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Wayne County, Ohio
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Total Records: 59
1Buchman, John  __/__/____/__/1878Pat Mcarthur The Registry
2Carson, Andrew Preston  __/__/__07/31/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
3Carson, James Madison  __/__/__03/29/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
4Chidester, Ephraim Sr.  __/__/__02/4/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
5Chidester, Samuel  __/__/__09/3/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
6Cosper, Daniel  __/__/__02/9/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
7Cramer, Peter  __/__/__11/8/1861Donald Buncie The Registry
8Crum, John  __/__/__06/22/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
9Dannemiller, Vincent De Paul  __/__/____/__/1918Joy Fisher
10Dunham, Henry  __/__/__09/2/1864Donald Buncie The Registry
11Dunlap, Jane  __/__/__01/27/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
12Edwards, Evelyn Arlene  __/__/__05/26/2004Crystal Amerski
13Eyman, Michael  __/__/__10/5/1906Kevin Eyman
14Fluhart, Annie May  __/__/__11/9/1861Donald Buncie The Registry
15Fluhart, Zaccheus Sr  __/__/__10/11/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
16Garver, Asenith  __/__/__03/21/1932Renee Bennett
17Garver, David  __/__/____/__/1907Renee Bennett
18Garver, Ethel Pope Hanford  __/__/____/__/1913Renee Bennett
19Garver, John R.  __/__/__06/3/1912Renee Bennett
20Griffin, Nancy  __/__/__03/5/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
21Hutchison, Phoebe  __/__/__11/23/1861Donald Buncie The Registry
22Jenaret, Mary Anne Sophia  __/__/__10/9/1861Donald Buncie The Registry
23Johnston, Samuel B.  __/__/__03/8/1864Donald Buncie The Registry
24Latimer, Sarah  __/__/__11/11/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
25Lehr, Aaron Page  __/__/____/__/1878Pat Mcarthur The Registry
26Lehr, Adren  __/__/__08/28/1928Pat Mcarthur The Registry
27Lehr, Adren  __/__/____/__/1956Pat Mcarthur The Registry
28Lehr, George A.  __/__/____/__/1984Pat Mcarthur The Registry
29Lehr, Guy L.  __/__/____/__/1966Pat Mcarthur The Registry
30Lehr, Moses Jacob  __/__/__08/28/1928Pat Mcarthur The Registry
31Lehr, Vinton L.  __/__/____/__/1958Pat Mcarthur The Registry
32Lowe, Jacob  __/__/__04/8/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
33McCalmon, David  __/__/__03/12/1864Donald Buncie The Registry
34Miller, Elizabeth  __/__/__06/6/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
35Miller, Samuel  __/__/__12/19/1861Donald Buncie The Registry
36Moore, John  __/__/____/__/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
37Morrow, David Sr.  __/__/__03/11/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
38Patrick, James T.  __/__/__01/12/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
39Price, Elizabeth  __/__/__08/22/1866Karen Pate
40Rail, Johnny  __/__/__11/21/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
41Reel, William  __/__/__09/25/1918Ken Wright
42Richards, Samuel  __/__/__06/6/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
43Scofield, Milton C.  __/__/__09/11/1899Ken Wright
44Smith, Jacob P.  __/__/__09/7/1861Donald Buncie The Registry
45Steele, Elaine (Sandy) __/__/__01/27/2002Robin Marshall
46Stophlet, Cassius M. Clay  __/__/__06/13/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
47Stophlet, Sarah Elizabeth  __/__/__06/11/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
48Thompson, Martha  __/__/__02/22/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
49Wasson, Fred Thomas  __/__/__04/22/1999Joseph F. Conley
50Wasson, John  __/__/__08/16/1953Joseph F. Conley
51Wasson, Mary Lucille (Susie) __/__/__03/28/2006Joseph F. Conley
52Watson, Eliza  __/__/__02/10/1864Donald Buncie The Registry
53Watson, James S.  __/__/__12/17/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
54Watson, William W.  __/__/__07/26/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
55Wells, James Brainard  __/__/__07/8/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
56Wells, Thomas H.  __/__/__12/29/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
57Wells, William W.  __/__/__07/1/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
58Weygant, George Henry D.  __/__/____/__/1847Elissa S Powell
59Wills, Samuel  __/__/__11/14/1863Donald Buncie The Registry

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