(156) Rob. Armstrong is appointed guardian of
Lydia, James and Jane Armstrong orphans of James Armstrong.
William Wilson, orphan of John Wilson, chose Roger Keys his
guardian. Church Wardens to bind out John and Christian Stiffey,
Walter, James and Francis Dunn. Children of Philip Hoofman to be
bound out. Commission for examination of Rachel, wife of Andrew
Kerr. John Stuart, orphan of James Stuart, to be bound out.
(157) Ordered that Michael O'Hara, aged 12, September
1lth last, be bound to Alexander Millroy. Jane Lettimore, servant
of Alexr. Stewart. John Stuart, orphan of James Stuart, aged 14,
chose Henry Murray his guardian. James Stuart, aged 18, orphan of
James Stuart, chose John Hamilton his guardian. Ralph Stuart,
aged 15, orphan of James Stuart, chose Robt. Stuart his guardian.
Ordered that the following orphans be bound: William Meek to
William Warwick, Mary Meek to Andrew Settleton, Martha Meek to
James Walker, James Meek to William Wilson, Jane Meek to Moses
(158) Commission for examination of Elizabeth,
wife of Wm. Lusk.
(159) Moore vs. Geo. Anderson } John Anderson, a
garnishee, declares he has one clock belonging to
(159) Orphans of Geo. Shillinger to be bound.
(161) Lawrence Huntsman, a garnishee.
(162) Solomon Turpin to view a road.
(163) James Bane's negro Coco adjudged 11
(164) John Lewis, gent., vs. Margaret Bell--abates by
death of plaintiff.
(164) Will of Hugh Thompson proved by one
witness--lies over for further proof.
(165) Eleanor Morgan, servant of John Bowen, arrived
in this Colony 3d June last.
(166) Philip Fagan, a witness.
(166) Thos. Lewis obtained certificate for 3,393 lbs.
(167) Joseph Maynard--a witness.
(168) Called Court on Andrew Little, charged with
stealing--guilty and 39 lashes.
(169) Francis Gernor, a juryman.
(170) Wm. Lapsley vs. Wm. Johnston--abates by death
of plaintiff.
(170) Francis Gardner, juryman--see page 169, supra.
(171) Minute says 1761, but must be 1762.
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(172) Suit abates by death of James Leister.
(172) David Frames vs. Joseph Hannah--Set for hearing
on bill and answer, and parties allowed to examine witnesses on
the trial.
(173) James Mitchell vs. James Lockhart and Sampson
Mathews--Agreed case submitted, viz: Joseph Love made power of
attorney to his wife Margaret, 22 Dec., 1752. Margaret executed
mortgage to plaintiff, 1753, of a slave. The debt was paid,
except £15, 10. Defendants seized the slave upon attachment, but
he made his escape. Plaintiff had seized the slave to satisfy the
£15, 10. Slave died in hands of James and Sampson.
(176) James Burnsides vs. James and John
Jackson--John Jordan security.
(181) Wm. Lapsley vs. Wm. Johnston--Abates by death
of defendant. See page 170.supra.
(183) Nicholas, etc. vs. Jacob and Adam
Pence--Catherine Pence, mother of defendant, Adam, appointed
guardian ad litem.
(187) Valentine Butcher--bail.
(188) Davis Colmer, removed out of the County.
(195) Wm. Hadden--a juryman.
(196) Wm. Robinson appointed guardian ad litem
for Elizabeth Robinson, orphan of John Robinson, at suit of David
(198) Wm. Carr, assignee, vs. John
Chambers--Defendant having made oath that he is not the person
(204) Thos. Fulton vs. Robt. Buckley--Sheriff has
attached 31 wigs, 6 razors, and beds, chairs, etc.
(204) Sampson Mathews declares that he saw Joseph
Love bite off the left ear of John Noland--certified.
(204) Called Court, examination of John Bocock,
for stealing £75, Committed for trial at General Court.
(205) Same of Ann Williams, for stealing £100.
Guilty and same. Same of Edward Kelly--same judgment.
(206) James Carmickle and Adam McCormick, for
(206) Thomas Brown, breaking the store house of
Alexr. Boyd. Acquitted.
(207) James Carmickle and Adam McCormick; for
stealing. Convicted and sent to General Court.
(207) Thomas Liddle, for stealing--acquitted.
(208) Charles Alsberry, for stealing--acquitted. John
Nugent, for stealing--acquitted.
Page 96
(208) John Hicklin appointed Constable, vice Adam
(210) Commission for examination of Hannah, wife of
John Miller.
(211) John Herd--appraiser.
(211) Following received certificates for
naturalization: Henry Stone, Sebastian Hover, Gabriel Kyle, Henry
Peninger, Woolrick Coonrod, Mack Swadley, John Dunkle, Michael
Mallow, Michael Props, George Hammer, Nicholas Havenor, Henry
Pickle, Ludwick Havener, Frederick Easter.
(213) Peter Tresler. (See Index to Judgments.)
(214) Robt. Breckinridge appointed guardian to Peter
Looney, an infant, to prosecute a suit in Chancery against his
grandfather, Robert Looney.
(214) Margaret Gragg, late Margaret Johnston, has
since married William Gragg.
(214) Saml. Scot, orphan of Saml. Scot--Wm. Pickens,
guardian. Commission for Jane, wife of James Thompson.
(215) John Duncan to be bound to John Moore to learn
trade of a joiner, and Moore qualifies guardian of Duncan, who is
orphan of James Duncan.
(215) David Sayers qualifies guardian of Joseph,
orphan of James Duncan. Janet Duncan, same as to James Duncan.
(215) Mary Folley (Tolley ?), servant of James
(215) John Hopkins and John Herdman, surveyors of
highway, from Ephraim Love's to James Wait's.
