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Total Records: 128
1Arnett, William Willey  __/__/____/__/__Connie Burkett
2Bachman, Wheeler H.  __/__/____/__/__Vivian Brinker
3Beach, Albert Henry  03/19/183302/14/1914Connie Burkett
4Becham,  __/__/____/__/__Alice Warner The Registry
5Beltz, John W.  __/__/____/__/__Ann Schwirian
6Bentz, Hermann  __/__/____/__/__Suzie Crump
7Bieberson, Henry  __/__/____/__/__Suzie Crump
8Blackford, George A.  __/__/____/__/__Mrs Gina M Reasoner
9Bloch, Jesse A.  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
10Boggs, William  __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty
11Bowers, George W.  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
12Bowman, James Henry  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
13Braddock, William John  __/__/____/__/__Kerry Armour
14Brice, William Lawrence  __/__/____/__/__Kerry Armour
15Burt, David A.  __/__/____/__/__CJ Towery
16Byrum, Royal J.  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
17Caldabaugh, Harry E.  __/__/____/__/__Suzie Crump
18Caldwell,  __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty
19Campbell, Alexander R.  __/__/____/__/__Suzie Crump
20Campbell, Harold William  __/__/____/__/__Suzie Crump
21Clark, Stephen  __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty
22Connelley, Martin Luther  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
23Cooey, Edward  __/__/____/__/__Sue Schell
24Cooey, William R.  __/__/____/__/__Sue Schell
25Coppock, Daniel Howard  __/__/____/__/__Ann Schwirian
26Cox, J. Frank  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
27Crago, Lee Roy  __/__/____/__/__Barbara J Maurer
28Dovenor, B. B.  __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty
29Driehorst, W. A.  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
30Duffield, Wilton S.  __/__/____/__/__Elizabeth Burns
31Erlewyne, Frederick  __/__/____/__/__Alice Warner The Registry
32Field, Herbert Edwin  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
33Fox, Fred J.  __/__/____/__/__Suzie Crump
34Frew, John  __/__/____/__/__Alice Warner The Registry
35Frissell, John  03/8/181011/16/1893Connie Burkett
36Gee, Harry Walters  __/__/____/__/__Ann Schwirian
37Gilchrist, George R. E.  __/__/____/__/__Linda Katalenich
38Glass, Andrew  __/__/____/__/__Kerry Armour
39Gribben, Walter J.  __/__/____/__/__Mrs Gina M Reasoner
40Grice,  __/__/____/__/__Alice Warner The Registry
41Hartman, Henry J.  __/__/____/__/__Kerry Armour
42Hawkins, William  __/__/____/__/__Alice Warner The Registry
43Hazlett, Robert D.  __/__/____/__/1815Suzie Crump
44Hazlett, Robert W.  04/16/182809/2/1899Connie Burkett
45Hervey, George B.  __/__/____/__/__Suzie Crump
46Hildreth, Eugenius Augustus  09/13/182108/31/1885Connie Burkett
47Holliday, J. L. Holliday,  __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty
48Hubbard,  __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty
49Hubbard, William P.  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
50Hughes, L. G.  __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty
51Hugus, Wright  __/__/____/__/__CJ Towery
52Hullihen, Simon P.  12/10/181003/27/1857Connie Burkett
53Hupp, John Cox  11/24/181911/19/1908Connie Burkett
54Hupp, John C.  __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty
55Irvine, William Burriss  __/__/____/__/__Sue Schell
56Jaeger, Otto  __/__/____/__/__Cheryl McCollum
57Jolly, Daniel & Family  __/__/____/__/__Alice Warner The Registry
58Kerr, Hambleton  __/__/____/__/__Alice Warner The Registry
59Kurner, David C.  __/__/____/__/__Patricia Sexton
60Lambdin, William McKendree   01/16/181109/11/1867T. Bradford Willis The Registry
61Lane, Howard C.  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
62Link, Jonathan  __/__/____/__/__Alice Warner The Registry
63Loving, James Francis  __/__/____/__/__Nancy Taylor
64Lutz, George W.  __/__/____/__/__Joyce Vickers
65Magee, Maxie C.  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
66Magee, William H.  __/__/____/__/__Kerry Armour
67Marschner, John Edward M. D.  __/__/____/__/__Cheryl McCollum
