(229) John Warwick allowed 50 acres for services as
soldier in Boquet's expedition is 1764. Samuel Erwin, of Capt.
Hog's Company, 1757, allowed 50 acres. Robert Stuart, of Capt.
Dickenson's Company, 1758, allowed 50 acres. John Blair, of Capt.
Hog's Company, 1758, allowed 50 acres.
(230) Road ordered (bridle way) from James Bratton's
to Little River Meeting House, over the Calf Pasture Mountain, to
be worked by tithables from Widow Grimes, living on Big River of
Calf Pasture, to John Wilson's; then from John Meeks's, on the
Little River, to Jones Henderson's; thence to the Rockbridge
(230) John Wilson qualified deputy surveyor.
(230) George Bratton appointed road surveyor from
Robert Wiley's to Jonathan Humphrey's, with tithables from James
Kilpatrick's to John Alfall's. Wm. Anderson, vice John Findley,
appointed road surveyor.
(231) John Kinkead appointed road surveyor from Wm.
Black's to Joseph Givin's.
(231) Thomas Hughart appointed Colonel of Second
Battalion, and John McCleery, Lieutenant Colonel.
(232) George Jameson appointed road surveyor from
County Line to William Murphy's plantation, and Thomas Nelson
from William Murphy's to James Mitchell's.
(234) Moore Fauntleroy, vice James Gay, appointed
road surveyor-- tithables from Tully Davit's to William Wateers.
(235) Robert Christian recommended Second Lieutenant
in Capt. Francis Long's Company, and Joseph Bell as Ensign in the
same Company.
(235) William Fleming qualified Constable.
(236) Henry and Andrew Honeyman--witnesses.
(241) Margaret Blair, wife of James Blair,
relinquished dower in 330 acres sold to Mathias Link.
(141) Joseph Bell recommended Captain, vice Capt.
David Bell, decd.; Andrew Anderson as Lieutenant; James Poage as
(242) Thomas Dryden's death abates suit.
(244) Jennet Duncan vs. John Wilson.--Abates by
plaintiff's marriage.
(244) William Kyle's death abates suit. William
Coil's death abates suit.
(259) John Flesher's death abates suit.
(263) Called Court on James Denniston for stealing
from Charles Hunt $400 Continental Currency--39 lashes.
(264) Peter Wilson (lately discharged from the
Continental Army) allowed 50 acres for services as soldier in
Capt. Stephen's Company, 1761.
Page 215
(264) Ann Ord, soldier's wife, allowed 5 bushels of
corn, valued at £75.
(264) Tithables to be taken in Companies, as follows:
David Henderson, in Tate's, Long's and Thompson's; Alexr. St.
Clair, in Buchanan's, Smith's and Johnston's; James Trotter, in
McCutchon's, Cunningham's and James Bell's: James Trimble, in
Patterson's, Dickey's and Trimble's; Joseph Bell, in his own,
Rankin's and Givens's; Benj. Wilson, in Tyger's Valley; Thos.
Hughart, in Kinkead's; John McCreery, In McKay's, Hicklin's and
McCreery's; Samuel Vance, in his own.
(265a) John McCoy, James Woods,
George Puffenberry--to view road from Capt. McCoy's, in Bull
Pasture, to Michael Wilfong's, thence over the mountain to the
Gap of the North River.
(265a) James and Joseph Bell qualified Captains. John
McCreery qualified Lieutenant Colonel of Militia.
(265a) Commission for priv. examination of Elizabeth,
wife of Joseph Nickle, of Greenbrier County. Deed, Nickle to
Andrew Nickle.
(265b) Robert Givin to be summoned to show cause why
he detains James O'Neal, orphan of James O'Neal, contrary to law.
(265b) Andrew Anderson qualified Lieutenant. James
Poage qualified Ensign. John Dickey qualified Captain; Joseph
Waddle, Lieutenant, and Joseph Bell, Ensign.
(266) Herman Lovingood, vice Peter Angleman,
appointed road surveyor.
(266) David Wilson qualified Ensign.
(266) Alexander Maxwell qualified Deputy Sheriff.
(266) Mary Ann Wright, orphan of John Wright, to be
(266) William Findley qualified Captain.
(266) Hugh Nelson bound to peace on complaint of
Henry Peachman.
(267) Robert Christian qualified Lieutenant.
(267) Henry Miller is incapable of bringing up his
children in a Christianlike manner--son, Peter Miller, to be
(267) Ordinary rates.
(268) Called Court on Mary Woods for
being concerned in stealing scythes from Jacob
(268) George Bratton appointed Constable.
(269) John Elliot appointed guardian of Margaret and
Sarah Elliot, orphans of William Elliot.
(272) John Gullet--witness from Greenbrier.
(272) William Gullet--witness from Greenbrier.
(273) Admn. of estate of Susannah
Jenkins granted Rebecca and Elizabeth Bouch.
(280) Joseph Blair appointed road
surveyor from James Campbell's field to James Trotter's. John
Campbell, vice John Bigham, appointed road surveyor.
Page 216
(281) Thomas Reeves, returned no inhabitant.
(281) Robert Kirpatrick, returned no inhabitant.
(297) Mary Woods to be summoned to show cause why her
children should not be bound out.
(297) James Lessley's will proved by witnesses to
handwriting and comparison of papers by the Court, the witnesses
John and William Stuart being dead. Sarah, the widow, qualified
(299) Thomas Hughes appointed Surveyor of Streets of
(299) John Price, to whom William Hunter, orphan boy,
was bound, petitions that he is about to move out of this State,
and that William be bound to Francis Moore, to be taught leather
breeches making, which is ordered.
(300) Called Court for examination of John Woods,
charged with stealing two scythes from Jacob
Neighdebour.--Guilty--sent to Richmond.
