In 1701, the government passed a law dividing King and Queen County into two distinct counties, and King William County was created. This went into effect April 11, 1702. The part of King and Queen County, that lay north of the Mattaponi River, was to remain as King and Queen Co., and the part that lay on the south side of the Mattaponi River, within Pamunkey Neck, was to be known as "King William Co." The new parish for this area was called St. John's.

King William County Map

a) Anthony Arnold - 1703 (src. AFAS, Vol. 3, No. 1-2, pg. 12 - Virginia Land Grants) Son of Anthony Arnold (who was hung by 1688 in New Kent Co.). Married Mary _______ and had children John and Sally Arnold.

"Patent Book 9, p. 545 Anthony Arnold granted 150 acres in King William County on the head of the Middle Herring Creek. Beginning near the said Anthony Arnold house. The said land is part of the land granted to Benjamin Arnold by order of the General Court dated the 24 th of April 1703 and by him assigned to the said Anthony Arnold. For transporting three persons (named). 23 October 1703"

NOTE: Here is where Anthony Arnold, Jr. (as Sr. had been dead since 1688) gets some of his "father's" property from Benjamin Arnold Sr. This Anthony Jr. is also on the 1704 Quit Rent Roll for King William Co., VA)

b) Benjamin Arnold (1000 acres) - (src. 1704 Quit Rent Roll for King William Co., VA) (believed to be Benjamin Arnold, Sr. of New Kent Co., son of Anthony the Hung and father to Benjamin Arnold of Greenville Co., SC)

"Benjamin Arnold was grated in 1703, 1770 acres of land lying between Hickory Creek and Mattoponi River in King William County" (src. "Virginia Patents, Vol.". 9, pg. 561)

"Munday ye 27th of Aprill 1691, Post Meridiem The house mett. The petition of the Chickahominy Indians referred to this house by the Lt. Governor and Councell, that they may continue on the Land of Mr. Ben. Arnold read and referred to the committee of Propositions. p. 343 19 Friday ye 15th August 1701 A petition of Edmund Jennings, Esqr. referred by his Excelly and Councill to the consideration of this House was read Setting forth that by Patent dated the Sixth of June 1699 he had a grant for five hundd Seventy Acres of Land adjoyning to the Lower Herring Creek in Pamunkey Neck in King and Queen County and by Patent of the same date for two hundred acres more adjacent thereunto - And that Benjn Arnold and John Hurt having obtained orders from the Commissioners appointed to Examine and Settle Claimes to Land in Pamunkey Neck to Survey two Several Tracts of Land had caused the Surveyor of King and Queen County to include in the said surveys the greatest part if not the whole of the lands so granted him which surveys are returned for confirmacons and Pattents to issue thereupon and praying the Same may not be confirmed nor Pattents Issue accordingly -- Ordered That the Consideration of the Said Petition be referred to the committee appointed to examine the Subject Matter of the said Jennings his petition presented the last session in behalfe of himselfe and others claiming the Land between the two herring Creeks in Mattapony in Pamunkey Neck and they are to report their opinions therein. p. 256 Thursday the 4th September 1701 (Patents issued to many, among which was) To Benjamin Arnold for two thousand one hundred acres of land. (src. "Journals of The House of Burgesses of Virginia" pg. 246)

NOTE: Benjamin Arnold moved from King and Queen County, Virginia to King William County sometime before 1702. He became sub-sheriff for that county and lived at Presque Isle on the Mattaponi River near his brother, Anthony Arnold, Jr. Land bordered up to that of John Hurt and Robert Bird.

c) William Arnold - 1712 Abstract in Deed and Will Book

"Deed and Will Book No. 14. Pg. 70: Deed 10 July 1712. Thomas Short, Planter, of St. Ann's Parish, Essex Co., sells William Ayrnold of the Parish of ______ in the County of King William, Planter for 20 sterl., 197 acres, being part of a patent granted to Nathaniel Bentley 24 Sept. 1658 . . . Wit: John Boughan, John Martin, James Boughan. Rec. 10 Jul 1712."

d) Edward Arnold - 1723 (src. AFAS Vol. 3, No. 1-2, pg. 13 - Virginia Land Grants) - Same Edward Arnold as that in New Kent Co. in 1701.