68McColloch, Samuel (Major) __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty
69McDermott, Edward J.  __/__/____/__/__Suzie Crump
70McGinnis, Howard J.  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
71McMechen, Benjamin  __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty
72McMechen, Rev. James H.  __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty
73McMechen, William  __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty
74Miller, Lewis J.  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
75Mills, Thomas  __/__/____/__/__Alice Warner The Registry
76Mitchell, Alexander  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
77Montgomery, William G.  __/__/____/__/__Alice Warner The Registry
78Moore, James C.  __/__/____/__/__Suzie Crump
79Moss, Joel E.  __/__/____/__/__Tina Hursh
80Muhleman, Samuel H. M. D.  __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty
81Naylor, Roy Benton  __/__/____/__/__Kerry Armour
82Ogden, Herschel Coombs  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
83Paull, Alfred  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
84Paull, Judge James  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
85Paxton, Alexander B.  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
86Paxton, James W.  __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty
87Payne, Edwin J.  __/__/____/__/__Sue Schell
88Peak, Presley  __/__/____/__/__Alice Warner The Registry
89Peters, Clem E.  __/__/____/__/__Tina Hursh
90Peterson, J. Walker  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
91Pipes, John H.  __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty
92Pugh, Clyde Charles  __/__/____/__/__Barbara J Maurer
93Purdy, James & Family  __/__/____/__/__Alice Warner The Registry
94Quimby, Will A. M. D.  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
95Ritter, Charles D.  __/__/____/__/__Sue Schell
96Rogers, George Jackson  __/__/____/__/__Sandra Reed
97Rogers, William Washington  __/__/____/__/__Barbara J Maurer
98Schmeichel, Fred Christian  __/__/____/__/__Nancy Taylor
99Scroggins, Frank Roache  __/__/____/__/__Kerry Armour
100Seabright, Charles H.  __/__/____/__/__Suzie Crump
101Shallcross, Thomas Paul  __/__/____/__/__Marion Shallcross
102Simeral, Glenning D.  __/__/____/__/__CJ Towery
103Smith, Henry  __/__/____/__/__Alice Warner The Registry
104Sommerville, James Brewer  __/__/____/__/__Sue Schell
105Steinmetz, Christian  __/__/____/__/__Joan Wyatt
106Stenger, William S.  __/__/____/__/__Kerry Armour
107Stevenson, John E.  __/__/____/__/__Sue Schell
108Stifel, William F.  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
109Stoetzer, William August  __/__/____/__/__Paul E. Cox
110Stone, Elijah James  __/__/____/__/__Kerry Armour
111Stroehman, Fred G.  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
112Tevis, James Henry  __/__/____/__/__Elizabeth Burns
113Thornton, John Thruston M.D.  __/__/____/__/__Cheryl McCollum
114Tidball, John Caldwell  __/__/____/__/__Elizabeth Burns
115Todd, Archibald Stevenson  04/10/179805/1/1883Connie Burkett
116Ulfert, Rev. William Gottlob  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
117Walton, French D.  __/__/____/__/__Joan Wyatt
118Watkins, Charles H. Jr.  __/__/____/__/__Ann Schwirian
119Wetzel, John  __/__/____/__/__Alice Warner The Registry
120Whitaker, George Parks  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
121Whitaker, Nelson E.  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
122Williams, Isaac  __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty
123Wilson, Hon. Andrew  __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty
124Wilson, Stanley B.  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
125Wilson, William A.x  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
126Woods, Homer B.  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
127Wright, John E.  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Crook The Registry
128Zane, Ebenezer  __/__/____/__/__Linda Cunningham Fluharty

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