(64) Admn. of estate of Wm. Magert granted to widow
(64) William Bush, vice Peter Hashman--Constable.
(65) John Henderson, vice William Gragg--Constable.
Jacob Woodley--Constable.
(67) Robert Lockridge, vice Archd. Armstrong--road
overseer from Painter's Gap to Joseph Wacheb's.
(67) Margaret Ann McClenachan, widow of John
McClenachan, petitions the Court to set aside the former order
appointing guardians of her infant son, John, then two months
old, alleges that the guardians are those to whom the reversion
would go--granted.
(68) Ordinary rates.
(70) Adjourned by writ to 3d Tuesday in May next at
Fort Dunmore.
(71) Called Court on Henry Mansening.
(72) Called Court on John Brown.
(72) Called Court on James Duffy.
(73) Adjourned from Fort Dunmore.
(74) John Cawley's will proved--Margaret, the widow,
refuses to accept the provisions.
(74) Administration of estate of John Collins granted
to Wm. Langsdale.
(74) Andrew Lockridge, security for Elizabeth, widow
of Robert Graham (now married to Samuel Guinn), prays counter
(75) Elizabeth Law's complaint versus her husband,
Robert Law is dismissed--no prosecution.
(75) Administration of estate of John Galespy granted
to Saml. Lyle.
(76) William Mateer, vice Adam Bratton-Constable.
(76) Samuel Hunter, vice Alexander
(76) John Kennerley, vice James Lessley--Constable.
(76) Thomas Galespy, orphan of Jacob Galespy, aged
14, to be bound to John Rissner.
(76) Alexr. Gibson petitions that William McFarland,
his son-in-law, has moved out of the Colony, and his children are
not properly provided for, viz: Isabella, Alexander, James, Mary,
Daniel, Eleanor and John.--They are to be bound to said
Alexander, their grandfather.
(76) Thomas Hughart qualified Justice.
(78) Andrew Lockridge appointed guardian of Sarah and
Jane Graham, orphans of Robert Graham.
(78) Elizabeth and Lanty Grimes, executors of John
Grymes, to be summoned to show cause why they have not rendered
an account.
(78) Tully Davitt, vice James Bodkin--Constable.
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(79) Called Court on William Gripping.
(81) Administration of estate of
Abigail Gartham granted to Francis Gartham.
(82) Mathew Robertson, vice Robert
(82) William Leescomb, runaway servant of Robert
(82) Mary Ann Estill relinquishes dower in tract of
land conveyed by her husband, Wallace Estill, to John Peoples.
(83) Administration of estate of John Watson granted
to Mary Allen.
(84) John McCoy, overseer of road from head of Bull
Pasture to Peoples's and from Samuel Wilson's (deceased) to
Bell's place, Cow Pasture.
(84) Bartholomew Archibold complains of his master,
Roger North.
(84) Thomas Allen, servant of John Peoples.
(84) Admn. of estate of John Poller granted to Robert
(85) Barbara Wilson, runaway servant of Andrew Scott.
(86) Adjourned to 3d Tuesday in next month at Fort
(86) Called Court on John Reed,
servant of Jacob Peck.
(87) Called Court on John Askins.
(88) Adjourned from Fort Dunmore.
(89) County levy continued.
(94) John Hanna added to tithables (2); John Mitchell
added to tithables (1).
(94) Dower to be laid off to Elizabeth, widow of
Francis Kirkley.
(94) Robert Dunlap, vice David Martin--Constable.
(95A) Mary Gragg, orphan, to be bound to Wm. Gragg.
(95B) Sampson Wilson, orphan of Saml.
Wilson, chose Thomas Hughart guardian.
(96) County levy continued.
(97) John Christian qualified Sheriff.
(97) Called Court on Bartholomy
Archibald--horse stealing.
Page 186
(98) Called Court on John Jones--horse stealing.
(99) Administration of estate of
Thomas Anderson granted to Samuel Anderson and William
Anderson--the father, Samuel Anderson, having refused. Isaac
Cannon, one of the appraisers.
(99) Admn. of estate of Henry Laughten granted to
Neel Hughes.
(99) Richard Madison qualified Deputy
(100) Deed, John Kennerly and Mary to ____, was
proved by Joseph Strother, who came with them from Carolina into
this Colony in order to prove the same.
(101) Nicholas Harpole and Adam Lock, securities for
Barbara Oldham, widow and administratrix of George Fultz, but now
wife of John Oldham, demand counter security.
(101) Administration of estate of George Cameron
granted to Charles Cameron.
(101) Administration of estate of Francis Miller
granted to John Miller.
(101) Administration of estate of Mark Banister--to
Benj. Harrison.
(102) Robert and Alexander McClenachan are appointed
guardians for John McClenachan and Robert McClenachan, orphans of
Robert McClenachan, deceased.
(102) William Parris exempted from County levy.
(103) Administration of William Church granted to
Joseph Hays.
(103) John Guffee, runaway servant of John Trotter.
(103) Administration of John Jameson granted to
Thomas James.
(103) Daniel Kidd--overseer of streets of Staunton.
(105) John Kerr, orphan, to be bound to John Henton.
(105) John McKenny exempted from levy.
