(347) James Mays vs. Charles Whitaker } Deft. having
informed the Court that the plt. had employed both the attornies
practising at this court, has Gabriel Jones assigned him.
(360) Daniel Richardson, Joel Hornback, John
Cunningham, and Henry Carr--appraisers of George Sea.
(361) Samuel Givins, Robert Patrick, to view, and
Ro. Patrick, Wm. Hines, John Hawes, Joseph Bell, Wm. Bell, Wm.
Finla, Archd. Stewart, Richd. Pilson, Wm. Johnston, Ro. Wilson,
John Hind, Geo. Skilleron, Hugh Ross, Andr. Baskin, John Givins,
Saml. Henderson, John Ramsey, Alexr. Henderson, Saml. Henderson,
Nathl. Woodroof, David Logan and George Duglass, clear and keep
in repair, a road from James Givin's Mill to the road over Wood's
New Gap at foot of mountain.
(361) Mary Moffett, widow of John Moffett, has since
intermarried with John Trimble.
(361) James Simpson and Michael Stump, overseers,
with Jeremiah Osburn, Geo. Osburn, Mones Alkier, Heorndkis
Corlock, John, Jacob and Wm. Westfall, Michael Stumph, Henry
Harris, Henry Shipler, and Philip Moore--view and mark and keep
in repair, on petition of inhabitants of the South Branch, a road
from their wagon road up the So. Fork to Peter Reed's Mill.
(363) Neil Cassidy exempted from levy on account of
great age and poverty.
(363) William Patterson petitions that in his way
from the northward he camped in the woods in company of one
Thomas Homes, who in the night time picked his pocket of eleven
pieces of eight and one Caroline, for which he was apprehended
and taken before B. Borden, but escaped, leaving behind him a
mare and saddle, which are ordered to be advertised in the Va.
Gazette, and sold.
(363) William Scholl, qualified Captain; James
Simpson, qualified Captain; John Smith, qualified Major of Foot
and Coroner; Humphrey Madison qualified Under Sheriff.
(365) John Walker, on So. Branch of Potomack, is
exempted from levy on acct. of great age, infirmity and poverty.
(365) County Levy--116 wolf heads.
(365) Levied for finishing the new Co. Ho. 2317
tithables. (See this for list of names.)
(366) John McFarland, qualified Ensign; Joseph
Crocket, qualified Captain Co. of Foot; Ro. McFarland, qualified
(368) Valentine Sevier--leave to rebuild a mill.
(369) William Christian qualified Capn. Co. of Foot.
(369) Grand Jury Presentments: James Young, in Forks
of James--taking toll twice.
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(371) Motion of James Lockhart, Exr. Patrick Cook.
Jane, relict of Patrick, has since intermarried with Andrew
Steel, and is about to remove from the plantation and leave it
(372) John Moore qualified Capn. of Co. of Foot.
(376) Humphrey Baker's removal.
(377) John Fleming complains that James and Sarah,
his wife, Young, detain his son, John Fleming--ordered to be
given up.
(377) Certified that in a fight Saml. Newgally bit
off part of one of John Bingaman's ears.
(377) John Buchanan quald. Col. of Horse and Foot and
(378) John Patton quald. Capn. Co. of Foot.
(378) John Ramsey and Margaret, his wife, late
Margaret Crockett.
(379) James Cathey vs. Thomas Storey } Genl. Ct.
sets aside the non suit and cause certified to Genl. Court.
(379) Alexr. and Wm. Sayers, Charles Sinclar and
Humphrey Baker, to appraise Daniel Murphy's estate, on Reed
(384) John Cunningham paid for mending the benches
and bar of the Co. Ho.
(388) James Cohoun bound over towards James McCall.
(391) John Mathews qualified Justice.
(391) Patrick Martin qualified Capn. of a Troop of
(392) John Buchanan to build a mill on Forks of Reed
(403) Wm. Preston qualified Depy. Surveyor.
(404) In suit of James Patton vs. James Cohoun,
the jurors returned into Court unable to agree and asked to be
discharged, having been four days in retirement, but the
plaintiff's counsel objected, and they were ordered to consider
further and if they could not agree, then to return next Court.
(406) £9, Penna. Cury.==£7, 2, 6, Va. Cury.
(410) Maurice O'Frield, John Trimble, Wm. McFeeters,
Wm. Martain, James Young, Jacob Lockart, James Vance, Patrick
Martin, Wm. McClintock, Rob. Young, Thos. Piery, John Campbell,
James Peary, Robert Davis, James Philips, John Spear, John
McMurry, Alexr. McMurry, David Stuard, Hugh Young, John Jameson,
Rob. McClellon and John Brown--to work the road under Saml.
Wallace from top of North Mountain to this Co. Ho.
(411) James Lockhart qualified Capn. of Foot; Saml.
Stalnaker qualified Capn. of Foot.
Page 56
(411) Jonathan Douglas committed for trial for
(412) Catharine McGinnis, alias Quin--acquitted.
(412) Thomas Walker qualified Deputy Surveyor.
(414) John Buchanan, James Clark, Jacob Lockhart,
Thomas Kirkpatrick, John Berry, John Bartley, Wm. Martin, Josias
Richards, William McFeeters, John Jameson, James Young, Hugh
Young, Robert Young, William McClintock, Wm. Ledgerwood, John
Trimble, Maurice O'Frield, Samuel Wallace, Robert Davis, Robert
McClenon, James Moody, James Philips, Wm. Akry, Cornelius Donaho,
George Peary, Adam Thompson, Thomas Peary, John Campbell, James
Peary, Wm. McNab, Robert Scot, Thomas Reed, Abraham Masha, Thomas
Dunn, Francis Dunn, Major Scot, John Bigham, John Black, Samuel
Downing, Alexr. McFeeters, Andrew Cowan, James McCorkle, John
Vance, James Gilmore and Patrick Martin--to keep road formerly
laid off from James Young's Mill to said Buchanan's Mill.
