(1) New Commission.
(2) William Battersby qualifies Attorney.
(3) Ephraim Love to clear a road, his place to main
road that leads from the South Branch over Swift Run Pass.
(6) Richard Dun, servant of Saml. Henderson.
(7) Charles Conner, servant of Wm. Robinson.
(7) John Denton, qualified Lieut. Co. of Foot; John
Denton, Jr., qualified Ensign Co. of Foot; James Borsland,
qualified Lieut. Co. of Foot.
(8) Peter Hoult tried and acquitted of murdering Nicholas
Trout who was killed by accident in a scuffle.
Page 59
(9) Ludwick Francisco, qualified Captain; Edward
McDaniel, qualified Cornet; Jeremiah Sciler, qualified Captain of
Foot; Luke Collins, qualified Ensign of Foot.
(10) Walter Patterson receives a certificate of good
character in order to practise law.
(10) Lewis Morgan, servant of Michael Kaufman.
(11) James Bell to be sumoned to show cause why he
does not administer on his decd. brother's estate.
(15) Sarah, wife of John Stevenson, relinquished
dower in deed, John S.--to Archibald Husten.
(17) Saml. Cloyd added to tithables.
(22) Suit abates by John Rutledge's death {
Underwood, &c., vs. Galespy and Rutledge.
(26) John Neilly, no inhabitant.
(30) Robert Roy vs. George Neill and Momus Land}
Abates by death of plaintiff.
(38) Wm. Burk vs. Edward McGinniss } Deft. lives in
(60) James Huey removed out of this Colony.
(61) Pierce Costley removed out of this Colony.
(62) Mandamus from General Court to County Ct.
requiring it to dismiss the jury in case of James Patton vs.
James Cohoun--which is done and case continued.
(66) Benj. Barnett, infant of Richard Barnett,
decd., 16 yrs. old, chooses guardian.
(66) John Figare and Edward Figare, his son, bound to
(68) County levy--wolf heads.
(72) George Trout, brother of Nicholas Trout,
qualities on latter's estate--the widow refusing.
(73) John Paxton to be overseer of road from
Edmonston's Mill to Fork Meeting House, with these: James
Trimble, Michael Finney, John Berrisford, Wm. Holdman, John
Hardin, Hugh Means, Joseph Lapsley, Peter Wallace, Saml. McClure,
Abram Brown, John Moore, Robert Moore, Stephen Arnold, Saml.
Paxton, Jas. Edmondson.
Page 60
(75) John Mathews to be overseer of road from North
Fork of James River, near John Mathew's, to Renix's Road, with
these workers: Henry Brown, John Smiley, James Trimble, John
Berriford, James Edmondson, Wm. Edmondson, Michael Finney, Wm.
Holdman, Stephen Arnold, Hugh Means, John Harger, Wm. Scot,
Edward Bishop, Alexr. McCorkall, Pat. McCorkall, Henry Fuller,
Joseph Pain, Edwd. Baley, James Baley, John Peter Salling, Jas.
Simpson, James Wolson, Alexr. Beggs, John Mathews, Joshua
Mathews, John Maxwell, Jas. Frazier, John Hutcheson, Senr., John
Hutcheson, Jr., George Sailing, Richd. Beton, Wm. Boil, John
Sprowl, John Smith, Saml. McClure, John Smiley, John McCuley,
Richd. Mathews, Sampson Mathews, Daniel Sancion, Saml. Paxton,
Wm. Paxton, John Oleston, Samuel Oleston, Saml. Walker.
(76) Road ordered from Saml. Stalnaker's, on
Holston River, to James Davis's--Saml. Stalnaker to be overseer,
with these workers: James Davis and his sons, Frederick Corlock,
David, George and Conrad Corlock, Frederick Starn, Jacob and Adam
Stalnaker, Jacob and Henry Goldman, Isaiah Hamilton, Hamilton
Shoemaker, Timothy Coe, Humphry Baker and son, George Stalnaker,
Adam Andrews, Mathias Sarch, Michael Hook, Martin Counce, Jacob
(76) Road ordered--Wm. Bryan overseer--from Wm.