"Patent Book 11, p. 228 Edward Arnold granted 400 acres of New Land in King William County on the South side of Reedy Swamp in St. John Parish adjoining Claybrook's land. 5 September 1723

e) Davis Davenport (200 acres) - (src. 1704 Quit Rent Roll for King William Co., VA) (Davis Davenport, b. abt. 1650 King William, d. May 24, 1732 James City, King William Co., VA. Father to Martin Davenport - src. "The Pamunkey Davenport Family Association", Dr. John Scott Davenport)

NOTE: Davis Davenport's wife if unknown but his children were: Martin, Thomas, John, Ann, Mary, Richard and Elias Davenport.

f) Martin Davenport - (100 acres) - (src. 1704 Quit Rent Roll for King William Co., VA) (Martin Davenport, b. abt. 1682 New Kent Co., VA, d. May 04, 1735 in Hanover Co., VA. Son of Davis Davenport - src. "The Pamunkey Davenport Family Association", Dr. John Scott Davenport)

NOTE: Married Dorothy Glover in King William Co. in 1714. Children of Martin and Dorothy Davenport were: William, Dorothy, John, Glover, Martin Jr., David, James, Lucy and Thomas Davenport.

g) Hans Hendrick - (father to Anne Hendrick who married Benjamin Arnold of Greenville, SC) (700 acres) - (src. 1704 Quit Rent Roll for King William Co., VA)

h) John Graves Qr. - (paternal great grandfather to Barbary Pettus Arnold) 100 acres - (src. 1704 Quit Rent Roll for King William Co., VA)

i) Thomas Graves - (believed grandfather to Barbary Pettus Arnold) - (src. 1704 Quit Rent Roll for King William Co., VA)

j) Wm. Glover - (father-in-law to Martin Davenport) (100 acres) - (src. 1704 Quit Rent Roll for King William Co., VA)

NOTE: Married Mary ___________ and had daughter Dorothy, born January 1, 1689/90 who married Martin Davenport son of Davis Davenport.

k) Col. Jennings - (4000 acres) (relation of the Oglethorpe Co., Jennings) - (src. 1704 Quit Rent Roll for King William Co., VA)

l) Joseph Gray - (src. 1704 Quit Rent Roll for King William Co., VA)

m) Samuel Gray - (src. 1704 Quit Rent Roll for King William Co., VA)

n) Mrs. Anne Arnold - on a 1725 land deed to her daughter Anne Arnold, Jr. for 400 acres of land on both sides of great Rocky Creek on Capt. Carr's line.

NOTE: All the names in my family are here including GRAY. And look, here's Anthony Jr. and his brother Benjamin Sr.!!! But then we also have Col. Jennings who's got to be related to Robert Jennings, b. abt 1726 Hanover, d. 1794 Prince Edward Co. and he was a brother to Mary Jennings, wife of Thomas Arnold.

This Thomas Arnold was son to Thomas Arnold, Sr. and Mary Jennings of Oglethorpe Co., GA. Then Ben Arnold Sr. (supposed father to Ben from Greenville) was married to an "Anne" and we know that he died between 1719-1724 because 1719 is the last time he did any business transactions. We also know he had a daughter named "Anne" who married into the Temple family. It looks like Ben Sr. was living in King Wm. until his death and then his wife gave property to her daughter in 1725 which by the way did have the daughter's maiden name, not her married name Temple.

o) George Woodroof - 1719 (src. Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia (Contributed by Hazel Arnold MacIvor - "2 May 1719 P. 504 On the Petition of James Taylor, Edmond Taylor, Benjamin Arnold and George Woodroff. Leave is granted them to take up in one tract Six Thousand acres of Land in the County of New Kent. This Board being Satisfyed of their ability to cultivate the same according to Law.")

(src. CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS by Nugent, Bk. 12) "George Woodroof of K. William Co. 640 ac. In Spots. Co., St. George Parish 24 June 1726, pg. 481"

(src. CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS by Nugent, Bk. 12) "William Harris Jr. 1500 ac. Hanover adj. Mrs. Arnold and George Woodruff's line on Overtons fork of Elk Creek 24 Mar 1725, pg. 419"

(src. CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS by Nugent, Bk. 17) " George Woodruff 400 ac. Formerly in K. William now Caroline on south side of south fork of South River issuing into the Mattapony 15 Mar 1735/36, pg. 18"

p) Joseph Temple - 1744 (was merchant of King William in 1728 and purchases land in Spotsylvania that is adj. to George Woodruff. He purchases more in 1732.Joseph Temple married Benjamin and Anne Arnolds' daughter of Hanover Co., VA, Anne Jr. She is the brother to Benjamin Arnold of Greenville Co., SC) - Here is where Joseph Temple purchases land in Hanover Co.:

"Louisa Co. Deed Books A & B P 144-145 7 - June 1744 Cpt. Joseph Temple of St. Margaret's Par., King Wm. Co. , to Cleavers Duke of St. Martin's Par., Hanover Co., L29-12s; 148 acres in St. Martins Par., Louisa Co., on heasd branch of Hallowing Creek at sd. Dukes corner…. Benj. Brown's line . Jos. Temple. Wit: Robt. Harris, James Milles, John Carr, Richard Yancey. 11 June 1744 proved by oaths of Robt. Harris, John Carr, Rich'd Yancey." He's also listed in the Virginia County Records SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY 1721-1800 DEEDS DEED BOOK G 1766-1771 page 275

Joseph Temple died before 1760 in King William County (src. Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography, Volume I- IV--Burgesses and Other Prominent Persons.

