Jones County NcArchives Obituaries.....Furnand,  -------, Mr. November 5, 1836
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Carolyn Shank December 21, 2007, 7:22 pm

Nov.18, 1836   Charlotte Journal
   FATAL STAGE ACCIDENT -- On Saturday morning, the 5th inst., the Stage going 
South was upset about 16 or 18 miles from this place, with several passengers 
in it, all of whom escaped without serious inury, except MR. FURAND, who we 
regret to learn was almost instantly killed. He was from Trenton, N. C. and 
was on his way to settle in Alabama, whiter his family were proceeding, a few 
days ahead of him. We are requested to state that his baggale and money are in 
the possession of MR. JOHN D. McMILLAN, 17 miles from this town, on the State 
road to Camden, who will give them up on proper application. -- Cheraw Gazette

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