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Lenoir County, North Carolina
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Total Records: 163
NoDescriptionWarType Submitter
11861, Articles For Soldiers 1861 CivilwarOtherFrancis Hodges
2Aldridge, Bennett Franklin CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
3Aldridge, Jesse B., CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
4Aldridge, Joseph CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
5Aldridge, Richard H. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
6Articles For Soldiers 1861 CivilwarOtherFrancis Hodges
7Barrow, James F. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
8Barrow, James F. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
9Barrow, Jesse H. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
10Barrow, Jesse H. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
11Barrow, Joshua H. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
12Barrow, Simon P. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
13Bell, George CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
14Bell, James H. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
15Bell, Joshua H. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
16Bell, Joshua H. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
17Benton, James CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
18Benton, James CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
19Blizzard, John M. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
20Bolding, Spencer CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
21Bolding, Spencer CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
22Boon, Caleb CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
23Braxton, Isaac B. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
24Brown, Powell CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
25Bruton, Simon, Col. September 23, 1814 warof1812OtherCarolyn Shank
26Burket, John W. CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
27Burkett, John W. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
28Casey, William B. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
29Caswell, Dallam Petition 1804 RevwarOtherSusan B. Hoffman
30Children of the Confederacy Applications CivilwarOtherSloan S. Mason The Registry
31Collies, Etheldred CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
32Confederate Deserters Hanged, 1864 CivilwarOtherSam West
33Cox, James W. Papers warof1812OtherMartha M. Marble The Registry
34Croom, Captain Kinston Guards 1863 CivilwarEnlistmentWilliam Pate, Jr.
35Davis, Capt. David S. Rangers, 1862 CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
36Davis, James Capt. Et Al, July 10, 1846 mexicanOtherCarolyn Shank
37Dawson, Benjamin CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
38Dawson, Simon CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
39Dawson, Thomas CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
40Deaver, Patience for Wages Due 1861 CivilwarOtherChris Hill
41Edgley, John CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
42Evans, Thomas Company Deserters, 1782 RevwarOtherConnie Ardrey
43Evans, Thomas Company Return 1782 RevwarOtherConnie Ardrey
44Fields, Bartholomew CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
45Fields, Bennett C. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
46Fields, Jesse CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
47Fields, L. H. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
48Fields, Robert C. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
49Foss, Louis CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
50Foster, March - Resolution Branch 1862 CivilwarOtherGuy Potts The Registry
51Fuller, Samuel D. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
52Fuller, William W. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
53Grady, Chauncy Graham CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
54Grant, Henry CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
55Grant, Jesse CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
56Grey, Zachariah & Gatsy Harper warof1812PensionSloan S. Mason The Registry
57Guards, North Carolina CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
58Hanged, Confederate Deserters 1864 CivilwarOtherSam West
59Harper, John RevwarPensionOld Dobbs Gen Soc
60Harper, Sarah Pension 1845 RevwarPensionSloan S. Mason The Registry
61Hartsfield, John Pensio, 1832 RevwarPensionMartha M. Marble The Registry
62Hawkins, A.T. 1861 CivilwarEnlistmentDeborah Hawkins
63Herring Collection, Co. A. 40th Regiment CivilwarEnlistmentSloan S. Mason The Registry
64Herring, Benjamin Franklin CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
65Herring, Edward M. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
66Herring, John W. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
67Herring, Leonidas CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
68Herring, Thomas CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
69Hill Jr., Nathan B. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
70Hill Sr., Nathan B. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
71Hill, Alexander CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
72Hill, Hardy CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
73Hill, James L. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
74Hines, Charles C. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
75Hinson, Joe Henry CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
76Howard, William Death 1864 CivilwarOtherCarolyn Shank
77Israel Baxter Pension, 1833 RevwarPensionSloan S. Mason The Registry
78John W. Burket Record, 1903 CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
79Jump, John W. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
80Kennedy, John T. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
81Kennedy, Luther S. Pension 1901-02 CivilwarPensionDot Richardson