(415) Joseph Long and James Young, overseers, with
Robert Young, Joseph Long, Samuel Gibson, Solomon Whitley, John
Collier, William Hall, Gilbert Crawford, George Gibson, John
Ruckman, Thomas Burton, Wm. Wadington, Wm. Brown, James Moore,
John Hanna, James Huston, Wm. Todd, James Bats, James Todd, James
Young, Patrick Young, John Carr and James Campbell--keep the road
from Joseph Long's Mill to James Young's Mill, thence to the
Great Road on James Thompson's Plantation.
(415) Elizabeth and James Carlile, widow and son of
James Carlile, Admrs. of James.
(416) Henry Knave, appraiser of Christian Strickly.
(416) Elizabeth and David Moore, widow and brother of
Saml. Moore, Admrs. of Saml.
(419) Conrad Harness, qualified Lieut. of Foot; John Wilton, qualified Capn. Troop of Horse.
(419) David Robinson, qualified Lieut. of Foot;
John Cunningham, qualified Lieut. of Foot; Henry Cartwright,
qualified Ensign of Foot; Joseph Langdon, qualified Captain of
Foot; James McKemy, qualified Ensign of Foot; Thomas Langdon,
qualified Lieut. of Foot; Cornelius Ruddle, qualified Capn. of
Horse and Foot.
(420) Robert Caldwell, qualified Lieut. of Foot;
Archd. Ruddle, qualified Ensign of Foot; Henry Long, qualified
Ensign of Foot; Wm. Bethell, qualified Lieut. of Foot; John
Denton, qualified Capn. of Foot; Paul Lung, qualified Lieut. of
Page 57
(420) Henry Lancisco, a German Protestant, having
produced a certificate from a Protestant clergyman of his having
taken the sacrament and made oath of his being an inhabitant of
this Colony upwards of twelve years, and having taken the usual
oaths to his Majesties' Person and Government, and made and
subscribed the test. Certificate of Naturalization.
(420) James Patton vs. James Cohoun } The jury
impannelled and unable to agree at last term being called and
John Smith, one of them, not being present, is fined. Defendant's
Att'y. moved the Court to dismiss the jury and impanel a new one,
but plaintiff, in person, objected, and Court was of opinion that
the cause be continued and the same jury try the issue.
(421) Benj. Scot, eldest brother of James Scot,
decd., qualified Admr.
(424) Michael Harness, son in law of Euric Westfall,
decd., Admr. of Euric.
(424) Benjamin Scot, eldest son of Alexr. Scot,
decd., Admr. of Alexr.
(426) John Robinson, qualified Capn. of Co. of Foot.
(427) John Black, greatest creditor of Michael
Riley, qualified Admr.
(428) John Walker, qualified Capn. of Co. of Foot;
John Hamilton, qualified Cornet; John Dickenson, qualified
Captain of Horse.
(432) Wm. Bethel vs. Torrance Carryl } Attachment.
Defendant cropped with James McNeal and Zachary McCoy. MARCH 16,
(437) Barnaby Agan, qualified Ensign of Foot; Saml.
Odell, qualified Capn. of Foot.
(439) Sheriff to sell estate of James Gwin, who
lately died in the house of James Miles.
(441) Anne Rothgap, relict of John Jacob Rothgap, now
the wife of George Hollyback.
(444) Lucretia Griffith, Admx. of her husband, but
now married to James Burk.
(448) Robert Armstrong, qualified Capn. of Foot;
James Armstrong, qualified Lieut. of Foot.
(449) Thomas Armstrong, qualified Ensign of Foot.
(453) Duncan McFarland and his son, William.
(453) Ephraim Vance, qualified Capn. of Horse.
(454) John Pickens vs. James Price } Dedimus to Anson
Co. No. Co. to take deposition of Henry Jones.
(455) Robt. McClenachan claims a 21 yr. lease on lots
1 and 2 in Staunton on which the Co. Ho. stands, and a new Co.
Ho. is about to be built on same lots. Court is of opinion that
the order of Court and McClenachan's lease
Page 58
in pursuance thereof were contrary to law, but the Court could not crush it. Comrs. appointed to confer with a lawyer practising in Genl. Court and have lots reconveyed.
(457) Thomas Kilpatrick and son, Maurice Offriel,
et als., to keep road from Brown's Bridge to Glebe Land.
(458) Robert Davis, an Exr. of Robert Crockett, is
about to leave this Colony and begs to be released. John Ramsey,
who married Robert Crockett's widow summoned.
(477) £4, 10, Penna. Cury.== £3, 7, 6, Va. Money.
(490) Catharine Quin, having come from amongst the
small-pox, so that it is feared she may spread the
infection--ordered, that the Sheriff convey out of town, and that
in case she presume to return she be imprisoned the sitting of
this Court.
(498) Petition of Robert McCoy, an Exr. of his
father, Robert.
(498) Relict of Abraham Job has married Thomas Bragg
and required to give counter security.
(498) Ephraim Leith and Barbara Job, Admrs. of Caleb
Job. Barbara Job has married Leith. Counter security.
(499) Patton vs. Colhoun } Jurors failing to
appear--to be summoned to next Court.
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