(1) Called Court on John Bullitt for horse
stealing--sent to District Court.
(3) Timothy McNamara to be paid for pension at
rate of £10 per annum.
(3) To be bound: Sarah Curtain, orphan, aged 2 years
June last; Thos. Duncan (Duncum), son of John Duncan (Duncum);
John Burns 7 years old 15 June last; Isaac Durns, 5 years old 15
Page 266
(4) Isabella, wife of Christopher Graham, releases
dower in deed to James Alexander, dated 7th March, 1782.
(6) It is suggested that Henry Daily Shields, Sarah
Bryan and Hannah Barret are insane, and Commissioners to examine
(9) Certified that Alex. Stuart has resided in this
County for one year and is a man of honesty, probity and good
demeanor. Same as to John Bowyer.
(11-12) Andrew Coulter, orphan, to be
bound to Abraham Grove, to learn the art and mystery of a
(13) John and Mary Rankin being dead, admn. de
bonis non of Thomas Rankin, deceased, is granted James
Rankin and Robert Crawford.
(13) William Moffet, &c., to superintend the
proportion alloted by the will of William McClintock, deceased,
to his widow and relict, Martha McClintock.
(13) Mathew Gambill qualified Deputy Clerk.
(14) Archibald Magill qualified
(19) This page is as follows: "Orders of the
County Court of Augusta commencing 18th October, 1791, in the
16th year of the Commonwealth, under the care and direction of
Mathew Gambill, Deputy Clerk for said County."
(21) Mathew Gambill qualified Deputy
(29-30) William Walton qualified
Deputy Sheriff.
(36) Augustian Kyar--a witness.
(42) Rachel Regular requested that James Johnston be
appointed her guardian, but Court is of the opinion it cannot be
done at Quarterly Court.
(54) John Oliver's will produced and
proved, but contested by Sarah, the relict, and contest continued
to next Court.
(57) John Bowyer qualified Attorney.
(60) James McCullough choses Robert
McCullough his guardian.
(61) Charles Page chose John Gordon his guardian.
(61) Joshua Parry appointed seal master.
(61) County levy--2,524 tithables at 2/6.
Page 267
(63) Albneazer Thornton, aged 14 years the last of
this month, son of ____, to be bound to Peter Hiskell.
(64) Called Court on Mary Hall, of
Staunton, for stealing from William Walton sundry pieces of
silver--11 lashes.
(65) George Taylor, formerly bound to
John Finley, to be bound to David Finley.
(66) Admn. of estate of John Bosang granted Elizabeth
Bosang and Edward Burk.
(67) Joseph Bell qualified Sheriff.
(68-69) On motion of Lewis Myers,
Commission to settle accounts of Mary Myers, late Mary Lamon,
executrix of Jacob Lamon (Lamor), decd.
(68-69) Jacob Speakard, 16 years old 11th April next,
to be bound to Thomas Tombelason (?).
(70) George and William Edmondson to be bound to
James Burgess. Mary Curtin to be bound to Wm. Henderson.
(70) Alexr. Stuart qualified Attorney.
(72) John McKenny to be paid pension
of £15 for 1791. John Dickenson to be paid pension of £50 for
1791. Alex. McFarland to be paid pension of £10 for 1791.
(75) Joseph Moore's death abates suit.
(97-98) James Lyle, Jr., appointed,
vice Robert Gamble, who has removed, to convey the County lots to
(99) Isham Burk, orphan, to be bound to Philip Dyer,
to learn trade of baker.
(100) James Thornton, formerly bound to James Perry,
to be bound to James Henderson.
(101) John Risk exempted from levy on account of
being lame.
(101) Certified that James Lyle has resided in this
County for seven years and is a man of honesty, probity and good
(101) Henry West, orphan, about 12 years of age, to
be bound to Dr. Alex. Humphreys, to learn apothecaries' business.
(103-110) William Robertson qualified Justice.
Page 268
(126-127) Rebecca Gardner, &c., vs. John Brown,
&c.--Robert Brown and Rebecca, his wife, formerly relict and
widow of Thomas Gardner, decd., are added as plaintiffs.
(136) See page 115, following. These
records are recopied and new paging.
(146-148) Admn. of estate of Robert
Burgess, deceased, granted the widow, Elizabeth Burgess, and
James Burgess.
(152) James Hart, aged 5 years the 8th July next to
be bound out.
(155-156) Stone bridge to be built
across the run that passes through the town above Joseph
(159-160) James Lyle resigned as
Justice and qualified attorney.
(167) William McDavitt, witness to will of Robert
Armstrong--residence, South Carolina.
(168-169) Ordinary rates fixed.
(171 or 19) William Walton qualified
Deputy Sheriff.
(44) Called Court on Mary Walton.
(44) Robert Wilson, named as executor
in will of John Oliver, qualified as administrator of said will.
(150) (Down to here, from page 171, old paging, or
page 19, new paging, the records are recopied. The records from
page 19, old paging, were all by Mathew Gambill, and are very
badly done; with the new paging, a new scribe begins, and the
records are excellently kept.)
(150) Called Court on Sarah Sorrels
for larceny.--Sent to District Court.
(151) Called Court on slave of James Lamb.--Not guilty.
Page 269
(152-155) Alex. McClenachan sued by overseers of the
(156) Alex. McClenachan, Clerk, resigns on condition
that Jacob Kinney be appointed, which terms are accepted by the
Court, and Jacob qualifies. This proceeding is objected to by
several Justices, because they conceive that the acceptance of a
conditional resignation is contrary to the Constitution of the
(156-158) Certified that James Stuart
has resided in this County for one year, and is of honesty,
probity and good demeanor.
(175) Called Court on George Kinkead,
late of Greenbrier, for horse stealing.--Bound to good behavior.
(177) Deposition to be taken of John Craig, who
resides in N. Carolina.
(181) Admn. of estate of John McKenny
granted to James, William and Eleanor McKenny.
(182) John Wiley's will partly proved.
(183) Thomas Riddle, a witness, is about to remove
from the State.
(184) Peter Genewine, a landowner, summoned on a road
(185) On the motion of John Williams, and Catherine,
his wife, late Catherine Burk, it is ordered that Philip Dyer
deliver up an apprentice boy named Isem Burk, bound to him by
said Williams and wife, to learn art and mystery of a miller.
(187-189) Ignatius Turkey (Turley)--a
(189) Admn. of estate of George Peerson granted James
(190) Witnesses to be summoned to prove the will of
Sarah Lessley.
(193) James Stuart qualified
(196) Thomas Shankling, apprentice of Robert
Torbett--motion to be discharged.
(202-204) Death of Lawrence Crown
abates suit.
(207-209) Florence Elliott, late Florence Bell, executrix of David Bell, deceased, and George Elliott, who intermarried with Florence, and William Bell, heir-at-law of said David.
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