Carravan's plantation to Wm. Bryans on Roan Oak. These workers:
James Campbell, Joseph Love, Wm. Bryan, Jr., John Bryan, James
Bane, Henry Brown, Jr., James Neilly, Henry Brown, Sr., Alexr.
Ingram, Edward Patterson, Jacob Patton, John Wood, Erwin
Patterson, Andrew Cox, Jasper Terry, Wm. Terry, John Woods,
Edward Moore, Peter Craven, Aron Hart, Miles Hart, Wm. Graham,
Neal McNeal, Malcom Campbell, Wm. Armstrong, Tasker Tosh, Thomas
Tosh, Daniel Evans, Uriah Acres, Thos. Acres, John McAdoe, Wm.
(76) Road ordered--Wm. Carravan, overseer--from
Charles Millicons to Wm. Carravan's, with these workers: Wm.
Ralston and his sons, Charles Millicon, James, Joseph and Edward
McDonald, Joseph and David Robinson, James Galliad, Archd.
Graham, David Miller, Hugh Mills, Richard Kerr, Wm. Miller, Wm.
Graham, David and Joshua McCormick, Tobias Smith, Steven Rentfro.
(77) James Mitchell complains that his master,
Valentine Severe, abuses him--several of these complaints by
several of Valentine's servants.
(78) Overseers appointed for the Indian Road from the
North Fork to the Main Branch of the James River.
(105) Clerk ordered to send for a proper seal for
this County.
(106) Ordered that no money be paid to the persons
building the new Court House without consent of the Court.
(107) Momus Lawler, servant of John King.
Page 61
(109) Bridge to be built at the place called Brown's
(109) Mary, wife of Alexr. Gibson, released dower in
26 1/2 acres conveyed by Alexr. to James Reaburn.
(113) Susannah Patton qualified Admx. of her decd.
father, Jacob Patton. (For military qualifications see infra
under 15 May. These qualifications not indexed.)
(115) Isaac Schooley--appraisers appointed--also in
Frederick Co.
(115) John Porton, infant, servant of James Miles and
Thomas Hamilton, released from indenture.
(116) Richard Hadley and Wm. McDaniel, servants of
Ephraim Vance.
(116) Causeway ordered to be built over the Marsh
between the Co. Ho. and Tinkling Spring.
(117) John Buchanan, Weaver--special bail.
(118) Anthony Thompson, decd.--his goods to be
delivered into Court.
(123) Gibson vs. Wm. Scot } Following attached--5
pewter basins, 20 plates, 6 dishes, 1 looking glass, 1 silver
punch ladle, 6 porringers, 3 punch bowls, 4 blankets, 2 pillows.
(124) John and Agnes Mills, witnesses for Lunenburg.
(126) Liquors rated.
(126) Road ordered from Campbell's School House to
Renix's Road--Saml. Walker, overseer--with these workers: William
Bradshaw, John Maxwell, James Frazier, John McColley, John Peter
and George Salley, Henry Fuller, Joseph Ryan, John Hutchings,
John Hutchings, Jr., John Sprowl, Mathew Vance, Richard Benton,
Wm. Burt, John Smith, Joseph Smith, John Allison, Wm. Byers,
Richard Mathews, Sampson Mathews, Saml. Walker, Thos. Shaw,
Stephen Arnold, John Peteet, Wm. Noble, Saml. Allison.
(126) Road ordered from North River to Campbell's
School House. John Mathews, overseer, with Alexr. McCorkell,
Edmund Crump, John Harger.
(129) Elizabeth McDonald--death abates suit.
(129) On motion of Cap. Andrew Lewis, Wm. Pere,
Josias Baker, Terrence Sweney, John Shaw, John Smith, Joseph
Baxter, Bartholamy Burns, Geo. McSwine, who were listed for his
Majesty's service, took the oaths.
(130) George Bigham petitions for Admn. of estate of
Robert Foil, decd., as being nearest of kin--rejected.
(142) Wm. Leopard, overseer from Bingaman's Ferry
to Roan Oak, near Tobias Bright's, also from Widow Draper's to
Jacob Brown's.
