(1) Alexander McClenachan appointed Clerk of the
Court, vice Richard Madison, deceased, and James Lyle, Jr.,
qualified Deputy.
Page 238
(2) William Bowyer insisted that the appointment of
Clerk was illegal, but the Court refused to reverse it.
(3) John Fairies exempted from levies.
(4) County levy: To John Awfull, for one old wolf.
(6) Mary Hacket, late Mary Campbell, admx. of George
Campbell, decd., to be summoned to give counter secunty.
(7) Agatha Madison, mother and next friend of Richard
Madison, decd., to be summoned to appear here to contest the said
decedent's non-cupative will if she see cause.
(8) Adam Blakemore appointed road surveyor of new
road from Back Creek to Jackson's River.
(8) James Hill exempted from working on the highway.
(8) Children of widow Dabage to be bound.
(9) John Poage refuses to act as Justice on account
of age, &c.
(9) David Henderson refuses to act as Justice on
account of want of books. John McCreery, Samuel Vance, John
Kinkade and George Poage refuse to act as Justices on account of
distance from Court House.
(10) William Bowyer ordered to deliver to the present
Clerk all the records of this County and all things belonging to
the said office which he took into his possession on the death of
the late Clerk.
(10) Nicholas Simmons to be exempted
from payment of County levy and poll tax.
(11) Valentine White qualifies Deputy Sheriff under
William Bowyer, Sheriff.
(11) County levy: To Henry Casebolt, one wolf.
(11) William Bowyer qualified Sheriff.
(12) Tithables ordered to be taken.
(13) Called Court on James Parks for
horse stealing.--Not guilty, but is of bad fame and bound to good
(14) On
motion of Ellenor Askins, Robert Thompson ordered to be summoned
to show cause why he detains her child in his service.
(15) Cornelius Alexander naturalized.
(15) Nathan Reaglen's will partly proved.
(16) Henry King allowed for 7,230 lbs. flour
furnished for public use.
(16) Report of Inspectors of Clerk's office.
(16) Proceedings of Court not recorded from 21 March,
(16) Deeds since 21 January, 1783, to present are not
(16) Will, inuentories, bonds, powers of attorney
since 16th March, 1784, are not recorded.
Page 239
(16) Vouchers of taxable property returned are in
great disorder. Papers in suits ended are not filed
alphabetically. Dated 15 April, 1785.
(17) Jacob Lawrence is allowed 12 days' service as a
wagon master at 7/6 per day. Thomas Forster is allowed for 66
days' service as a purchasing commissary at 4/ per day and 40/
for a house rented for a public store.
(17) Sampson Mathews is allowed for 14 months' rent
of a house rented in February, 1784, for storing the hemp
received in payment of public taxes. Samuel Anderson (the lesser)
appointed road surveyor from Miller's Iron Works to Middle River,
and Enos Jones from thence to Staunton.
(17) James Pinkerton, by David Pinkerton, his father
and next friend.
(18) New Commission, viz: Thomas
Adams, William Bowyer, Thomas Hughart,* Alexr. St. Clair, Charles
Cameron, William McPheeters,* Joseph Bell, Samuel Vance, John
Givens, David Stephenson, Richard Mathews, Robert Porterfield,
Jacob Warrick, George Moffet, Alexr. Robertson, Elijah
McClenachan,* Thomas Hughes,* George Poage, James Steel, John
Wilson, Samuel Lewis, John Taite,* Robert Gamble, James Crawford,
Jr., James Davis, Alexr. Crawford, John McKemey. (Those marked
(*) qualified.)
(19) Samuel McConkey qualified Deputy Sheriff.
(21) Robert Thompson (see page 14, supra) proves
that the daughter of Ellenor Askins was bound to him by her
(21) Sarah Hatfield, daughter of Hannah Hatfield, to
be bound to John Harper.
(23) Will of William McClintock partly proved.
(23) James Davis and John McKeemy qualified Justices.
(24) Alexander Reid appointed guardian of John
Walker, orphan of Alexr. Walker.
(24) Hugh Donaho is appointed guardian of Barbara
Walker, orphan daughter of Alexander Walker.
(25) Philip Bowman naturalized.
(27) Robert Gaines returned no
(36) Thomas Hewett's death abates suit.
(38) John Allison, Jr., returned no inhabitant.
(46) Mary Moody, daughter of Elizabeth Moody, to be
bound to William Blair.
(47) Doctor Valentine Hamm produced an account
against the United States, date July, 1778, scale specie £2, 3,
7; also an account of £32, scale October, 1780, versus State of
Virginia, specie, 9/.
(49) George Moffett, Joseph Bell, Alexr. St. Clair
and Richard Mathews qualified Justices.
(49) Ally Peery, aged 2 years last March, daughter of
Jane Peery, to be bound.
(54) Joseph Niscor, security for
James Neill.
Page 240
(56) Charles Donally and George Clendenning returned
no inhabitants.
(59) Archibald Strange, Peter Hindricks, John
Henderson, Abraham Kelly, John Campbell, Sr., Daniel Harvie, John
McKenny--returned no inhabitants.
