(372) John McKittrick recommended Captain, vice James
Trimble, resigned; John qualified, and William Anderson as
Lieutenant and Robert Anderson as Ensign; Robert qualified; John
Campbell qualified Captain, vice Joseph Patterson, and William
Allen qualified as Lieutenant and Arthur Connerley as Ensign.
(373) James Hamilton exempted from levy.
(373) On petition of the Company formerly commanded
by Francis Long, he is recommended to be reinstated.
(373) Jane, relict of Isaac White, refused to
(373) Wm. Steel qualified Deputy Clerk.
(374) George Moffet qualified Justice.
(375) County levy--2,000 tithables at 5/4.
(375) Thomas Tate and Andrew Anderson are appointed
Commissioners of the Specific Tax--1st Battalion. John McCreery,
same, in 2d Battalion.
(375) Admn. of estate of Wm. Fleming granted widow,
(376) Called Court on William Furr for stealing a fur
(377) John Vance's will partly proved.
(378) John McCown exempted from levy.
(379) Admn. of estate of Joseph Wright granted widow,
(379) Adam Stevenson appointed road overseer from
Miller's Iron Works to Skidmore's Camps, thence to top of North
(380) Road ordered from Bethel Meeting House to Peter
Hanger's mill.
(380) William Wilson, Archibald Scott, Benj. Erwin
and James Waddle, Presbyterian Ministers, are licenced to
celebrate matrimony.
(380) George Nicholas produced license and took
oath of attorney.
(381) Edward Parks's death abates suit.
(382) Joshua Perry recommended and qualified Ensign
in Capt. Francis Smith's Company.
(383) Robert Carlile's death abates suit.
(384) Thomas Lowrey, 8 years old, to be bound to
James Fleming.
(385) George Bratton qualified Lieutenant.
(385) Thomas Hughart allowed £30 for services as
land assessor, and John Kinkead £20 for same.
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C R--Vol. I--8
(385) Levi Moore, George Hole and John Deniston to
mark a road from Levi Moore's on Naps Creek to Back Creek, from
William Green's to Crab Bottom on head of South Branch of
(385) John Hind's and John Archer's deaths abate
(390) William McPheeters appointed land assessor,
vice John Poage.
(390) Lazarus Inman's death abates
(390) Peter Hog's death abates suit.
(391) William Burk's death abates suit.
(399) Deaths of James Wallace and Josiah Greenwood
abate suits.
(410) Reuben McClenachan returned, no inhabitant.
(411) Ordinary rates.
(412) Claims allowed and recorded in the Book of
(412) Ann Helena Attwaters
relinquished dower in a lot and house in Staunton and lot of
woodland in deed by her husband to Wm. Crawford, Moses Estey and
John Beech.
(412) William Tate qualified Justice.
(412) Joseph Long recommended and
qualified Captain, vice Francis Long.
(412) Martha, widow of John Vance, qualifies admx. c.
t. a.
(414) Charles Hamilton qualified Captain, vice David
Green. (414) Ulrick Fulwider is appointed guardian to Margaret
Fulwider, orphan of Jacob Fulwider, deceased.
(414) Tithables to be taken as follows in Companies:
William Tate, in Capt. Tate's Company; James Trotter, in
Cunningham's and McCutcheon's; Wm. McPheeters, in Capt. Bell's;
James Tremble, in McKittrick and Dickey's; Alexr. Robertson, in
Campbell's and Givens's; David Henderson, in Capt. Long's; Joseph
Bell, in Capt. Anderson's; John Poage, in Capt. Rankin's; James
Steel, in Baskin's and Finley's; Thomas Hughes, in Smith's;
George Poage, in Poage's and Hamilton's; John Kinkead, in Hole's
and Hicklin's: John McCreary, in Brown's and Bratton's; Elijah
McClenachan, in Buchanan's.
(415) Richard Graves exempted from levy.
(416) Elizabeth Gilham, wife of
William Gilham, relinquished dower in a house and lot in Staunton
purchased by Enos Atwater.
Page 226
(416) Isaac Campbell petitions that the County Court
of Lincoln would not grant him lands in that County because he
could not make proof that he was in public service of the country
when the Commissioners sat for the District of Kentucky--in
consequence of a certificate from the Court of said County of
Lincoln, it is certified that proper proof was made that the said
Campbell was in the aforesaid service when the said Commissioners
sat for the said District.
(419) Archibald Dixon is appointed
guardian to Thomas Story, orphan of Thomas Story, deceased.
(420) Deed from Robert Caldwell to
Robert Black ordered recorded, and Elizabeth, widow of Samuel
Caldwell, relinquished dower.
(421) Joseph Bell allowed £47 for services as land
(422) Arthur Connerly bound to peace
towards his wife.
(425) Catharine Kelly, orphan, to be
bound to Robert Burns, vice Dennis Callachan.
(425) Wm. McDowell vs. Alexr. St. Clair.--This
ejectment involves Lot No. 3, in Staunton.
(430) Tully Davit appointed road
surveyor, vice Moore Fauntleroy.
(431) Alexr. Kilpatrick, late jailor,
allowed account for keeping Tories.
(431) Called Court on Benjamin
Patterson, for stealing from William Howlam.--Sent to Richmond
for trial.
(434) William Sloven appointed and
qualified Ensign, vice Jonathan Humphreys.
(435) Hugh Oliver vs. James Link.--Dedimus to take
deposition of Archibald Blackburn, who lives in Nolechukey.
(435) Mary Rock, wife of John Rock, a Continental
soldier, allowed provision for herself and children.
(435) County levy.
Page 227
(435) William Blair, captain of patrollers, 4 nights
(26 June to 29 July, 1782), 40 lbs. tobacco; Francis Mora,
captain of patrollers, 4 nights, same; Anthony Mustoe, captain of
patrollers, 4 nights, same; Dennis Callaghan, captain of
patrollers, 3 nights, 30 lbs. tobacco: Valentine White, captain
of patrollers, 3 nights, 30 lbs. tobacco; Wm. Blair, Francis
Mora, Anthony Mustoe, captains of patrollers, 5 nights each, 50
lbs. tobacco; David Griener, captain of patrollers, 3 nights, 30
lbs. tobacco; Dennis Callaghen, captain of patrollers, 1 night,
10 lbs. tobacco; Dennis Callaghen, captain of patrollers (20
April to 24 May).
(437) John Gamble recommended in Capt. John Cambles
(438) Samuel Vance qualified Lieutenant Colonel of
(440) James Trotter recommended and
qualified Captain, vice John Cunningham.
(441) Abraham Smith's death abates suit.
(441) Jane Seawright's marriage abates suit.
(454) Thomas Hamilton's death abates
(464) John Berry's death abates suit.
(468) Ordinary rates.
(469) County levy: 2,283 tithables at
(470) Thomas Rhoades, jailor, allowed account for
keeping criminals and deserters.
(470) Isaac Price, orphan, to be
(471) Mathew Smith recommended Captain, vice Charles
Baskins, resigned.
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