(210) On motion of Elizabeth Brown, adminixtratrix,
&c., of Thomas Brown, Margaret Brown, executrix of John
Brown, deceased, is required to give security to save the estate
of Thomas Harmless by reason of his being security for Margaret,
and John Brown becomes security.
(211) Called Court on Mary Holmes for
(212-213) Rachel, widow of William Crawford,
deceased, releases dower in land conveyed by William's partners
to Robert McCullock.
(214) John Strain, orphan of James Strain, deceased,
chose Andrew Keith his guardian.
(215) George Curtis, aged 11 in May next, and John
Curtis, aged about 8, to be bound.
(215) Isham Burk, orphan of Isham Burk, deceased,
supposed to be over 14, to be bound.
(215) Isaac Waugh, witness to will of Richard Rankin,
is dead.
(216) County levy: 160 lbs. tobacco is equivalent
to £1.
(217) Stephen Unemerman, orphan of Isaac Unemerman,
deceased, aged 16, years the 22d of this month, chose Jacob
Kinney his guardian.
(221) Called Court on James Essex, charged with
burglary--he and wife, Christiana, being persons of ill-fame, are
bound to peace.
(223) Following to be bound out: Jane Ross, 6
years old March 6th next; Daniel Caphart, 4 years old 13th of May
next; Dinah Hunter (daughter of Elizabeth Hunter), 3 years old 3d
of this month.
(224) Joseph Bell qualified Sheriff.
(224) John McNeal, orphan of Thomas McNeal, chose
James Johnston his guardian.
(226) County levy: 2,566 tithes @ 18 lbs. tobacco
= 2 shillings.
(227) Stophel Mantle and James Allen, agent for John
Allen, landowners, to be summoned on a road petition.
(228) Notation dollars and cents first noticed.
(229-231) Joseph Mays to be paid £8, pension for 1791, and same for 1792.
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(233) John Wheeler to be paid £8, pension for 1792.
(235-237) Samuel Anderson, road
surveyor, no inhabitant.
(258) Andrew Anderson recommended as
County Lieutenant, John Campbell as Major of 1st Battalion,
William Wilson as Major of 2d Battalion.
(258) Thomas Turk, Jr., James Frazer, James Crawford,
John Erwin and William Bell as Captains in 1st
(258) James Bratton, William Shields, Robert Doak,
John McCutchen, and Augustine Argenbright as Captains in 2d
(258) John Clements, Alex. Hall, James Rankin, Andrew
Erwin and John Crawford as Lieutenants in 1st
(258) John McCutchen, Robert Christian, James
Mitchell, John Wilson, David Buchanan, Lieutenants in 2d
(258) Benj. Kennerly, Andrew Fulton, David Henderson,
Thos. Waddle, Wm. Bell, Jr., Ensigns in 1st
(258) Wm. Armstrong, Joseph Bell, Robert Fulton
Ewing, David Williams, Ensigns in 2d Battalion--recommended.
(258) William Chambers as a Captain of Infantry in
1st Battalion-- recommended.
(258) Samuel Steele, recommended as Captain of
Infantry in 2d Battalion.
(259) James Allen as Lieutenant of
Company of Infantry in 1st Battalion--recommended. Robert Kennick
as Lieutenant of Company of Infantry in 2d
Battalion--recommended. Alex. Anderson as Ensign of a Company of
Infantry in 1st Battalion--recommended. Alex. Crawford as Ensign
of a Company of Infantry in 2d Battalion; Robert Gratton as
Captain of a Company of Cavalry to be raised in
Staunton--recommended. David Parry as First Lieutenant of said
Company; William Abney as Second Lieutenant of said Company;
Jacob Geiger as Cornet of said Company.
(259-261) Selina Devine, aged 14 the
7th of this March, to be bound to William Armstrong.
(261) Sarah Devine, aged 10 the 9th of this November,
1792, to be bound to Thomas Shanklin. William Rice to be bound to
Isaac Ong. James Wilson, aged 13 the 2d January last, to be bound
to John Price. Lucy Wilson, aged 8 the 29th December last, to be
bound to John Price.
(263) Rachel Poage, late Rachel Crawford, executrix
of John Crawford, deceased, to settle her accounts.
(263) John Dickenson to be paid £50, pension for
Page 272
(264) William Wheeler, aged 11 years 27th February
last, to be bound to Lawrence Trimper.
