(1) New commission--Justices, viz: Silas Hart,
John Dickinson, Daniel Smith, John Poage,* Abraham Smith,* George
Moffett, Alexr. McClenachan,* Mathew Harrison, George Mathews,*
Alexr. Robertson,* John Hays, James Craig,* John Frogg,* William
Tees, James Lockhart, John Christian, Archibald Alexander,* Felix
Gilbert, Samuel McDowell, Sampson Mathews, William Bowyer,* John
McClenachan,* Michael Bowyer,* John Gratton, Thos. Hugart,*
Elijah McClenachan,* Josiah Davidson, John Skidmore.--Dated
November 6, 1772.
(Those with (*) qualified.)
(1) Michael Bowyer qualified coroner.
(2) Hemp certificates: Ludwick Shadow, Jacob Doran.
(3-4) Hemp cerificates: John Tedford, Alexr. Tedford,
(5) Hemp certifcates: Jeremiah Tedford, Adam Reed.
(5) Nicholas Butcher qualified admr. of father,
Valentine Butcher.
(6) Constable: John Lingle, vice Hieronimes Tack.
(6) Charles Rush qualifies admr. of Henry
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(6) Robert Davis qualifies admr. of brother, William
(6) Mary, widow of Michael Mallow, refuses to
administer, and Adam Mallow and Fredk. Keister appointed.
(7) Constable: Thomas Hill, vice Joseph Weer.
(7) Hemp certificate: Richard Renolds.
(8) Hemp certificates: James Weer, David Tedford,
Thos. Cooper.
(10) Thomas Blizard and Archibald Dickson qualified
(10) Highway surveyor: John Hall, vice Robert Wiley.
(11) John Wilson's estate committed to son, Mathew
(11) Highway surveyor: James Gay, vice Thomas
(11) John Ramsey bound to peace for beating Elizabeth
Fleming, wife of William Fleming. She has been laid up for 13
weeks and her life is still despaired of.
(13-14) Many hemp certificates.
(16) Felix Gilbert, George Moffett, John Gratton,
William Tees, qualified justices.
(17) Samuel Crawford, aged 14, orphan of Alexr.
Crawford, chose Saml. McPheeters guardian.
(19) Joseph Poindexter, road surveyor, vice John
(19) John Frazier vs. James Thompson } Attacht.
Judgt.-- Should Mary Thompson or her heirs ever appear in this
Colony to demand a legacy given to her by her father.
(20) Road surveyor: James Gallespie, vice John
(20) Cornelius Fitzjarel, runaway servant of William
(21) Samuel, Ruth, Sarah and Margaret Henderson,
orphans of Daniel Henderson to be bound.
(21) John Crawford qualified Constable.
(22) Silas Hart qualified justice.
(22) Rebecca Brownlee, late Rebecca Gardner, admx, of
Thos. Gardner.
(22) Hemp certificate: Peter Angely.
(23) Hemp certificate: Alexander Dale.
(25) Liquors rated.
(25) William McElhenny--witness from Botetourt.
(25) Henry Bowen--witness from Botetourt.
(31) Constable: Johnston Nelson, vice John Blake.
(32) William and Catherine Dillen to
be bound out.
(32) Hugh McGlauchlin having run away, his children,
Jane and William, to be bound out.
(32) Abraham Smith qualified Colonel of Militia.
(32) Zachariah Murphy, child of Mark Murphy, who is
unable to support him, to be bound out.
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(32) Jacob Miller (near George Weaver's), to be
summoned for not providing for his children.
(35) Witnesses: William, James and John Elliott,
Robert McKettrick.
(36) Thomas Smith agrees to set free Thomas Day on
condition of certain furniture be made by Day.
(39) Hemp certificate: William
Bell--South River.
(40) Samuel McDowell qualified justice.
(40) John Dickinson qualified justice.
(47) Ann Hix, servant of Doctor John Sharp Watkins.
(49) Valentine Cloninger qualified
(49) Walter Cunningham qualifies (with consent of the
widow, Sarah,) admr. of his father, John Cunningham.
