Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 88] one of Lawrence County's promising young lawyers, and a resident of New Castle, was born near the city in 1870. His father, Nathaniel Norris, was born in 1832 in County Cork, Ireland, and came to America about the time he attained his majority, locating in New Castle. He was a tanner by trade, but did not follow his trade after coming to this country, but obtained employment in the mills of New Castle, where he worked twenty-five years in the capacity of a puddler. He is now retired from active work and owns and lives on a lot covering about one and one-half acres, which is situated within the present city limits. His wife, Elizabeth, daughter of James Boyd of Mercer County, was born in 1842. They reared the following seven children: Samuel H., born 1863; John B., 1867; James C., 1870; Minnie M., 1874; Cassius, 1876; Charles, 1877; and Frank, 1884.
Our subject was educated in the schools of New Castle and in Grove City College, and studied law with Dana & Long of New Castle, being admitted to the bar for the practice of the legal profession in the March term of court, 1895. He immediately opened an office at No. 6, East Street where he now conducts a general law practice. With his superabundant energy and undaunted perseverance, he is attracting to himself a large and lucrative business. He is making rapid progress in his profession, and we venture to predict that in the near future we shall hear of his merited success as one of the leading attorneys and counselors-at-law of his county; by his close application to the business of his profession, supplemented by his genial and hearty manners, he is surrounding himself with a host of admiring friends.
May 26, 1897, Mr. Norris was united in marriage with Miss Effie J. Norris, an accomplished young lady of Claflin, Kansas, who finished her education in Boston, Mass. Mrs. Norris' father, N. E. Norris, is a prominent agriculturist of Claflin, Kansas.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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