North Carolina USGenWeb Archives

Jones County, North Carolina
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Total Records: 28
1Andrews, Eliza Quinn  __/__/__03/9/1884Steven Hill
2Askew, John  __/__/____/__/1848Julia Newman
3Bridges, Young  __/__/____/__/1850Connie Ardrey
4Brown, Mary  __/__/____/__/1819Connie Ardrey
5Bryan, James H. C.  __/__/____/__/1878Sam West
6Cox, Polly Branity (Mrs. John B.) __/__/__07/9/1811Carolyn Shank
7Fields, Mrs. Edward  __/__/____/__/1873Guy Potts The Registry
8Furnand, Mr.  __/__/__11/5/1836Carolyn Shank
9Giles, Susan  __/__/____/__/1841Connie Ardrey
10Green, James  __/__/____/__/1823Connie Ardrey
11Harget, Frederick  __/__/____/__/1810Connie Ardrey
12Harris, A.  __/__/__12/3/1819Carolyn Shank
13Harrison, Abner  __/__/____/__/1819Connie Ardrey
14Hatch, Anthony & Susannah  __/__/____/__/1810Connie Ardrey
15Hatch, Anthony  __/__/__10/1/1810Carolyn Shank
16Hatch, Mrs. Anthony  __/__/__09/25/1810Carolyn Shank
17Hatch, Lemuel  __/__/__11/9/1807Carolyn Shank
18Hines, Jesse D.  __/__/__06/24/1860Carolyn Shank
19Houston, Elizabeth  __/__/____/__/1829Connie Ardrey
20Mallard, William Hardy  __/__/__11/3/1891Steven Hill
21Mallard, William Hardy II __/__/__07/1/1886Steven Hill
22Potts, Lucius  __/__/____/__/1856Guy Potts The Registry
23Sanderson, Joseph  __/__/____/__/1810Connie Ardrey
24Simmons, Benjamin  __/__/____/__/1812Connie Ardrey
25Smith, J. B. W.  __/__/____/__/1817Carolyn Shank
26Strong, John  __/__/____/__/1822Connie Ardrey
27Woodall, Jacob Sr.  __/__/____/__/1850Connie Ardrey
28Wyes, Rev. Selby H.  __/__/____/__/1821Connie Ardrey

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