Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 89] a prominent light of the legal fraternity, and a resident of the city of New Castle, is a son of William Hill, and grandson of John Hill, who was born in Washington Co., Pa. John Hill was a cabinet-maker by trade and was engaged in fine furniture-making until middle life, when he bought a farm about one- half a mile south of New Bedford, Lawrence County, where he remained a number of years. From there he went to New Middlesex, Mercer County, and from there to Pulaski, Lawrence County, where he died aged forty-eight years. He married as his first wife a Miss Morris, who died leaving six children: John; Abe; William; Annie (Guthrie); Maria (Cameron); and Margaret (Slack). His second wife, Elizabeth Dennison, left him five more children: James; Mary (Elliott); Jane (Longworth); David; and Alexander. His third wife was a Miss Edwards.
Our subject's father, William Hill, was born near New Bedford, Lawrence Co., Pa., Jan. 16, 1821, and passed his boyhood days and early manhood in farming at Pulaski and at New Middlesex. He was married at the latter, place to Lavina J. Shoemaker, daughter of John and Nancy (Himilight) Shoemaker. Mr. Shoemaker, who was a native of Armstrong Co., Pa., was a lumberman and later kept a hotel in the Old Stone Hotel in Butler County, of which he was the host, when the exciting depredations in Western Pennsylvania were committed. He had a family of seven children, who were as follows: Lucinda (Welchance); Hannah (Bunnell); Simon, deceased; Lavina J. (Hill); Lizzie (Sanderson); John; and Nancy, deceased. Mr. Shoemaker died at the age of sixty, and his wife at the age of eighty-three. William Hill moved to New Castle in 1851, where he began the manufacture of pottery, which business continued to monopolize his attention for twenty-one years. In 1881, he became a traveling salesman for the Pittsburg Clay Manufacturing Co. of New Brighton, and is still in the employ of said concern. His wife has borne him three children, as follows: Mary E., deceased; John H.; and Frank S.
Frank S. Hill was born in the city of New Castle, Feb. 10, 1858, and received his schooling in the New Castle schools, in Power's Commercial College, and in New Castle University. He studied law with Col. McComb, and was admitted to the bar July 6, 1881, and has confined his practice to New Castle and its environs, his office being located at No. 29½ East Washington Street.
In 1885, our subject married Margaret Harbison, daughter of Andrew Harbison of Shenango township, and they have four children: Thomas E.; Mary H.; Frank S. Jr.; and Gertrude. In politics, Mr. Hill is sure to be found in the ranks of the Republican party, throwing his influence toward that party which he considers the best. He is a member of the Order of Royal Templars, Order of the Woodmen of the World, and Council No. 180, Junior Order.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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