Jones County, NC - Obituary of Lucius Potts, 1856


From the Kinston American Advocate
March 13, 1856

In Trenton, Jones County, on the morning of the 27th ultimo, after a 
brief but severe illness of a few hours, Mr. Lucius Potts, in the 24th 
year of his age.

Such was the amiable, urbane, kind and affectionate disposition of our 
friend, and so sudden his loss, that the entire community was deeply 
affected at the unexpected event. At an early age he was deprived of the 
fostering care of his maternal parent by her death, while the deceased 
was but a lad of tender years. And thus was he thrown upon the world an 
orphan with no means, no protector, to guide him or instruct him in the 
path of duty. Solely, by his own energetic, upright and faithful conduct, 
he won and retained the confidence and affection of innumerable friends, 
as well as that of his employer, who had been to him an unwavering friend, 
if not dearer that a brother. His remains were intered with Masonic honors, 
of which order he had been a member some years, and was followed to his 
last resting place by a large crowd of deeply sympathising friends.

"Deaths but the path that must be trod,
If souls would ever pass to God;
Haven of rest, beyond the skies,
'Tis there our hope and treasure lies."


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