(300) Called Court for examination of
Samuel Thomas, alias Chrisman McCann, for burglary.--Guilty and
sent to Richmond.
(301) John Waughub qualified Second
(301) James Lackey, Jr., and Christopher Troby
appointed Constables.
(301) Thomas Huggart qualified Colonel; Jacob
Westfall, Jr., as First Lieutenant, and Conrad Bogert as Ensign,
in Capt. Wilson's Company-- recommended.
(302) John Graham appointed guardian of Rebecca
Graham, daughter of Lanty Graham.
(302) At request of Col. Sampson Mathews, to
disqualify him from serving as Senator at the end of the next
session of Assembly, recommended Coroner.
(302) Admn. of estate of Jacob Sigerfoos granted to
Wm. Rusk--Christiana, the widow, having refused to administer.
(303) Sampson Mathews recommended
(303) Elijah McClenachan and James Trotter, Jr.,
appointed Commissioners of Specific Tax.
(303) Hugh Hicklin appointed road surveyor from the
County Line to the School House in the Indian Draft; Charles
Donnerly, thence to Leonard Bell's. James McChesney appointed
road surveyor from where Thomas Mines now lives. Samuel McCutchon
appointed road surveyor from Mines's to Rusk's Mill.
(304) Contract to fill up the gully
in the courtyard to be let to the highest bidder.
Page 217
(304) John Cartmill, as Captain, and Robert Thompson,
as Lieutenant, in the Company formerly commanded by Robert
(304) John Oliver recommended Captain, vice Samuel
Vance, who has resigned.
(304) John Poage, Robert Kenny, John Christian, Sr.,
William McPheeters and James Trimble are appointed overseers of
the poor.
(305) John Cartmill, as Captain; Robert Thompson, as
Lieutenant, and Jonathan Humphreys, as Lieutenant--qualified.
(305) Commission for priv. examination of Elizabeth,
wife of John Gillespy. Deed to Christopher Graham.
(306) Mary Price, wife of John Price, a soldier in
Continental Service, is allowed subsistence for herself.
(307) James O`Neal, orphan of James O'Neal, to be
bound to Robert Givin.
(307) Jacob Cole appointed Constable in Capt.
Cunningham's Company.
(308) Alexr. Crawford recommended and
qualified Ensign in Capt. Cartmill's Company.
(308) George Moffet qualified Sheriff.
(308) County levy.
(308) Joseph Long qualified Lieutenant.
(308) Joseph Mathews qualified Deputy Sheriff.
(310) County levy.
(318) James Langsby, returned no
(320) Alexr. Kilpatrick, jailor, allowed account for
keeping Tories and deserters.
(321) Called Court on John Wilfong
for the murder of Sebastian Hover, Jr., who was killed 27 April
last.--Guilty and sent to Richmond for trial.
(322) County levy: To William
Gillespy, for his wagon and team, one day, working on the public
(322) These to work on the road from Staunton to
Christian's Creek, with their tithables, viz: William Lewis,
Henry Moura, John Brooks, Peter Moura John Bird, James Graham,
Nicholas Sprigg, Robert Russell, Mr. Hunt, Andrew Scott, Jacob
Sciler, Peter Grass, John Graham, Christopher Graham, Joshua
Russell, James Coursey, Thomas Scott, Wm. Burk, Robert
McClenachan, Samuel Fraizer and James Hill.
(323) Ann Harrington, wife of Charles Harrington, a
soldier now in the Continental Army, allowed two barrels of corn,
valued at £70; 100 lbs. pork, valued at £120--for herself and
Page 218
(323) Amos Butt, Thomas Staunton and William Ross
exempted from payment of levies.
(323) County levy, 60/.
(324) William Buchanan qualified Ensign.
(324) Richard Madison, Clerk, being
absent on public service, Thomas Hughes to act as Clerk pro
(324) John Oliver qualified Captain.
(324) Admn. of estate of Thomas Nelson granted to
Elizabeth and Thomas Nelson.
(325) Michael Coulter qualified Lieutenant. George
Anderson qualified Ensign. George Barry, William McPheeters and
John Campbell qualified overseers of the poor.
(325) Admn. of estate of Hugh McEvoy,
a soldier killed in the service, granted Thomas Beard.
(325) John Wilson recommended Major of Second
(325) Dedimus to take deposition of William
Longsdale, who is about to remove to Pennsylvania.
(326) Robert Baggs produced a certificate signed by
the Clerk, and Wm. Fleming, Esq., Commissioner of Kentucky, of
having a primitive right, which, he swears, he delivered to Col.
Daniel Boon, of which he understands he was robbed.
(327) A motion continued because of absence of
witness, Sampson Mathews, who is in the service of his country.
(327) Sheriff ordered to collect 12 per cent on all
property in this County and pay to Samuel Hunter, who is
appointed to purchase a wagon and team, &c., for public
service, agreeable to Act of Assembly.
(327) Mary Price, soldier's wife, and child, to
receive £300 in lieu of two barrels corn and 100 lbs. pork.
(327) John Wilson qualified Major.
(327) Elijah McClenachan, Thomas Hughart and James
Trotter, returned duly elected Commissioners of the Tax. Thomas
and James qualify; Elijah urged his infirmities, and is excused,
and Joseph Bell is appointed in his room--and qualified.
(328) Ordered that Daniel Gillespy be
prosecuted for speaking disaffected words towards the State.
(328) Admn. of estate of Archd. Loughlin, decd.,
granted to Dr. John Jackson.
(328) John Archer's will proved--widow Rebecca
renounces its provisions and claims dower.
(329) Elizabeth Son, wife of Michael Son, a soldier
in the Continental Army, to be allowed £600 for her and her
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