(62) Margaret Gay's death abates suit.
(69) John Lewis vs. William Wiatt.--Ordered removed
to General Court.
(79) Capt. John Oliver's claim of £4, 10/, for beef
furnished the Militia on duty, is allowed.
(81) Robert Gamble and Robert Porterfield qualified
(83) Azariah Randolph, returned no
(83) William Smith's death abates suit.
(95) Henry Leese's death abates suit.
(97) James Hays, returned no inhabitant.
(102) Valentine Cloninger's death abates suit.
(108) James Old, witness--40 miles. Dudley Jones,
witness--40 miles. James Ignew, witness.
(117) James Blair and William Hinds,
returned no inhabitants.
(121) Admn. c. t. a. of Richard Madison granted Wm.
Bowyer, on motion of Priscilla, the relict.
(121) Peter Hane is allowed 45/ per month for 8 1/2
months' service as scalesman at Staunton.
(126) Sarah Hutcheson's death abates suit.
(126) Petition versus Charles Tease.--Dismissed,
"the defendant being removed," &c.
(131) On motion of William Henderson, ordered that
James Henderson, Esq, of Greenbrier, be summoned to administer on
estate of Susannah Henderson, deceased, if he sees fit.
(131) Administration of
estate of "Sarah Scott" granted Robert Scott in October
last should be "Sarah Hutcheson"-- - Vid O. B. XVIII., page 313.
(132) Moses Moore allowed for one
beef furnished for public use.
(132) John Wilson qualified Justice.
(136) John Nimick--special bail.
(136) William Bowyer qualified County Lieutenant.
(136) Alexander Robertson qualified Lieutenant
(136) John Givens and John Wilson qualified Majors.
(137) Deed from John Kinkade and Sarah, and Agnes
Dean, wife of John Dean, to Brownlee--recorded.
(137) Admn. of estate of Jacob Grass granted
Elizabeth Grass.
(137) On motion of Peter Weaver, ordered that
Christiana Weaver be summoned to produce the last will of George
Weaver, deceased.
Page 241
(138) On petition of Honor Cook, ordered that John
Gregory be summoned to answer complaint of said Ellinor touching
his treatment of her son Walter, bound apprentice to John.
(138) Samuel McCune and Bozwell
Hackett, returned no inhabitants.
(139) William Gay, John Parker, William Wood, William
Long, returned no inhabitants. James Rankin, returned no
inhabitant. Wm. Thompson, returned no inhabitant.
(141) David Stephenson qualified Justice.
(142) David Laird presented claims for wagons and
horses impressed and arresting a deserter, which are allowed.
Henry King allowed claims, viz: For services as forage master,
360 days; for beef, flour and bacon furnished.
(143) William Craig, for horse hire and articles
furnished, which are allowed.
(144) On motion of John Dinwoody,
ordered that a scire facias issue against Peter Cumings
and _____, his wife, late _____ Busheers, admx. of William
Busheers, deceased, to revive a judgment versus Wm. Busheers.
(148) Henry Hatwell, aged 10 years and 6 months,
orphan of Mansfield Hatwell, deceased, to be bound out.
(152) Charles Cameron qualifies
(159) Robert Hall vs. Richard Buchanan.--All the
attorneys being retained by defendant, the Court assigns George
Nicholas for plaintiff.
(160) Rev. Archibold Scott, Presbyterian, authorized
to solemnize matrimony.
(160) Alexr. McClenachan and James Brookes appointed
guardians of Edward and Diana McDonagh, orphans of John McDonagh,
(193) David Hanna, returned no
(194) Jacob Still, returned no inhabitant.
(231) Thomas Kinkade, returned no
(233) On motion of Zachary F. Estill, who
intermarried with Rebecca Estill, admx. of John Estill, deceased,
accounts to be audited.
(237) Joseph Irving vs. Philip North.--Deft. being
infant, can only appear by his guardian ad litem.
(243) Called Court on James Stephens, charged with
larceny.--Guilty and sent to General Court.
Page 242
(246) John McKinney, who has received a pension in
consideration of wounds and injuries received in the public
service, by losing one arm and being otherwise disabled, is not
able to procure sustenance by labor, and is allowed £5 per annum
(249) James Hamilton, having been heretofore allowed
a pension of £12 per annum for wounds in the public service, his
pension continued.
(250) Catharine Reid, aged 3 years 22d July last,
daughter of Barbara Reid, to be bound.
(250) Lots in town of Staunton purchased by James
Hughes to be conveyed to his co-heiresses.
(252) Ten acres to be laid off for
prison bounds.
(253) Called Court on Peter Flack,
charged with horse stealing from William Jordan, Sr.--Guilty and
sent to General Court.
(254) Reuben Moore, Quaker, of Shanando, to be
summoned a witness in above cause.
(255) Alexr. Robertson qualified
(256) Charles Donally qualified admr. of Andrew
(257) Ordinary rates fixed.
(256) Alexr. Martin allowed a pension of £18, being
incapacitated from labor by wounds and injuries received in the
public service.
(258) Called Court on Thomas Griffin,
charged with being accessory to William McCafferty in larceny of
a negro slave.--Discharged.