82Kennedy, Robert H. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
83Kinsey, John Appointment 1827 warof1812OtherSloan S. Mason The Registry
84Kinston Battle, Enemy Repulsed, 1865 CivilwarOtherConnie Ardrey
85Koonce, John E. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
86Lassiter, Stephen CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
87Lovitt, Hilary CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
88Militia, Memorial For 1813 warof1812OtherPaula Baker
89Moore, J. C. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
90Moore, John Declaration 1832 RevwarOtherSloan S. Mason The Registry
91Mosely, Alexander, Col. January 31, 1817 warof1812OtherCarolyn Shank
92Nelson, William B. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
93Nunn, Benjamin Franklin December 3, 1862 CivilwarOtherCarolyn Shank
94Nunn, Jesse Isler Sergeant October 30, 1862 CivilwarOtherCarolyn Shank
95Parrott, John A.     CivilwarOtherSloan MasonThe Registry
96Perdew, Joshua CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
97Perdew, William CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
98Perdue, Thomas CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
99Pipkin, Archelaus S. Letters 1861 CivilwarOtherGuy Potts The Registry
100Pope, Mrs. Olivia C. War Memories CivilwarOtherMartha M. Marble The Registry
101Potter, Alexander CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
102Potter, James CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
103Potter, John CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
104Potter, Jordan CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
105Rhodes, George Oath of Allegiance CivilwarOtherSloan S. Mason The Registry
106Rhodes, John H. Application 1914 CivilwarPensionSloan S. Mason The Registry
107Roll of Honor, 1861-1862 CivilwarOtherRussell King
108Rouse, John CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
109Rouse, Joshua L. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
110Rouse, Simon B. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
111Rouse, Thomas W. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
112Rouse, William H. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
113Russell, J. B. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
114Russell, Levi CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
115Sasser, James A. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
116Sasser, Rigdon CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
117Savage, David CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
118Seymore, James CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
119Seymore, John CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
120Sgt. Jesse Isler Nunn, 1862 CivilwarOtherCarolyn Shank
121Skinner, Nathaniel CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
122Spence, Oliver CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
123Spence, Stephen C. Payroll Records CivilwarOtherSloan S. Mason The Registry
124Suggs, John H. CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
125Suggs, Joshua F. CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
126Sutton, Alexander CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
127Sutton, Benjamin F. CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
128Sutton, Francis Marion CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
129Sutton, Henry CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
130Sutton, Jesse CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
131Sutton, John W. CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
132Sutton, Josiah CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
133Sutton, Lemuel H. CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
134Sutton, Richard CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
135Sutton, William I. CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
136Taylor, Edwin Pension warof1812PensionSloan S. Mason The Registry
137Thomas, Levi (Thorne/Thomas?) Letter 1863 CivilwarOtherSloan S. Mason The Registry
138Thorne, Levi (Thorne/Thomas?) Letter 1863 CivilwarOtherSloan S. Mason The Registry
139Tilghman, James CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
140Tripp, John CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
141Tull, Charles Pension 1833 RevwarPensionMartha M. Marble The Registry
142Veterans, Pensions from Free Press 1903 CivilwarPensionMary Simmons
143Warters, Asa T. CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
144Waters, Benjamin CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
145Waters, Bryant CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
146Waters, John B. CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
147Waters, Roderick CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
148Waters, Thomas CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
149Waters, William H. CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
150Waters, Willis CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
151West Point, Occupation Recollections 1864 CivilwarOtherMartha M. Marble The Registry
152Whitfield, Col. George F. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
153Whitfield, John W. CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
154Wiggins, Bryan CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
155William C. Hines Enlistment, 1861 CivilwarEnlistmentSloan S. Mason The Registry
156William M. Baker, 1864 CivilwarEnlistmentSloan S. Mason The Registry
157Williams, Thomas CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
158Wines, James CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
159Woolerson, Richard CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
160Wooten, Benjamin CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl
161Wooten, Edward G. CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
162Wooten, John Pugh CivilwarEnlistmentGuy Potts The Registry
163Wooten, Shade CivilwarEnlistmentJo Huettl

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