(3) Thomas Stevenson, returned no inhabitant.
(4) John Burkin, special bail.
(6) Martha Gatlive, returned no inhabitant.
(7) Jacob Carsall, returned no inhabitant.
(7) Peachey R. Gillmore vs. Wm. Frazier.--Abates by
death of defend't.
(15) Frederick Shivel, returned no inhabitant.
(24) Philemon Askins, returned no inhabitant. Robert
Eastham, Jr., returned no inhabitant.
(27) William Givens vs. Wm. Fitzjerrald.--Abates by
death of defendant.
(40) George Pearis, returned no inhabitant.
(43) Daniel McCoy, an orphan, to be bound to John
McNeill, gent. Jane and Edward Thompson qualified admrs. of Thos.
Thompson. Felix Gilbert qualified admr. of John Lorrimer.
(49) John Melly, returned no inhabitant.
(50) Moses Crofford, returned no inhabitant. John
Low, returned no inhabitant.
(52) John Greedy, returned no inhabitant.
(65) John Little exempted from levy.
(54) Susanna Fitzpatrick to be bound to Thomas Poage.
(62) King vs. George Lewis, for driving his wagon on
Sabbath day.
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(65) John McNeill qualified Colonel of Militia.
(65) Thomas Fulton, declared bankrupt.
(66) Called Court on Priscilla Ladd, for larceny.
Prisoner craves corporal punishment and 39 lashes.
(67) Elizabeth Fulton, aged 16, orphan of John
Fulton, chose John Young guardian.
(67) Comn. for exn. of Mary, wife of Christopher
(67) Elizabeth Wallace qualifies administratrix of
husband, Samuel Wallace.
(68) Jacob Slover's estate--John Bowen,
(69) William and Hugh Young, orphans of Robert Young,
choose James Young their guardian, and James is appointed
guardian of Joseph Young, another of the orphans.
(69) Patrick Lacey, servant of John McClure.
(70) Valentine Coil receives certificate of
(70) George Gibson, one other, and 195 acres added to
tithables; 196 acres of Isabella Gibson added to tithables.
(70) Commission for examination of Mary Adams, wife
of William Adams in deed William to George Jameson.
(74) James Frazier qualifies administrator of father,
Wm. Frazier.
(80) Michael Bowyer bound over for insulting
Abraham Smith in execution of his office as Magistrate.
(80) James Baldwin, servant of John McNeill.
(84) Abraham Slover, orphan, to be bound to John
(85) Viewers of road from North Branch of James River
to Buffelow report in favor of turning it by one Abraham Brown's.
(91) Joseph Lindon--witness. Sarah Bigham, servant
of John McNeill. Sarah Cartwright, servant of John McNeill. Sarah
Walkley, servant of John McNeill.
(94) Felix Kenon exempted from County levy.
(94) George Mathews appd. guardian of Thomas Renix,
infant orphan of Robt. Renix.
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(99) Deeds from James McDowell and Frances, and
Commission for examination of Frances.
(118) John Sallord, returned no inhabitant.
(120) One large English-bodied wagon attached.
(139) Nathaniel Lyon, returned not found in
(143) James Johnston, Henry Harmon and Mathew
Lindsey, returned no inhabitants.
(155) Dabney Carr qualified Attorney.
(156) Wm. Black qualified administrator of father,
Alexr Black.
(157) John McCollom qualified administrator of Saml.
Hunter. The King vs. Saml. Hunter, continued, the prosecutor
being in his Majesty's service.
(158) Commission for examination of Mary Headley,
wife of Thomas Headley, in deed to George Poage--directed to
Cumberland Co. No. Co.
(159) County levy. John Raveling, wolfhead; Alrick
Hurtsman, wolfhead; Wm. Delwood, wolfhead.
(160) Damis, wife of John Mann, relinquishment of
(161) Jacob Peterson naturalized.
(161) Mary McBride chose Joseph Lapsley guardian.
(162) John Davis and Judith, his wife, admrs. of John
Scott--produced an account and recorded.
(162) Joseph Carpenter, guardian of Joseph, James and
Jacob Scott, orphans of John Scott, summoned to account.
(162) Wm. Bowyer added to tithables.
(162) Israel Robinson, Peter Bowman and Thomas Beard,
exempted from levy.
(163) Andrew Lewis, four tithables, and 1,420 acres
added to tithables.
(163) Patrick Lacey, servant of William Snodon,
complains that William does not provide him clothes nor employ
him as a servant, and William summoned.
(163) Indenture by Church Wardens binding John Cole
to James Campbell is assigned to Saml. McMurty.
(169) Thomas Bowyer, added to tithables. Michael Bowyer, servant Tom, and 226 acres, added to tithables. Wm. Henderson, one other, and 765 acres, added to tithables. James Henderson and 450 acres, added to tithables. Nathan Gilliland and 332 1/2 acres, added to tithables. John Buchanan, three others. and 489 acres, added to tithables. Wm. Crow, four others, added to tithables. Moses Williams, George Bigham. James Hugart, Francis Gardner, and John Askin, added to tithables.
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(171) Robert Reed vs. James Hamilton } David Graham,
garnishee, says defendant and he agreed to swap a horse for a
watch; that defendant left the watch with him to examine and
appointed a day in Staunton to consummate the agreement, but ran
away before the appointed day came.
(172) Richardson Watson, servant of John Caldwell.
(172) Edward Tarr's old shop, on the road from North
Branch of James.
(173) Ordered that the Church Wardens of Augusta
Parish bind Michael Eagin of the age of nine years in September
last, son of Patrick Eagin, to John Patrick--the father of the
said Michael having run away according to law.
(173) George Skillern took the usual oaths to his
Majesty's person and Government subscribed the abjuration oath
and test which is, on his motion, ordered to be certified.
