(311) Six pounds tobacco to be collected from every
person that has not delivered in his crows heads or squirrels
scalps, according to law.
(313) John Brown, security for James Knox, guardian
for Anne Genny Usher, prays counter security.
(320) George Willson arrested on hue and cry.
(358) New Commission.
(360) Church Wardens to bind out Jane O'Neal,
Margaret O'Neal, and George Wiley, orphans of John Wiley, decd.
(368) William Bishop, servant of Charles Campbell.
(365) Isaiah Harrison, admr. of Joseph Harrison,
removed to Carolina.
(365) William O'Briant, servant of John Harrison.
(366) Sarah Wilkins, wife of Samuel Wilkins
relinquished dower in deed Saml. W.--to Alexr. Herron.
(371) Road ordered from Ezekiel Calhoun's to Wood's
River thence to Top of Ridge between Wood's River and the South
Fork of Roanoke. John McFarland and Joseph Crockett to be
surveyors of former, and Wm. Crisp and Wm. Pellam, of latter
part, with tithables, and the following: Henry Batton, Mordecai
Early, John McFarland, Jacob Goldman, John Downing, John Goldman,
Charles Sinclair, Nathaniel Wilshire, Wm. Sayers, Jacob Goldman,
Wm. Hamilton, Humbertson Lyon, Frederick Carlock, Robert Norris,
James Miller, James Cave, Saml. Montgomerie, Steven Lyon, John
Conley, Andrew Linam, James Willbey, Saml. Stanlick, James Maies,
Robert McFarlin, James Harris, John Vance, John Stride, Robert
Miller, Alexr. Sayers, John Miller, Jacob Castle, Robert Alcorn,
John Forman, Wm. Miller.
(373) Road ordered from County line to John
States' mill.
(373) Joseph How directed to set up sign posts and
keep it up with these: John Elswick, Andrew Viney, John Dunbarr,
William McBride, Francis McBride, Robert Denton, James Thomas,
James Scot, James Hamilton, William Miller and Valentine Sevier.
(374) Robert Young petitions that Benj. Borden be not
allowed to acknowledge any lands to him without his
(377) Robert Harrison, son of Daniel Harrison, owned
230 acres on Dry Forks of Smith's Creek.
(379) Contract for jail to be relet.
Page 40
(384) Catherine Smith, orphan of Philip Smith, to be
bound to Thomas Engles; Elizabeth, ditto, to Adam Harmon.
(384) James Edmondson and Sarah, his wife, admx. of
George Hays, decd.
(393) Overseers of Roads, Rivers and Creeks continued
in office until May next.
(393) William Englis reports that County funds
collected by him had been consumed in his house by fire.
(393) Catherine Cole, servant of Thomas Scot.
(400) James Greenlee, being unable to read or write,
is released from being Constable.
(410) Montgomery vs. John Shite, the Helmn.
(414) Hugh Campbell added to tithables.
(415) James McNeal, Wm. Overall, Josiah Parent,
Ephraim Leath, Abraham Ciler, Benjamin Gugar, Steven Philips,
John Hawkins, Wm. Jackson, Thomas Dodson, John Little, Bernard
Agen, Henry Netherton, Richard Waters, George Leath, John Davis,
Robert Boyd, added to list of tithables.
(416) Wm. Hamilton, George Scot, Jacob Cooper, Wm.
Ralston, with two others, Wm. Dunlop, Robert Ralston, David
Ralston, added to list of tithables.
(416) Rose Ticton, relict of Richard Ticton.
(418) John Watling servant of Edward Hall.
(419) Hugh Lawson, Ludwick Bakon, David Stokes, Roger
Dyer, Wm. Dyer, Moses Campbell, John Patton, Wm. Stevenson, Saml.
Patton, Alexr. Crockett, Matthew Patton, added to list of
(420) David Evans, John Smith, Peter Horse, Henry
Horse, John Eby, Hans Eby, Michael Props, Mark Swattle, John
Brown, Postley Hover, Michael Stroud, John Walker, (above, to Wm.
Dyer, added on motion Alexr. Crockett), Henry Henry, Windell
Brown, Peter Creson, Alexr. Skoot, Saml. Skoot, John Skoot, James
Skoot, added to list of tithables.
(421) Benj. Skoot, John Knowles, Joel Hornback, John
West, Thomas Crawford, George Baffenbarger, John Christian
Carlock, David Craig, John Walker, Jr., George Say, George Say,
Jr., Simon Say, John Cunningham, Wm. Cunningham, Henry Landcisco,
John Colley, Burket Reager, Henry Carr, Daniel Richardson,
Nathaniel Clearey, added to list of tithables.