(105) Alexander Sinclair qualified
(105) Roger North, vice Valentine
(108) John O'Dair to be summoned on complaint of
Randal McDaniel for detaining him without warrant.
(108) Abell Griffith, vice John Anderson--road
(108) Capt. Thomas Hewit--garnishee.
(109) Adjourned by writ to 3d Tuesday next month at
Fort Dunmore.
(109) Called Court on Sylvester Cofer--horse stealing.
Page 187
(110) First Court by authority of the Commonwealth.
(110) Samuel McDowell and Sampson Mathews
administered oaths to Archibald Alexander, who administered to
Samuel and Sampson and Michael Bower.
(110) John Christian qualified Sheriff. Richard
Madison qualified Deputy Clerk. Wm. Bowyer qualified Justice.
(110) John Madison qualified Clerk.
Gabriel Jones and Peter Hog qualified Attorneys. John and Wm.
Christian qualified Deputy Sheriffs.
(111) Thomas Hughart, Daniel Smith and John Poage
qualified Justices.
(112) Thomas Hughart is appointed guardian of Ruth
Wilson, daughter of Samuel Wilson.
(112) James Robertson's will partly proved.
(112) Alexr. Robertson, James Kerr and Robert Kenney
are appointed guardians of Sarah, Elizabeth, Rachel, Mary and
Agnes Lessley, orphans of James Lessley, Jr.
(112) William Wright's will partly proved.
(113) George Moffett, Elijah McClenachan, Felix
Gilbert and Alexr. ____, qualified Justices.
(113) Administration of estate of Mary Thompson
granted to William Thompson.
(113) Mathew Kinkead's will partly proved.
(113) Ad quod damnum awarded on petition of
John Loller to build a mill on his own land on Leeken Creek.
(114) John Gum to be summoned to show cause why he
has not paid freedom dues to Sarah Dowman, late Sarah Redman.
(114) Alexander McClenachan qualified Justice,
(114) Administration of estate of George Robinson
granted to Jane Robinson.
(115) David Stewart, on account of age, exempted from
(115) Christopher Warwick, servant of Joseph Bell,
punished for raising a riot in the Court Yard.
(118) Following recommendations: Zachariah Johnston,
Captain; Christopher Graham, Lieutenant.
(121) Called Court on William Brannon
for horse stealing.
(124) County levy.
(126) John Bratton, eldest son and heir to James
Bratton. John McCastle and John McRoberts--appraisers.
(127) John Risk's will partly proved.
(128) New Commission, viz: Silas Hart, John
Christian, Archibald Alexander, Felix. Gilbert, Samuel McDowell,
Sampson Mathews, Alexr.
Page 188
Robinson, John Hays, James
Craig, John Lewis, Charles Campbell,* John Dickinson, Daniel
Smith,* John Poage,* Abraham Smith, George Moffat,* Michael
Bowyer, John Gratton, Thos. Huggart,* Elijah McClenachan,
Alexander St. Clair,* John Kinkead, James Tate.* (Those marked
(*) qualified.)
(128) Alexander McClenachan and Wm. Bowyer
administered the oaths.
(129) Admn. of estate of Ernest Harmon granted to
George Huffman.
(129) Stophel and Ernest Harmon chose George Harmon
(129) Archibald Alexander qualified Sheriff.
(131) William Alexander qualified
Deputy Sheriff.
(131) Stephen Conrad, vice Frederick Haynes--road
(132) Elenore Askins complains of Walter Cunningham
for not using her child well.
(132) John Abney appointed Constable.
(133) Peter Angleman appointed road surveyor.
(133) Samuel Givins == Samuel Gibbens.
(134) Elijah McClenachan and Alexr. Robertson
qualified Justices, &c.
(134) Patrick Boyd complains of abuse by his master,
John Crawford.
(135) Witness: George Burley.
(135) William Black and others to view a road from
William Wilson's leading to the road that goes down to the Bull
(136) John Christian qualified
Justice, &c.
(136) John Abner allowed his account as Captain of
the Patrollers of Staunton.
(136) Alexander McClenachan qualified Justice,
(138) 137 missing.
(138) County levy. To John Abner, as above, and then
to the following (no doubt Abner's men), viz: John Parell, Henry
Hall, William Smith, John Griffin, John Crosswhite, Alexr.
McKensey, James Dunn, Thomas Bell, William Evans, Israel Crisby,
John Meredith, Robert Shall, Jacob Peck, Robert Gamble, John
McDonough, Francis Hall, James Brush, Owen Owens, James Thomas.
(139) Benjamin Forsythe qualified
Deputy Sheriff.
(139) Admn. of estate of David Hastings granted to
Richard Madison.
(139) Abraham Smith qualified Justice, &c.
(140) County levy: To Thomas Rhoads, jailor. Sheriff
forbidden to pay salary to Gabriel Jones, Deputy Attorney, until
he gives his reason for not attending this Court and declares
whether he intends to serve in that capacity or not.
(141) Called Court on Mary Wolfinger--felony--guilty
and asked corporal punishment; her husband appeared and said he
was the principal offender and asked that he receive the
punishment--20 lashes--which was adjudged, "we do desire
that the Sheriff put the same in immediate execution as we think
that the most guilty ought to suffer."
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