The USGenWeb Digital Library for Virginia was developed to provide free on line data for genealogical research. These archives are dependent on volunteers, people just like you, to donate their time by transcribing public domain records or other non-copyrighted primary sources. If you have Virginia data you'd like to contribute, please check out this site for helpful information: Contribute.
If you need help or would like to submit information, please contact the appropriate county file manager or the State File Manager Donna Bluemink
Please note that the USGenWeb Archives for Virginia is an online submissions based digital library and not associated officially or unofficially with the Library of Virginia in Richmond. The county file managers and state file managers are not employees of the state of Virginia and are not available for research requests. They may direct you to the correct place to do your research, but for the most part are unable to obtain data for you that is not already listed in the tables of contents. |
Send your questions and comments to State File Manager Donna Bluemink
or by emailing the County File Manager.
Send your contributions by using the Record Submission Forms
This page last modified Wednesday, 01-Jan-2025 11:30:40 EST
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