(422) Landred Hyard, Landred Hyard, Jr., Rudy Hard,
Martin Job, Jacob Job, Luke Collins, Jacob Peters, Jacob Peters,
Jr., Martin Peters, John Dunkill, George Dunkill, Peter Moore,
Jacob Siver, George Muse, Henry Faney, George Dove, Thomas Dove,
Jr., George Yockham, Henry Spear, Samue1 Henderson, added to list
of tithables.
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(423) Abraham Vanderpool, Mathew Uter, Abell
Westfall, Anthony Bogard, George Osburn, Jeremiah Osburn,
Jeremiah Osburn, Jr., John Osburn, James Simson, Jacob Westfall,
Leonard Neiff, John Westfall, Hermanus Skout, Anthony Reger,
Anthony Reger, Jr., Michael Rhyne, Peter Reed, George West,
Thomas Iax, Robert Graham, added to list of tithables.
(424) Robert Carscaden, added to list of tithables.
(424) Effee Brock, orphan of Rudy Brock.
(425) James McKay and John Wilkins added to
(425) Patrick Croskey, servant of David Stuart.
(426) John, James and Mary, orphans of John Campbell,
to be bound out.
(429) Eleanor Dryden, dau. of David Dryden.
(430) Jean Rutledge renounces her right to adminr. on
estate of her husband, James Rutledge, and Hugh Parker qualifies.
(431) James Patterson, added to list of tithables.
(432) William Sandford, servant of Robert Young.
(432) Mary, wife of John Maxwell, relinquished dower
in deed John M.--to Robt. Breckinridge.
(436) Wm. Edmondson, added to list of tithables.
(438) Robert Wiley, added to list of tithables.
(440) David Caldwell, Saml. Lusk, John O'Neal, Benj.
Haws, added to list of tithables.
(441) John Lawrence, William Acres, Thomas Acres,
Uriah Acres, added to list of tithables.
(443) George Hutcheson, John Hutcheson (son of
above), James Hutcheson, John King, added to list of tithables.
(456) Robert Carlile, John Carlile, added to
tithables on motion of Ro. Breckinridge; Benjamin Posey, added to
tithables on own motion; Wallace Estill, Loftus Pullin, Richard
Bodkin, added to list of tithables on motion of Ro. Breckinridge.
(457) Mathew Harper, Hans Harper, added to tithables
on motion of Ro. Breckinridge.
(464) John Sherman, Attorney.
(471) John Daniel, charged by Ro. Breckinridge with
speaking treasonable words, committed to next Court.
(483) Catherine Cole, servant of James Armstrong.
(483) Francis McBride summoned to give account of
estate of his deceased brother, Benjamin McBride.
(484) James McDonall, alias John Dolphin,
committed on charge of stealing from Rice Price of Lunenburg.
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(486) County levy--numerous wolf heads.
(488) Francis Hughes--one old wolf head.
(490) Saml. Davison, Saml. Lockhart, added to
tithables, own motion.
(493) Ute Perkins and his followers--property
supposed to belong to them to be delivered up to the offices.
(494) Robert Moore, late servant of Andrew McCord and
James Walker.
(495) Jacob Coger presented for driving hogs over the
Blue Ridge on Sabbath.
(501) Rev. John Todd, a dissenting minister, took
the oaths.
(501) James Calhoun qualified Captain of a Troop of
(502) Sarah Thorn petitions for permission to keep
her child, Hannah Bogard. (Had Sarah, wife of Anthony Bogard
married Thorn?)--allowed.
(516) Elisabeth, relict of Asabel Hodge, refuses
to admr.
(522) John Harrison's petition to be reimbursed
out of the estate of William Young, who was killed in attempting
to rob John Harrison, granted.
(531) David Evans summoned for not providing for his
children in a decent and Christianlike manner.
(531) Jennet Cowdon--same.
(539) Susannah, relict of Henry Carson, summoned
to qualify on the estate.
(547) John Patton, orphan of John Patton, decd., to
be bound by Church Wardens.
(556) Commissioners appointed to inspect the beer
sold at every Court, and if it appear that the same is not at
least one month old, well hop'd, then they presume not to ask
more than one penny a quart for it.
(565) Edward Davis, servant of John Gilmore of
Albemarle, died at the home of James Brown, near the Court House,
in the town of Staunton, leaving goods and money supposed to have
been stolen from Saml. Dunlop of Isle of Wight.
