[p. 666] harnessmaker and prominent real estate dealer of Enon Valley, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, has been a resident of that village almost continuously since 1870. He was born in Germany July 13, 1848, and is a son of Michael and Elizabeth Katherine (Kaufman) Inboden.
Michael Inboden, father of William, was born in Prussia, and in his younger days followed the trade of a shoemaker. He came to America with his family in 1882, and located on a farm in Little Beaver Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. He and his wife both died in Enon Valley at advanced ages. They were parents of the following children: Jacob, who lives at the old home in Germany; William; Katherine, deceased; Peter, deceased; Michael, a well-known merchant of Enon Valley; Margaret, and Mary.
William Inboden was reared and educated in his native land, and his boyhood days were spent in work upon the farm, and at learning the trade of a shoemaker, under his father's instruction. He was the first of the family to seek fortune in the New World, the year of 1870 marking his arrival in the United States. He came at once to Enon Valley and worked at his trade. He soon opened a shop, and some time later added a stock of shoes; he conducted the store very successfully for several years, then sold out to his brother, Michael, and turned his attention to farming. He followed that occupation a few years, then returned to Enon and opened up the harnessmaking establishment which he now so successfully conducts on Main Street. He has been very active in the local real estate market, and in addition to his farm in Beaver County, is the owner of several houses in Enon. He is rated one of the substantial men of the village, and has many friends and acquaintances throughout the surrounding country.
Mr. Inboden was joined in marriage with Miss Lena Fongberd, who was born in Pennsylvania, and they have the following children: William, who is proprietor of a barber shop in Enon Valley, married Margaret Barker, and has three children, Louise, and Frances and Florence, twins; Mary; Carrie; John; Charles, who is married and has a son, William; George Miriam, and Martha E. In religious attachment they are members of the Evangelical Church.
20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
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