(216) Fenix Shalpman appointed Surveyor.
(217) Peter, Elizabeth, Hannah, Barbara, Catherine,
orphans of Jacob Rodcap, to be bound to Geo. Hollowback. Moses
Maiden to be bound.
(217) Commission for examination of Zurubiah, wife of
Gabriel Pickens.
(218) John Bush, a soldier under Capt. John Blagg,
arrested for debt.
(218) Neomi Hill vs. Rob. McGarry--Abates by marriage
of plaintiff.
(223) Robert Fletcher--witness.
(224) Samuel Ferguson--prays and is allowed to sue in
forma pauperis.
(224) Patrick Hara, Thos. Brannon, John Hays,
soldiers, march into Court with their hats on and insult the
Court. Committed to jail during pleasure.
(226) Isabella Lorrimer, a witness; John Lorrimer, a
witness; Robt. Belshire a witness; Robt. Duffell, a witness;
Isabella Johnson, a witness.
(226) George Anderson declared insolvent. James
(227) Thos. Cooper, servant of Robt. Campbell.
(228) Robert Moseley, witness from Prince William,
140 miles.
(229) Robert Young, aged 18, orphan of Robert Young,
chose James Young his guardian.
(229) Road to be viewed from Dove's to Capt. John
Page 97
(231) William Smith, servant of Robt. Graham.
(232) John Stewart vs. James Crawford }
Slander--judgment for plaintiff.
(233) Thomas Moore, Quaker, an arbitrator. £42, 3,
9, Penna. money == £33, 15.
(234) Road ordered from Graham's Clearing to Catawbo.
(234) Thos. Tosh appointed Constable, vice Uriah
(234) Road from Jones's Ford to John Scots.
(236) Joseph Ray produced the books of James Leister
and swore to the entries and charges which were made by himself.
(237) Isaac McDonald, returned no inhabitant.
(238) Daniel Smith, Mathew Patton and Michael Mallow,
surviving partners of Robt. Harrison, vs. Wm. Crow.
(241) Esther Brown vs. John Daily--Abates by death of
(245) John Robinson, Richard Tunstall and James
Mills, executors of Wm. Beverley, vs. William and Andrew
(249) On motion of John Dickinson, gent., it is
ordered to be certified that he a known and commonly reputed to
be the only son and heir of Adam Dickinson, late of this county,
(251) Simon Robinson petitions that he has been at
considerable expense in conveying from Roanoke three prisoners
committed by Israel Christian--allowed £l, 10.
(253) Liquors rated. James Young, a juror impanneled,
failed to answer when called; fined and suit continued. Alexr.
McClenachan, Thos. Crow, Joseph Bell, George Francisco, disturbed
the Court by playing at ball, and are fined.
(253) James Ewing qualified Captain of Militia.
(255) Neomi Hill vs. Jonathan Douglas--Abates by
marriage of plaintiff.
(270) Israel Christian petitions that he bought, in
1756, 6410 lbs. tobacco levied by the Country proportion in
Lunenburg for use of this County, and sold it to Horden Burley,
but it turned out there was only 3410 lbs. due and Burley lost
£30, 4, 2, which Sheriff is ordered to pay.
(270) James Underwood exempted from County levy.
(270) Alexr. Hay returned no inhabitant.
(281) Called Court on Elizabeth Smith for
stealing--39 lashes.
(282) Malcom Allen, with his son, Hugh, added to
Page 98
(282) Martha Givens, wife of Saml. Givens,
relinquished dower in 151 acres conveyed to Saml. Henderson.
(283) Indenture of apprenticeship from John Edwards
to Wm. Hide--recorded.
(284) Agnes Tosh qualifies admx. of Tasker Tosh, her
husband, decd.
(284) Wm. Edmondson notifies the Court that Mary
Drumer lately died at his house leaving a very small
estate--ordered to be sold and William's debt paid.
(285) Alexander Love, a garnishee.
(286) Margaret Craven filed account of her
administration of estate of her late husband, Wm. Dyer. Robert
Looney exempted from County levy.
(286) Andrew Smith's will proved by one witness and
ordered to lie for further proof. Henry Peninger qualified
(287) James Coursay, orphan of Brush Coursay, ordered
bound to George Francisco.
(288) Israel Christian vs. George Salling } George
Salling, garnishee.
(288) John Henderson complains of his father, George
Henderson, setting forth that he uses him ill--George summoned.
(289) Edward Warner, witness to will of Mathew Erwin.
William English exempted from County levy. Mary Gregory qualifies
admx. of her deceased husband, Naphthalum Gregory. Samuel Steel,
with two others, added to tithables. James Steel, John Steel,
John Findley, and John Findley, Jr. added to tithables.
(291) Commission for examination of Mary, wife of
William Johnston.
(291) Alexr. and John Collier, Saml. Lindsay, James
(292) Israel Christian complains that John Bowyer,
gent., interrupted and ill-used him in his efforts to suppress
gaming--bound over to Grand Jury.
(293) James and Joseph Scot, orphans of John, chose
David Scot their guardian. Philip Phagan, Saml. Tencher. Joseph
Kenaday abused the Court while sitting and is fined.
(294) Skidmore Mousey, a juror.
(295) Elizabeth Chittam, a witness from Frederick.
Will of John Lewis presented and witnesses ordered to be
(297) Margaret Farrell, servant of Andrew Greer,
complains of ill-usage by her master, but Court orders 25 lashes.
(298) Saml. Easlick, Daniel Mausume, jurors. John
Seviar, witness from Frederick. James Deniston, servant of John
Christian, gent.
(301) Mary Boughan, servant of George Wilson.
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