Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 537] a highly respected citizen of Hickory township, where he is profitably following pursuits of an agricultural nature, was born in Neshannock township, Feb. 12, 1847, and is a son of John R. and Mary J. (Turner) Arrow, and grandson of George Arrow, who was born in England and lived there all of his life engaged at his occupation of a jobber. To our subject's grandparents were born the following children: Tobias; Thomas; Robert; George; William; James; John; Elizabeth; and a daughter, whose name is not given.
John R. Arrow was born in England near Lancaster, and came to the United States in 1844, settling in New Castle, this county, where he first engaged in the mining of coal in Neshannock township on what is now known as the People's Farm. Later in life he purchased a farm in Hickory township, the one now owned by his son, George W., the subject of this narration, where he spent the remainder of his life in agricultural pursuits, his death taking place Jan. 12, 1892, at the age of eighty-three years. His agricultural labors were crowned with success, and he left at his death two finely improved farms to his three sons. He was a man of unquestioned integrity, a good citizen, and has left an enviable record behind him for honesty and moral worth. He inclined toward the Democratic party in politics. His wife was a daughter of Gideon Turner of New York State; she bore him seven children: George W., our subject; Charles, who married Matilda Cox of Wilmington township, and has a family of four—William, Mary, George, and Sylvester; Thomas, deceased; Harriet, deceased; Robert, deceased; John, who married a Miss Louise Lockhart, and lives in the West; and Franklin, deceased. Those deceased all died in infancy. The parents were consistent members of the M. E. Church. The mother died Feb. 28, 1870, aged forty-four years.
George W. Arrow was educated in the common schools of Neshannock township and Hickory township, and after completing his schooling turned his attention to agricultural pursuits on the homestead, which was then still owned by his father, but was purchased by our subject after his parents' death. He has a very good farm, with buildings tastefully arranged and kept in the best repair, and on all sides may be seen evidences of thrift and prosperity on the part of the owner.
In 1872, he was joined in marriage bonds with Sarah Ann Michael of Washington township, daughter of William Michael, and to Mr. and Mrs. Arrow have been given three children, Wiliam[sic] J., deceased; Wilhelmina; and John, deceased. In their religious belief, they strongly favor the M. E. Church, of which they are members.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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