(265) Thos Stevens and George Martin,
apprentices of Gideon Morgan, to be summoned to show cause why
they have absented themselves without leave.
(265) The Grand Jury present an act entitled,
"An Act to regulate the Militia of the Commonwealth of
Virginia, passed in Richmond, 22 December, 1792, as being
partial, offensive, partly unintelligible, and contrary to the
principles of a Republican Government."
(276-277) Isabella Walker, orphan of
Alex. Walker, deceased, has intermarried with Robert Reed, and
suit abates as to her.
(279) Robert Bailey, and Elizabeth,
his wife, late Elizabeth Bosang, administratrix of John Bosang,
(284) James Gillespie, a witness, who resides in the
Southwest Territory.
(287) Called Court on George Allen,
laborer, late of Rockbridge, for larceny--30 lashes.
(288-289) Martin Witzell exempted
from levies on account of age and infirmity.
(290) Thomas Cooper, aged 16, chose James McKenny
guardian, orphan of James Cooper, deceased.
(290) Joseph Hanna, witness to will of Catherine
Clements, deceased, is since dead.
(291) Benj. McCorkle, aged 12 years the 23d August
next, son of Mary McCorkle, to be bound to Robert Mays.
(292) John Diddle, 16 years old in August next, to be
bound to Andrew Cutler to learn art and mystery of a saddler.
(294) The persons recommended on pages 258 and 259, supra, as
military officers, qualified as follows: Andrew Anderson, John
Campbell, Thomas Turk, Jr., Robert Gratton.
(294) John Burton to be paid £5, pension for 1791,
and same for 1792.
(295) On motion of Charles Cameron, guardian to James Vance, orphan of John Vance, deceased, John McCarty and Martha, late Martha Vance, widow of John, to be required to settle accounts.
Page 273
(296) Philip Ingleman is appointed guardian to Hannah
Laywell, orphan of Andrew Laywell, deceased.
(300) Jacoh Geiger qualified Cornet, as see page 259, supra.
(300) John Coalter qualified Clerk of District Court.
(301) John McKinney to be paid £15,
pension for 1792.
(301) James Fox, aged about 14 years, to he bound.
(301) Robert Doak and James Frazer qualified, see
pages 258-9.
(305) William Bell qualified deputy surveyor. John
Crawford qualified Lieutenant, see pages 258-9; Wm. Bell, Jr., qualified
Ensign, see pages 258-9.
(307) Certified that Patrick Ready lost part of his
right in a fight with Dennis Maloney.
(324-332) William Henderson, no
(336) William McGowen, a witness about to leave the
(337) Called Court on John Bullett
for horse stealing--Sent to District Court.
(339-341) John Brown, Sr., is
exempted from County levy on account of old age and infirmity.
(341) Samuel Kirkland, witness, is about to remove
from the State.
(342) Gabriel Alexander appointed
guardian for Francis Alexander, orphan of Francis Alexander,
(342) Mary Ann Ham, orphan of ____ Ham, chose Bridget
Campbell guardian.
(342) Andrew Erwin qualified Lieutenant in 1st
(342) Admn. of estate of Wm. Vasteen granted Joseph
(342) Admn. of estate of Dominick Barret granted
James Mitchell.
(343) Nathaniel, aged 10, and Sarah Devine, aged 11,
to be bound to Jacob Deary (Peary).
(343) John Devine, aged 7, to be bound to Michael
(345) Margaret Mooney, aged 3, to be bound to Jacob
(343-344) Moses Jackson appointed
guardian for Catherine Walter.
(344) Charles Bruce, orphan of James Bruce, chose
Alexander Reed his guardian. Robert Bailey is appointed guardian
for William and Mary Bosang, orphans of John Bosang.
Page 274
(345) William Ham chose John McGlammery guardian.
(345) Clerk is directed to purchase a bell and have
it hung in the Court House.
(346) Sheriff to erect a gallows within 30 feet of
the road leading from Staunton to Peter Hanger's, opposite to the
Slaughter House, the East side.
(347) Moses and Joshua Russell, orphans of Joshua
Russell, chose Robt. Thompson their guardian.
(350) Ordered that the fork of the roads leading from Staunton to Miller's Iron Works, and to Peter Hanger's be considered as the place of execution of all condemned persons in future which may by law be executed by the Sheriff of Augusta.
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