NOTE: Joseph Temple and Ann Arnold' children were: Joseph Jr.; Benjamin, Liston, William, Samuel, Hannah, Sally, Mollie, Martha, and Nancy Temple

q) Richard Yarbrough - 1704 Quit Rent Roll. Was neighbor to Benjamin Arnold on the Mattoponi River.

NOTE: Took a 99-year lease on a much large tract in 1677 from the Pamunkey Indians.

r) William Macghee - 1725 Grant in Hanover Co. for 1000 acres on both sides of great Rocky Creek and the south side of North Anna. Beg. At Cpt. Martins, to John Raglands, near the mouth of Elk Creek, north side of Plumbtree Branch (src. "CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS" by Nugent - Book 12, pg. 242)

s) Thomas Terry, Sr. - 1702 was appointed a Justice of the Peace for King William County, and in 1703 bought 330 acres. His plantation was only three miles away from Davis Davenports plantation.

NOTE: Thomas Terry, Sr. had a son named Stephen Terry who had daughter, Grace Terry. Grace Terry married Thomas DAVENPORT and moved to Cumberland Co., Virginia. This Thomas Davenport was the son of Davis Davenport.

t) John Waller - 1742 witnessed deed with John Waller, Jr.

"John Waller, born February 23, 1673, is supposed to have been Col. John Waller, of Virginia, who married Dorothea King, and had issue: John, Thomas, William, Benjamin, Edmund, Mary, wife of Zachary Lewis. Col. John Waller's residence in Spotsylvania county was known as Newport, and his arms were the same as the poet Edmund Waller's. (quoted from "William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 1" (Jul., 1900), pp. 60-64)

u) John Hurt - 1704 Rent Rolls for King William County, 250 acres

"Extracts from King William County Records 1704 - John Yarbrough planter, to William Aylett. Deed. Land sold and exchanged by the Chickahominy Indians with Arnold for other lands, and by said Arnold, of King and Queen, sold to John Hurt of King and Queen (St. Stephen's Parish). Deed acknowledged in King and Queen Nov. 12, 1691, and by said Hurt sold to Richard Yarbrough, father of the said John, as by deed acknowledged in King and Queen Feb. 12, 1695-6, and by virtue of deed for half interest conveyed from said John's brother Richard Yarbrough (P. 104-133-modern)

NOTE: In 1696 John Hurt was a neighbor to Benjamin Arnold in the Pamunkey Neck of the south side of the Mattaponi River.

v) William Hurt - 1704 Rent Rolls for King William County, 250 acres

w) William Hurt Jr. - 1704 Rent Rolls for King William County, 90 acres

x) Jure Barber - signed petition with Benjamin Arnold in 1705 in King William County.


King William County Map

Formed in 1728 from Henrico County (one of the original shires), it was named for Sir William Gooch, lieutenant-governor in 1727-1749. From its original territory came Albermarle County, Amherst County (part of), Appromattox County, Bedford County, Buckingham County, Campbell County, Cumberland County, Fluvanna County, Nelson County and Powhatan County. Parishes in this county included King William Parish (1728-1749); Saint James Northam Parish (1744-), Saint James's Parish (1728-1744), Saint James Southam Parish (1744-1749).

a) Henry Arnold - 1747 List of Tithes

b) Thomas Davenport Sr. - 1747 List of Tithes

c) Joseph Davenport - 1747 List of Tithes

d) James Terry - owned land in Goochland County in 1737 and by 1740 had moved into Goochland County.

"GOOCHLAND CO., VA. DEED BOOK 3 1737-1742 pg. 101 - 21 Mar 1737/38 James Terry of St. Martins, Hanover Co. to Daniel Corry of St. James, Goochland, 200 ac. in Goochland part of a patent to Terry 5 May 1734 on north side Appomatox River…belonging to sd. Daniel Terry and his heirs….and sd. James Terry….."

"p. 369 - 15 Sept 1740 James Terry of St. James, Goochland to Gideon Glenn of same 400 ac. adj. John Bostick, Great Guinea Creek".

e) Robert Bowman - married April 1, 1764 to Elizabeth Craigwald.

"1764, April 1. Robert Bowman, in Chesterfield, & Elizabeth Craigwald, in this parish"

f) Joseph Bowman - 1776 consented to marriage of his son, Wm. Bowman

g) William Bowman- married December 1779 to Mary Crosby

"Dec. 25, 1779, Wm. Bowman, of Chesterfield, to Mary Crosby, sec. Zach Haden; witness Val. Wood; Joseph Bowman consents to marriage and certifies that William was 21, July 31, 1776"."

