(142) Commission to examine records.
(142) Posts of directions to be set up on roads.
(142) Road ordered from Co. Ho. to Timber Broge
(144) James Fowler vs. Saml. Givens.
Deft. pleaded--Plaintiff's own
Plt. replied--Defendant's own
(151) Ro. McMahon--garnishee.
(151) James Connerly, charged with felony in stealing
deer skins--acquitted; but convicted of killing 38 red deer
contrary to law and fined, and being a vagrant person, put under
recognizance. Joseph Lane and Baptist McNabb securities.
(151) Andrew Baxter, nearly eighty, to be levy free.
(151) Robert King to build a water mill.
(151) John Ruddle to build a water mill.
(151) Henry Guy to build a water mill.
(152) James Allison, to build a water mill.
(152) John Stevenson qualified Lieut. Foot.
(152) Adam Harman qualified Captain Foot.
(152) John Edwards qualified Under Sheriff.
(152) John McCown, Michael Finney, Thos. Williams,
appointed Constables in Forks of James--precincts to be laid off
by Richard Burton.
(153) Baptist McNabb qualified Ensign of Foot.
(153) Adam Dickerson to build a water grist mill.
(153) Wm. Aylett, John and Henry Guy to appraise
Crockett's estate.
(153) Abraham Drake chose Thomas Grubbs guardian.
(153) Administration of Abraham Drake's estate
committed to Thos. Grubbs, guardian of Abraham Drake, son of
Abraham Drake. John Davis, Alexr. Mathews, Daniel Stover and
George Leath, appraisers.
(153) Ro. McClenahan--Ordinary license in County.
(154) Catherine Cole, servant of David Stuart.
(154) Wm. Aylett, Thos. Symster, Wm. Ayler and John
Guy, appraisers.
(154) Ulrich Kyhner to build a mill at the narrow
passage, rejected.
(154) John Hodge, leave to build a mill.
(154) Catherine Quin, recognized on charge petty
(155) Lucus Morgan (servant of Wm. Miller) imported
from Ireland under 19 years and in this Colony above 6 months.
(158) Jurymen--Wm. Elliott, Joseph McClelhill, Andrew
(159) When Church Wardens are chosen they are to bind
out Wm. Anderson.
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(161) £14, 2 Penna. Money == £10, 11, 6 Cur. Money,
(162) Jurymen--Wm. Beus, Ro. Brown, James Price, John
(163) James Wright, dead over 30 days without will,
has very small estate and Sheriff ordered to sell it.
(163) Report on Clerk's Office--favorable.
(163) Christian Boyter--witness.
(164) Margret Sherrill--witness.
(164) John McClewrath--garnishee.
(167) John Hunter relinquished his right to qualify
on estate of his mother, Elizabeth Hunter, in Lunenburg Co., who
died lately intestate in said Co., to Wm. Hunter, his younger
(167) John Rutledge and James Bell produced deeds
from Thomas Galesby, but Henry Downs claimed that he was
Galesby's security for £50, and Court refused to record deeds.
(167) Robert Renix qualified Lieut. of Horse.
(167) John Ramsey qualified Constable in Cap.
Thompson's Co.
(168) James Montgomerie qualified Coroner.
(168) Road ordered from lower end of cow-pasture to
Carter's Mill, and Adam Dickenson, James Scot, Wm. Galespy, James
Simpson, Wm. Dowerty, Andrew Maldrough, Hugh Coffey, John
Donerly, Alexr. McKay, John Mitchell, John Moore, Ralph Laverty,
John Cockmill, James Huy, Wm. Hugh, James Stewart, James McKay
worked it.
(168) Road ordered from Caleb Jones's mill down to
County line, James McKay, Moses McKay, Henry Harding, John Hill,
Philip Crine, Thos. Land, Wm. Hursh, Thos. Burk, Wm. Harrel,
Thos. Grubbs, Wm. Hawkins, Zachery McKay, Joshua Job, James
McNeal, Adam Cunningham, Jacob Sterrell, Charles Coxe, Charles
Burk, Ephrm. Leech, Caleb Job.