(56) Samuel Kerr--no inhabitant.
(56) Mathias Keissinger--no inhabitant.
(70) Peter Alemback--no inhabitant.
(81) Highway surveyor: Seth Rodgers, vice William
(92) John Buchanon--no inhabitant.
(94) Thomas Mathews and Mary and Wm. Saulsbury
convicted of being disorderly persons and keeping a disorderly
house, entertaining servants, &c.
(95) John Skidmore qualified justice.
(95) Hemp certificate: Samuel Henry.
(96) Hemp certificate: Abraham Dick.
(96) Appraiser appointed for estate of Wm. Stalp
(97) Constable: John McCutcheon, vice Robert Clarke.
(97) Frederick Woolfat and John Stalp took the oaths,
which is to be certified (?).
(97) Appraiser appointed for estate of Adam Reader,
(97) Appraiser appointed for estate of Thomas Wilson,
(97) Constables: Alexr. Shack, vice Alexr.
Fitzpatrick; Norton Gumm, vice Isaac Lincoln.
(98) Road surveyors: James Magill; Frederick Keister
and Michael Welfong, vice Mark Swadley; Robert Campbell, vice
Arthur Connelly.
(98) Viewers to report on a road by Trimbles Mill,
from Staunton to Buffalo Gap.
(98) Appraisers appointed of estate of Rev. Thomas
(99) Appraisers appointed of estate of Rev. George
Caplinger. Inter alias Aaron Vanscoy.
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(99) Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Kelly, to be bound
to William Magill, son of James.
(99) Nathan Gilliland is about to remove out of
(99) Overseer of road: James Trimble (son of David),
vice James Bell.
(100) Henry Stalp, aged 14, orphan of Wm. Stalp,
decd., chose Archibald Huston his guardian.
(101) George McCown, heir at law of Francis McCown.
(102) John Gabriel Jones intends to
practice law, and gets certificate of good behavior.
(103) Robert Wardlaw appointed road surveyor, vice
William Berry.
(103) Constable: Peter Harmon, vice Peter Lingle.
(103) James Thompson's estate to be appraised.
(103) Priscilla Long informs Court that her husband,
Charles Long, has gone beyond seas, leaving her destitute.--There
is a small sum in hands of the Sheriff belonging to
Charles.--Ordered in hands of trustees for benefit of Priscilla
and her child.
(104) Road established from Staunton to Love's Ford
on Henderson's Creek--Walter Davis to be surveyor.
(104) Alexander Thompson qualified Lieutenant Colonel
of the County.
(104) Robert Thompson qualified Captain of Militia.
(106) Margaret Sollas petitions that her husband,
Nicholas Sollas, bound out their son, James Sollas, aged 13
years, to Henry Hall and ran away.-- James could be better
educated if bound to Adam Wall (a son of Margaret by another
husband) with whom Margaret now lives-- ordered.
(109) Sarah Campbell, aged 13, orphan of Robert
Campbell--Elijah McClenachan appointed guardian.
(116) Hemp certificates: John Mackey,
Martin Nalle, Moses Binnell.
(120) Road surveyor: Robert Russell, vice Alexander
(120) William Nalle and Francis Kirtley qualified
(120) Constable: Adam Bratton, vice Thomas Kinkead.
(120) Henry Mace, servant of David Laird.
(121) John Maxwell--a witness from Botetourt.
(121) Robert Jameson--a witness from Botetourt.
(121) William Kerr--a witness from Botetourt.
(122) Christian Cameron--a witness.
(122) John Wowman--witness from Botetourt.
(122) William McElhenny--witness from Botetourt.
(122) Jame Cameron--witness.
(123) This ought to be (24th).
(123) Elinor O'Neal--witness from Dunmore.
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(123) Dennis Cockrain--witness from from Dunmore.
(123) Mathew Harrison qualified justice, &c.
(124) John Dickinson qualified justice, &c.
(124) Thomas Hackett--witness from Botetourt.
(125) Casper Barrier (Barner)--witness.
(125) Jacob Barrier--witness.