(259) County levy.
(260) Thomas Frame qualified overseer of poor.
(261) Rev. William Wilson, Presbyterian, qualified to
perform marriage ceremony.
(263) James Steele qualified Justice.
(265) County levy: 2,090 tithables at
(267) William McPheeters, John Taite, John Christian
and William Young, having refused to act as overseers of the
poor, the Court appoints Joseph Bell, Robert Kenny, John Wilson
and Joshua Parry. John Wilson qualified.
(267) Called Court on William Harper for
forgery.--Guilty and sent to General Court.
Page 243
(269) James Hunter, son of Catherine Hunter, to be
bound to John Dalhouse.
(271) Abraham Laywell to be bound.
(271) Henry Cease, aged 6 years and 3 months, to be
bound to Francis Huff. Peter Reed, aged 7 years 20th April last,
to be bound to Jacob Grove.
(271) Joshua Parry qualified overseer of the poor.
(273) Rev. Samuel Shannon, Presbyterian, authorized
to solemnize matrimony.
(273) Called Court on Thomas Torst
and Sophia Torst, his wife, charged with murdering William
(277) John Campbell appointed
guardian of Joseph Conkin, orphan of George Conkin.
(277) John Taite qualified overseer of poor.
(270) (280) Alexr. Robertson informed
the Court he could not find security as Sheriff and his
commission is returned to the Governor.
(270) (280) Leave granted Alexr. St. Clair and other
citizens of Staunton to build a market house on the County land.
(273) (283) Stephen Howe and Catherine, his wife,
Catherine Howe, Jr., Henry Howe, Philip Seyvert and _____ Howe
presented for interfering with Alexr. Gibson in collection of
(274) (284) Thomas McGregor exempted
from payment of poll tax.
(274) (284) John Breckinridge, having obtained a
license to practice as an attorney at law, took the usual oaths
of qualification, as also did Charles Magill and Robert White.
(274) (284) John King, orphan of Joseph King, aged 18
years the 7th of May next, to George Smith.
(275) (285) Joseph and Mathew Wamsley, orphans of
John Wamsley, deceased, chose William Wamsley guardian.
(278) (288) Samuel Vance and Alexr. Crawford
qualified Justices.
(283) John Wilson is to examine John Poage, Jr., as a
deputy surveyor.
(283) Alexr. Gibson's claim as assignee of John
Chesnutt, for 22 days driving cattle from Augusta to
(284) Admn. of estate of Alexr. Gardner granted his
son, John Gardner.
(284) James Hamilton, a pensioner, proved that he
received his wounds in the service of this Commonwealth in Capt.
Patrick Buchanan's Company of Militia from Augusta County, in the
action at Hotwater, June 26, 1781. He is aged 30 years and
resides in this County.
Page 244
(284) Alexander Martin, a pensioner proved that he
received his wounds at the battle of Guilford, in North Carolina,
15 March, 1781, in Capt. Joseph Alexander's Company of Militia
from Rockbridge County. Is aged 27 and resides in this County.
(285) James Dobson's claim of £7, 10, the balance of
said Dobson's pay as a sadler under the direction of Capt. Isaac
Homes; also another claim for £27, 7, 3, for the same service
under direction of Capt. Thomas Hamilton.
(286) Thomas Hughart qualified
(288) Robert Mills's death abates suit.
(288) John Poage, Jr., qualified deputy surveyor.
(290) Admn. of estate of William Baxter granted John
(291) John Stunkard exempted from County levies.
(295) Thomas Brown's death abates
(306) Thomas Neill, returned no inhabitant.
(306) Peter Wallace's death abates suit.
(314) William McCutchen's death abates suit.
(322) James Davis appointed guardian of Abraham
Millor, deceased, he being under 14 years.
(324) William Bell, eldest son and heir-at-law of
David Bell, deceased, and Florence and Joseph Bell, executors of
said David, versus John Francis. Bill dismissed.
(329) William Hughes, John Caldwell, James
Porterfield, Joseph Ray-- returned no inhabitants. Robert
Ferrill--returned no inhabitant.
(336) John Patterson vs. Florence Elliott, late
Florence Bell, executrix of David Bell and George Elliott, who
intermarried with said Florence.
(337) John Smith, Wm. Dinwoodie, John Richey, Gasper
Fought--returned no inhabitants.
(354) David Cole exempted from payment of poll tax by
reason of being blind.
(354) Tithables ordered to be taken.
(355) Joseph Bell and John Wilson appointed Comrs. of
Land Tax.
(356) Rev. Samuel Carrick, Presbyterian, authorized
to solemnize matrimony.
(356) Thomas Hughes, one of the Justices, is removed
out of the County.
(357) James Forster exempted from
County levies.
(358) William Francis, a pensioner,
proved that he received his wounds in the service of the United
States in the additional Regiment commanded by Colonel Grison, in
1788. Is aged 40 and resident in this County. He also produced a
certificate of inability from John Griffin, a surgeon.
(360) William Casteel, son of Jinny Jewell, to be
bound to John Doak.
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