(168) Road ordered from Top of the Ridge to John
Terrald's and James Beard's, with these tithables, John
Bomgardner, Jacob Harmon, Robert and Saml. Scot, John Stevenson,
Robert Hook, Wm. Burk, Mathew Thompson, Charles Duel, Nicholas
Noel, John Lawrence, Jacob Pence, Henry Dickens, Valentine Pence,
George Scot, John Viare, Jacob Harmon, Sr., Mathew Sharp, John
Harmon, Ro. Frazier, James Beard, Mathew Thompson, John Robton,
Stiffell Francisco, Wm. Lamb, Samuel Lockard, Ro. Smith.
(169) Daniel Kidney acquitted of stealing Indian
fodder from Henry Christwell.
(169) Saml. Wilkins to keep an ordinary.
(169) John Archer required to deliver up to Catherine
Quin her child, and James Carter and Ro. Davis, arbitrators.
(171) James Burk (greatest creditor) Admr.
Isaac Bean.
(172) Appraisers of John Jennet's estate.
(173) Wm. Burk complains that Torance McMullen has a
horse the property of the widow Fulsher of Orange.
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(173) Liquors rated.--Ordinary keepers required to
abide by these rates, and if any sell bad liquor, he is to
forfeit his license.
(173) John Bramham qualified Under-Sheriff.
(175) David Davis and John Smith to lay off a road
from the Co. Ho. to top Blue Ridge, near Rockfish Gap, and from
thence to Falls of James River and Fredericksburg.
(177) Sarah, wife of Robert Allen, a witness from
Frederick Co.
(179) John Newport, Assignee of Ogullion vs. Joseph
Wait } Three days work, six shillings.
(181) James Campbell and John McCown appd.
(181) Court for proof of Public Claims and
Receiving and Certifying Propositions and Grievances.
(181) A Proposition and Grievance from this County
concerning a place to fix the Court House on--it is ordered to be
certified that a copy of the order of Council and all Col.
Beverley's letters to this Court concerning the Co. Ho. and
letters from the Court to him be sent to Genl. Assembly, and that
Beverley never made any answer to the last letter sent him by
this Court. Court adjourned.
(191) Examination of Rebecca Buchanan for murder.
She was so sick, trial deferred until May Court.
(191) Mary Ann Campbell, Ruth Buchanan and Rebecca
Buchanan, the other criminals, be committed for trial till May
(191) Rebecca Hays, Isabella Taylor, Sarah Paxton,
Elizabeth Davis, Mary McClung, Agnes Gray, Esther Lyle, Agnis
McClure, Catherine McNabb, Jane Hall, Prudence Campbell,
Elizabeth McCroskie and Hannah Miller appeared and their husbands
recognized that they appear at May Court to testify against
Rebecca Buchanan, Jr., and Senr., Mary Ann Campbell and Ruth
Buchanan. John Carmichael also recognized.
(192) Trial of Rebecca Buchanan, Jr., on suspicion
of murder, and Rebecca Buchanan, Sr., Mary Ann Campbell, Ruth
Buchanan, alias Carmickell, on suspicion of being accessories.
All acquitted except Rebecca, Jr., who was committed for trial at
(193) Thos. Paxton, James McClung, Isaac Taylor,
Gilbert Campbell, Wm. Hall and Andrew McNabb recognized that
their wives, as above, appear as witnesses: William Lusk in
behalf of Agnis Grey; Saml. Davis in behalf of his mother,
Eleanor Davis; Moses McClure in behalf of his mother, Agness
McClure; Andrew Hays in behalf of his mother, Rebecca Hays; Silas
Hart in behalf of Esther Lyle. Acknowledged themselves as above.
Wm. Henry also acknowledged as above.
Page 27
(194) David Kinkead and Winifred, his wife,
(196) On petition of Abraham Drake, Sr., Admr. of
Abraham Drake, his decd. son granted him during minority of his
grandson, Abraham Drake, Admn. to Grubs is revoked.
(196) George Wythe qualified Attorney.
(196) Sarah Hays, widow of George, Adm'tes on
George's estate.
(196) Admn. of Joseph Watson granted to his widow,
(196) Admn of John Taylor granted to Peter Dyer,
greatest credr.
(196) John Davis a runaway servant.
(196) George Gabriel, horse thief.
(197) Andrew Muldrough, John Donerly, Alexr. McClary,
and Hugh Coffie, appraisers of John Watson.
(197) Martin Coffman, Peter Roughenough and Jacob
Burnet, appraisers of Abraham Drake.
(197) Thomas Williams and John McCowen qual.
(198) Michael Finey, qualified Lieut. Foot.
