WS-FTP LE Tutorial
Edited and Prepared by Jeanette Shouse

USGENWEB Archives Specific File Upload Instructions

This instruction sheet is specifically for use in uploading archive files to the USGENWEB server at
Please read the
ENTIRE set of instructions before attempting to upload to the site.  For uploads to other hosts, use instructions found in Step3 : Upload and file operations.

1. Obtain the archives password from the State Archivist. Open WS-FTP and log on to the Rootsweb server.

2. A screen should appear showing the three main folders in the Archives site in the directory of the right hand side of the screen. The public_html folder is where the county coordinators store their pages; the archive_html folder is where the table of contents (TOC) pages for the archives are stored; the archive_ftp folder is where the
archived data files are stored.

3. Select the folder type to which you need to upload files and click on that folder.
A screen will appear showing all the counties with folders of that type in the Archives. Select your county from the list.


4. You should see a listing of the files in the county folder on the right side of the screen. Select the one to which you need to upload files.

5. The left-hand side of the ws_ftp screen shows the local directory, select the directory where the files to be transferred to the remote host are stored. The files should appear in the files listing. Upload your files as instructed in Step3 .

6. File transfer status shows in the panel at the bottom of the WS-FTP screen. While transfer is being completed, the Remote system screen will go blank and then re-appear showing the newly uploaded files.

7. If the file does not transfer, you will see an error message in the message box at the bottom of the WS-FTP screen. If your file does not load check the following :

-Be sure that the connection to the internet is still active.
-Close the WS-FTP Program and logon again, re-try transfer.
-The server you are uploading may be bogged down. Try again later.

     9. Minimize the WS-FTP screen and
Check The Appearance of the uploaded material on the Internet

- Open your browser

- Go to your site on the internet

-Be sure to refresh the page

Does the page appear as it should?

If so, congratulations!!

If not, troubleshoot, reload the page/graphic and check again. Repeat until the file/page appears as it should.

4. Close the WS-FTP Program

Instruction sheet graphics and instruction created and compiled by Jeanette Shouse

January 1999

  Step 1   Step 2    Step 3  Archives Instruction Page