Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 536] a leading medical practitioner of the borough of New Wilmington, Lawrence Co., Pa., was born in Claysville, Pa., Sept. 21, 1845. He is a son of Anthony Mealy, who is now the oldest citizen of Claysville, his birth dating back to 1816. He is a shoemaker by trade, and toiled at the bench with awl and last until he retired from active work. He married Jane McCaskey, who was taken to the abode of the blessed in 1890, at the age of seventy. The teachings of the Presbyterian Church embodied their ideas of their duty to God, to their fellow-men, and to themselves, and well did they live up to the rigid standard of the church. Our subject's father is a Democrat in regard to his politics, and is very pronounced and decided in his opinions. For nineteen years previous to the Civil War, Mr. Mealy was postmaster of the office at Claysville, and gave unlimited satisfaction by his courteous, painstaking, and obliging manners. He gathered around him in the home the following five children: Margaret (Warrell); Julia A. (Short); Rev. J. M. Mealy; Dr. George N., our subject; and Rev. Anthony A. Mealy.
The subject of this brief biography received his primary education in the schools of his native town, mingling and associating with many a bright young comrade in boyhood's pleasures who is now occupying some post of distinction and of honor. This common school education was added to and supplemented with the instruction he received under private tutorship. Thus, well-equipped, he began the study of medicine with Dr. John Kelly and Dr. Vance of Claysville, Pa., giving attention to his medical books in the summer, and still attending school during the winter. To bring to a completion his studies in the healing art, he entered Jefferson Medical College, and graduated towards the head of his class in 1867. His first year as an accedited physician was spent in Middlebourne, W. Va.; he then removed to Sistersville, near by in the same county, and remained there in the enjoyment of a flattering practice until 1875, when he came to New Wilmington, Pa., where he is still engaged in active practice, being the oldest physician of that place. Because of his long residence in Wilmington township, he has a large and extended acquaintance over the township, and beyond its borders. His many years of experience have made him cool and practical in critical and important cases, and cause his skill as a physician of the old school to be thoroughly relied on.
Dr. Mealy was married Jan. 27, 1869, to Mary McAnall, daughter of Hugh McAnall, who was born near Wheeling, W. Va. Three children have resulted from this union, who are as follows: Dr. Harry M., who is practicing medicine in Palmyra, Ohio; Dr. John E., who ministers to the ills of a large circle of patrons in Girard, Ohio; Mary H., who lives at home with her parents. Like his father in many respects, Dr. Mealy still adheres to the Presbyterian faith, and in political struggles gives his hearty support to the Democratic party. He has fully developed in him the Christian virtues which are made still stronger with every passing year that sees him still practicing his profession, for medical experience has the effect of making a man sympathetic, true, and noble in every sense of the word.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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