotter, Heard  __/__/____/__/1897Mark Ault
103Clay, Margaret  __/__/____/__/1901Mark Ault
104Cockey, Elizabeth Sprigg  __/__/____/__/1890Kim Klein The Registry
105Connell, Matilda M. Krall  __/__/____/__/1952Mark Ault
106Cook, Anna M.  __/__/____/__/1932Kim Klein The Registry
107Costley, Lillian Kelly  __/__/____/__/1969Mark Ault
108Cramer, George  __/__/____/__/1890Kim Klein The Registry
109Cramer, Hannah E.  __/__/____/__/1932Rosalie Sommer
110Cramer, John A.  __/__/____/__/1927Rosalie Sommer
111Cramer, John Philip  __/__/____/__/1947Mark Ault
112Cramer, John William  __/__/____/__/1930Rosalie Sommer
113Crampton, Clinton F.  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
114Crebs, Elizabeth S. Dayhoff  __/__/____/__/1952Mark Ault
115Cronise, Adele A.  __/__/____/__/1948Mark Ault
116Cronise, Alice E. Bream  __/__/____/__/1937Mark Ault
117Cronise, Alice Katherine  __/__/____/__/1984Mark Ault
118Cronise, Americus Casper  __/__/____/__/1937Mark Ault
119Cronise, Andrew Frederick  __/__/____/__/1915Mark Ault
120Cronise, Andrew J.  __/__/____/__/1915Mark Ault
121Cronise, Anna  __/__/____/__/1896Mark Ault
122Cronise, Bettie Elizabeth Keller  __/__/____/__/1946Mark Ault
123Cronise, Charles L.  __/__/____/__/1912Mark Ault
124Cronise, Clayton Howard  __/__/____/__/1961Mark Ault
125Cronise, E. Margaretta  __/__/____/__/1922Mark Ault
126Cronise, Hanson M.  __/__/____/__/1925Mark Ault
127Cronise, Jacob Luther  __/__/____/__/1931Mark Ault
128Cronise, Katherine Lamar  __/__/____/__/1946Mark Ault
129Cronise, Leo H. (Mike) __/__/____/__/1984Mark Ault
130Cronise, Mildred Payne  __/__/____/__/1979Mark Ault
131Cronise, Norman M.  __/__/____/__/1979Mark Ault
132Cronise, P. Thurston  __/__/____/__/1941Mark Ault
133Crumbaugh, Alice C. Riggs  __/__/____/__/1952Mark Ault
134Crumbaugh, George F. B.  __/__/____/__/1913Mark Ault
135Crumbaugh, Grayson Mayard  __/__/____/__/1926Mark Ault
136Crumbaugh, Margaret Catherine  __/__/____/__/1905Mark Ault
137Crumbaugh, Susan Elizabeth  __/__/____/__/1928Mark Ault
138Culler, John Wesley  __/__/____/__/1952Mark Ault
139Curtis, Joseph  __/__/____/__/1901Mark Ault
140Dalton, George Robert  __/__/____/__/1947Mark Ault
141Damuth, Sarah  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
142Davidson, Gertrude Donsife  __/__/____/__/1943Mark Ault
143Deater, Bertha Fraley  __/__/____/__/1890Kim Klein The Registry
144Delashmutt, Nellie  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
145Denn, Gertrude E F  __/__/____/__/1927Kim Klein The Registry
146Dern, Ernest C.  __/__/____/__/1928Mark Ault
147Derr, David  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
148Detrick, John H.  __/__/____/__/1897Mark Ault
149Devilbiss, Bettie Zimmerman  __/__/____/__/1897Mark Ault
150Diehl, Albrecht  __/__/____/__/1883Kim Klein The Registry
151Diehl, Anna L.  __/__/____/__/1929Mark Ault
152Dietz, Lottie R. Troxell  __/__/____/__/1947Mark Ault
153Diggs, Martha  __/__/____/__/1900Mark Ault
154Dinterman, George H.  __/__/____/__/1896Bryan Main
155Dixon, Rebecca  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
156Dixon, Rebecca  __/__/____/__/1884Michele Kendall
157Donsife, Blanche Larue Smith  __/__/____/__/1974Mark Ault
158Donsife, Clarence Calvin  __/__/____/__/1954Mark Ault
159Donsife, Elmer Z. (Buddy) __/__/____/__/1991Mark Ault
160Donsife, Emily Laura Newlin  __/__/____/__/1957Mark Ault
161Donsife, Francis Genoa  __/__/____/__/1933Mark Ault
162Donsife, H. L.  __/__/____/__/1916Mark Ault
163Donsife, Mary Jane  __/__/____/__/1996Mark Ault
164Donsife, Mary S.  __/__/____/__/1940Mark Ault
165Donsife, Maurice  __/__/____/__/1981Mark Ault
166Donsife, Minnie Pearl Grimes  __/__/____/__/1978Mark Ault
167Donsife, Robert E.  __/__/____/__/1981Mark Ault
168Donsife, Robert Jefferson  __/__/____/__/1958Mark Ault
169Donsife, William L.  __/__/____/__/1968Mark Ault
170Donsife, William Luther  __/__/____/__/1936Mark Ault
171Dronenburg, Joseph  __/__/____/__/1897Mark Ault
172Dubel, Mahala  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
173Dudderar, Myra Ecker  __/__/____/__/1939Michelle Bower
174Dudderar, Warren B.  __/__/____/__/1925Michelle Bower
175Dukehart, Julia Ada  __/__/____/__/1923Kim Klein The Registry
176Duphorn, John H.  __/__/__07/23/1867Donald Buncie The Registry
177Durang, Cleta E. Reddick  __/__/____/__/1967Mark Ault
178Ecker, Howard Russell  __/__/____/__/1959Mark Ault
179Eichelberger, Charles Dix  __/__/____/__/1938Kim Klein The Registry
180Elliott, Sarah  __/__/____/__/1831Kim Klein The Registry
181Ellis, Diehl  __/__/__05/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
182Etzler, Anderson H.  __/__/____/__/1935Mark Ault
183Eyler, Macy Irene Droneburg  __/__/____/__/1959Mark Ault
184Fallon, Mary Christine  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
185Fleagle, William Calvin  __/__/____/__/1947Mark Ault
186Fleming, John C.  __/__/____/__/1914Mark Ault
187Fleming, Susan  __/__/____/__/1890Kim Klein The Registry
188Fogle, Elizabeth  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
189Fogle, Elmer Ross  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
190Fogle, Hiram  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
191Fogle, Martha M.  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
192Fogle, Ross  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
193Forman, Reuben  __/__/____/__/1927Mark Ault
194Fout, Susan  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
195Fox, John F. A.  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
196Fox, Michael Davie  __/__/____/__/2007John B. King
197Fraley, Susan E.  __/__/____/__/1890Kim Klein The Registry
198Freed, George Franklin  __/__/____/__/1950Mark Ault
199Freeman, Lydia  __/__/____/__/1890Kim Klein The Registry
200Frerie, Mary F.  __/__/____/__/1893Kim Klein The Registry

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Any time you see this symbol The Registry next to a name, they have registered their e-mail address at The Registry. This will be their current address.

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