(142) Road to James Miller's on Reed Creek.
(142) Road from Alexr. Sayer's Mill to James
Davison's, on Holdston's River, James Davis and James McCall,
Page 62
(142) Road from Jacob Brown's, on Roan Oak, to Isaac
Taylor's--John Robinson, Sr., overseer.
(147) Road from Frederick Hartsaw's Mill, on Craig's
Creek, up the Creek and across a mountain to James McAfee's.
Henry Holdston, Jr., surveyor.
(168) Joseph Bell--witness.
(181) Benj. Scot, security for Judith Scot, Admx.
of John Scot, decd., who has since married Joseph Carpenter,
prays counter security.
(186) Patrick Hair, convict servant of John
Anderson, convicted of stealing out of the courtyard, nigh the
house of Wm. Murray, sundry goods, property of Rev. Robert
(187) John Smith, servant of Archd. Carns.
This date is deferred--here
follow military qualifications including since 21 March.
(118) George Robinson--Captain of Foot; Wm.
Gray--Lieut. of Foot; Wm. Dyer--Lieut. of Foot.
Prior to March 21, in Vol. IV,
military qualifications are not noted in this book and must be
looked up--down to 15 May.
(193) Thomas Harrison qualified Lieutenant.
(194) Road ordered from Widow Sloans to end of
Carravan's new road, John McGown be overseer.
(194) Robert McMahon qualifies Admr. of his son,
Saml. McMahon.
(195) David Miller qualifies Admr. of his father's
(Wm. Miller) estate.
(197) James Murphy, child of Catharine Quin.
(198) Thomas Rutledge Admr. of John Rutledge, decd.,
Thomas and John were brothers.
(200) Alexr. McKenny, servant of Wm. Murray.
(205) John Clark entered last night Ro.
McClenachan's house and demanded satisfaction for a decision
rendered by Robert in a cause in Court--bound to peace.
(206) Many attachments vs. Wm. Murray, who was
contractor for the new Court House; also vs. John Harmon.
Page 63
(210) John Wilson's death abates suit.
(214) Scire facias ordered on recognizance of Joseph
Collet, charged by Henry Brown for robing him of his wife and
sundry goods.
(219) Anne Brown, wife of James Brown, came into
Court and called Justice William Wilson a "rogue, and that
on his coming off the Bench she would give it to him with the
Devil," bound to good behovior.
(227) Jacob Miller vs. Elizabeth Thomas } Elizabeth
is an infant.
(247) Daniel Drody--juryman.
(251) James Patton vs. James Calhoun } Submitted to
arbitration. Patton was under obligation to deliver 2 patents to
Calhoun, contracted when there was no fee to the Governor for
signing the patents. Before patents were delivered, law was
enacted giving Governor a fee. Patton charged this to Calhoun.
Award is that each pay fee for one patent.
(252) George Berry petitions that his father,
James Berry, be relieved from levy--granted.
(252) James Murphy, Sarah and Rebecca McGinas,
children of Catharine Quins to be bound out, Catharine being a
charge on the County.
(252) Esther Smith, a child of Nicholas Smith, to be
bound out, he being an idle person without visible means.
(253) Christian Wilson, wife of William Wilson,
informs the Court that her husband has left the Colony and left
three small children, two of whom she cannot support, viz: Danl.
and Elizabeth Wilson, who are ordered to be bound out.
(254) Isabella Moore, servant of Robert Poage.
(255) Saml. Pegg, servant of James Allen; Edwd. Hays,
servant of Wm. Robertson; Robert Gaw, servant of Ro. Renix.
(256) Owen Callihan, servant of John Wilson.
(259) John Atkins and Henry Cristwell committed for
fighting in the courtyard.
(262) Wm. Russell vs. Francisco, et als. }
Certiorari from Genl. Court. Co. Ct. replies that issue is made
up here and should be tried here unless there is a further order
from Gen. Ct.
(263) Nicholas Mills qualified Lieut. of Foot.
(268) Thomas Weems, John Malcome--witnesses.
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