(198) Saml. Delap appd. Constable, vice Nath.
McClure; John Spear, Constable, vice Jno. Trimble; James Galespy,
Constable, vice Wm. Wright; Ro. Ramsey, Constable, vice Thos
Black; Alexr. McCroskie, Constable, vice Charles Hays; John
Erwin, Constable, vice James Hogshead; James Hogart and Wallace
Ashton, Constables, vice James Maies; Thos. Cohoon and David
Miller, Constables, on Roan Oke; Archd. Hamilton and David
Stevenson, Constables, vice Danl. Deniston; James Slone,
Constable, vice James Hony; Geo. Draper, Peter Rentfro and James
Cohoon, Constables, vice Humb. Lyon; John Ramsey, Constable, vice
Wm. Guy; James Beard and John Maggot, Constables, vice Adam
Miller; Andrew Scot, Constable, vice John Ramsey; John Campbell,
Constable, vice Ro. Givin; John Leath, Constable, vice Elisha
Job; Valentine Sevear, Constable, vice Wm. Carroll; John States,
Constable, vice James Robinson; Ro. Montgomerie and John
McClintin, Constables, vice Wm. Scot.
(199) Wm. Russell neglected his duty as attorney.
(199) Road ordered from Fork of the New Road, near
Jumping Run, or Colletts, to the Co. Ho., and John Dobikin, John
Smith, Jacob Dye, Thomas Moore and William Brown lay it off.
(199) Grand Jury Presentments: Col. Thomas Chew,
common swearer; John Bramham, sheriff, common swearer; John
O'Neal and Mary Corbit, alias Smith, adultery; James Kerr,
disturber of common peace by carrying lies and as a common lyer;
Valentine Sevear, swearing six oaths; Ro. Harper, being drunk and
swearing three prophane oaths; John Bramham, for prophanely
desiring God to damn George Robinson and his company; Robert
Young, breach of Sabbath; James Kerr, breach of Sabbath; James
Burk, common swearer.
(200) Daniel Curlew, breach of Sabbath; James Burk,
prophaner of God's name by common swearing.
(200) Road from Co. Ho., formerly laid off by Wm.
Thompson, be re-laid off by David Stuart and Andrew Russell.
(200) Robert Trimble exempted from levy for
Page 28
(200) John Allison have license to keep a ferry from
his landing to Herbert McClures.
(200) Road to be repaired from Alexr. Thomson's to
top of Ridge leading to Louisa, and Wm. Thomson, Jr., with the
tithables from the So. Mountain across by the Peaked Mountain to
North Mountain and from So. Mountain by Ro. Turk's across by John
Anderson's to North Mountain assist.
(202) Sheriff ordered to ask Orange Court to connect
a road with the road near Swift Run Gap to Top of the Ridge.
(202) John Edmondson, leave to build a mill.
(202) Samuel Black, a dissenting minister, took
all the oaths.
(204) John O'Neal died at house of John Preston and
his estate so inconsiderable--none will admr., and sheriff
ordered to sell.
(206) John Maycomb--a witness.
(213) Saml. Blythe to be summoned--petn. Mordecai
(214) Rob. Caldwell appd. Constable, vice Val.
(215) Thos. Cotner refused license to sell liquors.
Wm. Watkins and Alice, his wife, witnesses; Ruben Franklin,
witness; Adam Miller and Barbara his wife, witnesses.
(216) John Johnson acquitted of being a runaway
(216) Lewis Morgan, servant boy of Martin Coffman, to
learn blacksmithing.
(216) Administration upon John Young granted to James
Young (his brother.)
(217) Thos. Waterson appd. Constable, vice David
Stevenson; Wm. Carr appd. Constable, vice James Gillespy; Andrew
Fought, appd. Constable, vice Rob. Finley; John Spear, James
Beard, Archd. Hamilton, Andrew Scot, qualified Constables.
(220) Isaac White--Garnishee.
(221) John Westvall qualified Constable.
(221) James Coburn. Michael Harness, James Simpson,
Michael Shef, appraisers John Bogard's estate.
(221) James Porteus neglected his duty as attorney.
(221) £7, 11, 8, Penna. Money == £5, 11, 9, Cur.
(239) Robert Patterson and James Alien to view a
road from John Picken's Mill to Lower Meeting House, and Andrew
Lewis and Ro. Poage view a road from said mill to the Co. Ho.
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