(569) James Frame presented for breaking the Sabbath
in unnecessarily travelling ten miles.
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(569) John O'Neal and his son, Thomas, presented for
(571) Road ordered from Caleb Job's to James McKay's,
crossing the river at a place called the Brush Bottom Ford, and
so along the river by Henry Spears' plantation, and that the said
Spears, with Mason Combs, John Sallers, Richard Sheitz, William
Hurst, William Overall, Thomas Hues, Zachariah McCoy, Torrance
Carroll, Wm. Dickenson, Steven Philips, Alexr. Gunnod (?), James
McNeal, John Hawkins, Benj. Grider, Ephraim Leath, Charles
Williamson, Josiah Parent, Wm. Parent, Thomas Parent, Edmond
Bollen, Adam Coningham, Francis Grubbs, keep it in repair.
(574) Road ordered from John Davis's mill to Wood's
New Cleared Gap, and John King, with Andrew Erwin, John McGill,
Wm. McGill, Robert Fowler, Hugh Campbell, John Erwin, Edward
Erwin, Robert Carscaden, Francis Erwin, Edward Erwin, Wm. Frame,
Benj. Erwin, Charles Campbell, Robert Campbell, Wm. Brown,
Michael Dickey, Robert Brown. Henry Smith, Hugh Diver, Charles
Diver, David McCummins, John Davis, Danl. Smith, James Anderson,
John Francis, Wm. Alexander, Robert Gamble, Andrew Combe, James
Patterson, Francis Brown, Gabriel Pickens, keep it in repair.
(577) Francis Hughes appointed road surveyor.
(578) William Riley, a servant of Richard Hall, under
16 years, petitions that his indenture is void, which is opinion
of the Court, whereupon William chooses Rev. Mr. Robert Rose his
guardian, who qualifies.
(579) George, Mary, Agnes, James Alexander, orphans
of William Alexander, to be bound out; Thomas, orphan of Wm.
Pritherock, ditto.
(580) George McSwine has recorded that his indenture
time expired about the middle of last March.
(580) Road ordered to be cleared and kept in repair
on the cowpasture by these inhabitants: Wallace Estill, Robert
Carlile, John Carlile, Loftus Pullen, Richd. Bodkin, Saml.
Ferguson, Mathew Harper, Thomas Wright, Michael Harper, Hance
Harper, John Miller, William Price, James Anglen, James Hall,
Philip Phegan, John Shaw, Herculus Wilson, William, and John
(580) Henry Netherton, servant of John Stevenson.
(580) Thomas Mann, orphan of John Mann, to be bound;
James and David, orphans of Wm. Graham, ditto.
(582) Road ordered from Huy's Fulling Mill to Timber
Ridge Meeting House.
(585) John David Wilpert petitions that he has
been at considerable expense in coming from the northward and
settling here, and had rented three lots in Staunton, through
which runs a good and convenient stream of water for building a
mill, prayed leave to build a grist and fulling mill on one of
said lots, there being no other mill on said stream of water,
rejected, because John Lewis states he is about to build a mill
which he had already begun within less than one mile.
(585) James Mays publishes his intention of leaving
the Colony for Carolina with several horses, and Court certifies
that he is a freeholder and has behaved himself honestly.
Page 44
(586) Joseph Love, clothier, has leave to build a
fulling mill on Roan Oak.
(594) Sheriff complains that Anne (wife of James
Brown) had abused him; summoned.
(596) William Beus, a juryman. This name appears
(597) Margaret, relict of Wm. McGill.
(597) On motion of Robert McClenachan, on behalf of
his servant, Alexr. Fullerton on, stating that Valentine Severe
detains several books, the property of Alexander, ordered that
Severe be summoned.
(599) Mary Elliott proved her importation direct from
Great Britain into this Colony.
(600) Francis McCown, guardian of James McCord,
summoned to answer complaint of Andrew McCord that Francis is
about to send James to Carolina.
(602) Shields vs. Wilson and Gilmore} Verdict
stayed because jurors, Walter Davis and Malcolm Campbell, the one
ran out of the Court House, the other jumped out of the Co. Ho.
window, separated themselves from their fellows and talked with
other persons.
(604) Love vs. Wright} P1. for want of evidence has
leave to withdraw a juror and cause continued.
(609) Daniel Harrison appointed next friend to his
son, Robert Harrison
(609) Daniel Harrison appointed next frient to his
son, Robert Harrison in order to bring suit vs. John O'Neal.
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