[p. 666] deputy prothonotary of Lawrence County, has probably had more years of experience in the prothonotary's office than any other man in the State of Pennsylvania. He was born in 1866, at New Castle, Pa., and is a son of David I. Campbell, a native of Turtle Creek, Allegheny County, who served six years in the office of prothonotary.
Ralph M. Campbell was reared at New Castle and educated in her public schools. He made himself useful in clerical positions from boyhood, for a time being in the employ of the firm of G. M. Clark & Company, in the crockery line. In 1884 he became his father's deputy in the prothonotary's office and served through the latter's incumbency and served six more years in the same capacity under Capt. J. H. Gilliland and six under A. S. Love, when he was elected prothonotary himself. Mr. Campbell served six years or two terms, and since then has been deputy for the present prothonotary. He has ever taken a more or less interest in politics, being an ardent Republican. His father served in the Civil War, first as a musician in the noted Round Head Regiment, and later in the One Hundred and Ninety-third Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry.
In 1894 Mr. Campbell was married to Miss Eva M. Robinson, who is a daughter of the late Joseph Robinson. They are members of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of New Castle, of which he is secretary. He has been a member of the Sons of Veterans ever since its organization, and is quartermaster of Troop F, N.G.P. He has also been for many years a member of the B.P.O.E.
20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
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