(128) Hemp certificate: Nicholas
Sollas.--See page 106, supra.
(129) Sampson Mathews being summoned to show cause
why he does not qualify justice, says he and Michael Bowyer are
on bad terms because Sampson recommended that Michael be
dismissed as Sheriff--yet Michael seems to be very officious in
causes in which Sampson is interested, and he will not sit on a
Court of Justice with such a man. Sampson has removed to
(129) John Hays has removed out of the County.
(129) James Lockhart refused on account of age and
(130) John Clark--witness from Botetourt.
(138) James Kennerley, vice John
Henderson--road surveyor.
(143) Philip Price--witness from Dunmore.
(144) Edward Warner--witness.
(144) Appraisers appointed for estate
of Thomas Gragg.
(144) Barthnell Herring, vice Robert Shanklin,
(145) Nicholas Harpole qualified Ensign.
(145) John Gabriel Jones qualified attorney.
(148) Josiah Davidson qualified justice, &c.
(148) Appraisers of estate of Samuel Downey
(148) David Essex, runaway servant of Andrew Russell.
(148) William Mills, runaway servant of Andrew
(148) Andrew McClure, vice Thomas Frame, road
(149) Appraisers of estate of John Chrisman
(149) John Stevenson, vice David Martin--Constable.
(149) Robert McKittrick, vice William McCamey--road
(149) John Erskine bound over on complaint of wife,
(150) John Hays qualified justice, &c.
(150) Appraisers appointed for estate of Joseph
(150) Michael Hover naturalized.
(150) Cornelius Fitzwater--servant of Hugh Dever.
(151) Mathew Robertson, vice Samuel Lyle--Constable.
(151) Joseph Alexander, vice Archibald
(151) Aaron Oliver exempted from County levy.
(151) Walter Clark--runaway servant of William
(152) Henry Runnion recognized.
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(152) Mathew Lattimore agrees to give up his freedom
dues in consideration that his master acquit him of the remainder
of his time of servitude.
(152) John Kerr, orphan, formerly bound to Isaac
Morris, to be bound out.
(152) Gabriel Powell exempted from County levy.
(152) Following to be bound: Barbara Painter, to John
Painter; Mathias Painter, to Christian Painter; Margaret Painter.
to Nicholas Kern; Mary Painter, to Jacob Mayer.
(152-3) Many hemp certificates.
(153) Seriah Stratton--arbitrator.
(153) Road surveyor--Edward Rutledge.
(154) Thomas Fulton and Ephraim Love--road overseers.
(155) John Price--witness from Amherst.
(155) Adam Dean--witness from Albemarle.
(155) James Turk--witness from Albemarle.
(155) Richard Pilson--witness from Albemarle.
(155) John Murphy--runaway servant of Thomas Tate.
(155) Alexander Stuart qualified Captain of Militia.
(156) Alexander Koch qualified Constable.
(156) Thomas Hetsell--runaway servant to William
(157) Robert Dowling--runaway servant of Hugh Dever.
(157) Sarah Pritchard--servant of Thomas Smith.
(158) Anthony Johnston, vice William Stewart--road
(160) John Britt's estate to be appraised.
(160) Archibald Armstrong--road surveyor from Painter
Gap to Widow Elliott's.
(164) Robert Graves--runaway servant of
James Callison.
(164) Thomas Acton--runaway servant of Sampson
(164) John Gay, vice John Lewis--road surveyor from
Cow Pasture River to Liard Bell's.
(164) Constable on Walker's Creek--Michael Coulter.
(165) Thos. Brown and Wm. Crawford--road surveyors on
new road from Staunton to Buffalo Gap, via Trimble's Mill.
(167) Jacob Moore--witness from Albemarle.
(167) Benjamin Calvard--witness from Albemarle.
(173) James Huston--witness from Botetourt.
(174) William Craig (son of
(174) William Craig (son of James)--witness.
(177) John Lilley--witness from Dunmore.
(178) Witnesses: Margaret Bryan, Joseph Goore,
Margaret Benson, Joannah Sevior.
(178) John Peyton--witness from Prince William.
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