(175) John Andrew--juror.
(202) John Rutherford, returned no inhabitant.
(203) Robert Neeley, returned no inhabitant.
(205) Michael Smith, special bail.
(209) Alexr. McAllister and Hugh Millikan, being some
time ago committed to the jail of this County on suspicion of
their favoring the design of the enemy Indians, but nothing
appearing against them, it is ordered that they be discharged.
(209) Cormick McCarkrey, discharged from custody.
(209) Alexr. West, Andrew Fowler, and Charles
Clendenning, exempted from levy.
(210) George Madison took usual oaths,
(210) Saml. Black and 120 acres, added to tithables.
James Henderson and 590 acres, added to tithables.
(212) Robert McClenachan qualified administrator of
James Simpson, formerly granted to George Wilson.
(213) Alexr. Sayers, gent., having insulted the Court
by appearing before it intoxicated and twice abusing the Court,
committed to Sheriff.
(213) Elijah McClenachan exempted from County
(213) David Graham bound over for insulting John
Christian in discharge of his office as magistrate.
(214) Alexr. Sayers, having made proper concessions
for abusing the Court yesterday, released from his recognizance.
(215) Martha Hassell complains of master, Andrew
Greer, and he is summoned.
(215) James Randal, returned not found in bailiwick.
(222) Wm. Fleming took the oaths and test--certified.
(222) Hugh Donaho and one other and 380 acres, added
to tithables.
(224) Patrick Ryley and Alice, his wife, late Alice
Page 117
(224) Alexr. Crawford vs. Mathew Harper.--Abates by
death of plaintiff.
(227) £84, Penna. money == £84, Va. money.
(230) County levy = 3 shillings.
(230) Called Court on Samuel Woodward and Mary,
his wife, for larceny--discharged.
(233) James Cunningham's will proved--Moses
Cunningham is the surviving executor.
(234) Esther Boyd, aged 15, orphan of Robert Boyd,
chose Archibald Huston her guardian.
(234) John Frazier exempted from County levy.
(234) France Gardner appointed guardian to Robert
Boyd, orphan of Robert Boyd.
(235) Peter Evans appointed road surveyor from Stone
House to Fort Lewis.
(235) Zachariah Smith's son John exempted from levy.
(236) Road from the Duck Ponds to Alexr. Blair's.
(236) Patrick Lacey vs. Wm. Snodon, complaint
(237) Michael Corn, a witness from Bedford--80 miles.
(237) Joseph King exempted from levy.
(238) Christopher Warren, servant of James Brinster.
(238) Charles Floyd vs. Henry Murray } Hugh Allen and
Wm. Hyde report as to work done by defendant for John Trimble,
Saml. Wallace, Hugh Young and John Brown, trustees for the
congregation, for erecting a Meeting House near Brown's.
(239) Attachments vs. Wm. Dean--all his property.
(243) Elizabeth Bell complains of her master, James
(247) Thos. Fulton acknowledged Power Atty. to
John Jeremiah and ordered to be certified.
(247) John Frazier and Wm. Nailer to be summoned for
not providing for their families.
(247) Elizabeth and Letitia Orum to be bound to Wm.
Hyde. John Dunn, a servant of David Laird's, bound over for
stabbing Hugh Donaho--39 lashes.
(248) John Craven appointed guardian of Roger and
John Dyer, orphans of Wm. Dyer.
(248) John Elliott exempted from County levy.
(248) Geo. Weaver has in his possession Elizabeth
Countzmann and does not provide for her--summoned.
Page 118
(249) Wm. Bowyer bound to peace towards Daniel Kidd.
Patrick Duffy, garnishee. Danl. Kidd bound to peace towards John
(251) Wm. Robinson, James Neeley and Wm. Bryans to
view a road from Vanse's by Inglis's Ferry to Peak (Poak) Creek.
Wm. Ward qualified deputy sheriff, to which James Trimble
dissented. Nicholas Harplore, Paul Shaver and Jacob Wees, to view
road on North Mill Creek from the Upper Tract to the County line
below Jacob Peterson.
(252) Examination Wm. Thompson for counterfeiting.
Bound to General Court in £1,000--Wm. Inglis, Daniel Goodwin,
Wm. Tutt et als., witnesses.
(253) Esther Boyd to be bound to John McGill. James
Dunlap to be bound to William Lockhart.
(254) Edward Sampson-a witness.
(257) George Wilson, gent., witness from
Hampshire--80 miles.
(258) Mary Bence, servant of Thos. Bowyer, given 20
lashes for beating Elizabeth Taylor.
(265) Philip Eskin returned not found in bailiwick.
(266) Archer Mathews, special bail.
(268) James Hutchison returned not found in
(280) David Wilson returned no inhabitant.
(281) Wm. McKnight having been arrested and made his
escape, suit is dismissed.
(283) James McGrawger vs. James Crawford.--Abates by
death of plaintiff.
(284) Robert Campbell returned no inhabitant.
(299) James Colquhoon--deiendant.
(306) Alexr. Wright vs. Andrew Johnston } At time of
serving out the writ, defendant was in his Majesty's service as a
(307) Sarah Cartright and James Burns, servant of
John MeClenachan, cured of venerial disease. (Many of same.).
(307) David Lang in debtor's prison.
(308) Commission for examination of Abigail, wife of
Alexr. Herron.
(311) Elizabeth Bell, servant of Thomas Fulton.
(312) Tithables of Staunton to work the roads leading
(318) George Shillenger vs. John McNeill,
gent.--Abates by death of defendant.
(319) Daniel McCoy, orphan, heretofore ordered to be
bound to John McNeill, gent., decd., be bound to Andrew Lewis.
Complaint of Martha Hassell vs. Master Andrew Greer is continued.
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