[p. 665] one of Mahoning Township's representative citizens, residing on his valuable farm of 100 acres, was born in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, on his present farm, September 4, 1878. His parents were Ferdinand and Sarah R. (Showers) Book.
The Book family was a pioneer one in this section and its members have been identified with the development of Mahoning Township for many years. Ferdinand Book was a son of Jacob Book, and was a life-long resident of this township, where he died June 14, 1894. He was a man of fine character, intelligent, honest and public spirited. He favored prohibition, being temperate in all things himself, but cast his vote with the Republican party. He was a friend of the public schools and gave his time and attention to performing a good citizen's duties on the School Board. He married Sarah R. Showers and they had seven children, the three who survive being: Frank G., residing in Pulaski Township; Alva F. and Sarah I., the latter of whom is the wife of Charles Cowden, of Youngstown. Ferdinand Book was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Edenburg. His widow belongs also to that religious body and she is a very highly esteemed lady in her community.
Alva F. Book was reared in Mahoning Township and obtained his education in the township schools and at Poland Academy, at Poland, Ohio. He married Annie Isabella Wallace, who is a daughter of John and Nancy Wallace, of Union Township, Lawrence County, and they have three children: Ferdinand W., Nancy R. and John A. Mr. Book is an active member of the Edenburg Methodist Episcopal Church and has served as a member of its Board of Trustees.
20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
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