NOTE: A few years after the marriage this (Dr.) William Bowman and his wife lived in Richmond, and then they moved with the children to Rutherford county, North Carolina.

h) John Bostick - 1740 owned property next to James Terry

15 Sept 1740 James Terry of St. James, Goochland to Gideon Glenn of same 400 ac. adj. John Bostick, Great Guinea Creek". (src. "GOOCHLAND CO., VA. DEED BOOK 3 1737-1742", pg. 369)

i) Phineas Glover - February 12. 1742 owned 400 ac. On both sides the North and South branches of Slate River. Patents 20, 1741-43, page 442.

j) Samuel Glover - April 7, 1735 owned 241 ac. On both sides of Glover's Creek and Slate River. Patents 17, 1735-38, page 24.

- 1200 ac. On Both sides of Slate River. Patents 17, 1735-38, page 40.

- 1000 ac. On both sides of Cat Tail Branch of the North side of Willis River. Patents 16, 1735, page 225.

- 1745, 300 ac. On the north branches of the South Branch of Slate River. Patents 22, 1743-45, page 618.


Hanover County Map

Hanover County is located in the east-central Piedmont and Coastal Plain areas of Virginia, between the Chickahominy and Pamunkey Rivers. It is approximately 70 miles south of Washington, D.C. and fifteen miles north of Richmond, VA. The County land area is 471 square miles and is bordered by the Counties of Caroline, King William, New Kent, Henrico, Goochland, Spotsylvania and Louisa. The County was settled by planters and plantation owners. It was officially formed on November 26, 1720.

a) Anne Arnold (wife of Ben Sr.) was which she gave to her daughter Anne in 1725. It states in the deed, "Mrs. Anne Arnold of King Wm." and "Anne Arnold Jr.". It was for 400 acres in Hanover Co.

b) William Jennings - son Robert Jennings was born 1726 Hanover Co. and who died in Prince Edward County.

NOTE: William Jennings daughter was named Mary Jennings. She married Thomas Arnold of the Oglethorpe Co., GA Arnold.

c) Hudson Berry (b. 1752 Hanover Co., VA. He moved to Greenville, SC and his descendants moved to Tippah Co., MS with Arnold in 1840's. Hudson Berry died in Greenville Co., SC in 1840).

d) George Berry (src. "William and Mary Quarterly" Vol. 21, No. 1. (Jul. 1912), pp. 47-63).

e) William Pettus - b. 1729 Hanover County.

NOTE: He married Susannah Grave's daughter of Thomas Graves of King Wm. Co. 1704, in the year 1759 - src. "Marriages of some Virginia Residents 1670-1800"). Wm. Pettus is father to Barbary Pettus Arnold who married John Arnold of Abbeville Co., SC.)

Hanover County Map

f) Stephen Pettus - listed as a neighbor on land in a 1753 Deed

"Deed Book A", page 526 17 Sep 1753 Benjamin Bibb to David Anderson (of Hanover) for 5 shillings, 526 acres, sold to Bibb by Robert Harris on 4 Dec 1733 (Hanover) .. beginning John Roads, Stephen Pettus, William Harris line

NOTE: Stephen Pettus was born abt. 1679 VA and died 1767 in Hanover Co. leaving three minor children. He married Mary Dabney, daughter of Captain George Dabney of King William County. Stephen and Mary Pettus had children: Susannah Pettus Sr., Stephen Pettus Jr., Dabney Pettus, Capt. George L. Pettus,.

g) Capt. George L. Pettus - b. 1753 Hanover Co. d. 1816 York Co., SC

NOTE: Was son of Stephen Pettus Jr. and Anne Dillard. George Pettus married Jane Knox in North Carolina. His descendants moved to Mecklenburg County, NC and York County, South Carolina. George Pettus died 1816 and is buried in the "Old Pettus Cemetery" in York County. George and Jane Pettus' children were: Stephen, George, John, Rebecca, Sarah, Cynthia, Susanna, Mary Burton, Elizabeth Harris, and Jane Goodridge (or Goodrich).

h) Martin Davenport - (from King Wm. Co. in 1704) listed on 1734 Deed (src. "William and Mary Quarterly" - June 6, 1734.-Richard Phillips of St. George Parish, Spotsylvania, to John Searcy, of St. Martin's 400 a. of Woodlaud adj.: Capt. Carr, Martin Davenport, John Wilson). Martin Davenport's will was filed on May 24, 1735 in Hanover Co. - src. "RECORDS OF HANOVER COUNTY, VIRGINIA, William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine", Vol. 21, No. 1. (Jul., 1912), pp. 47- 63)

NOTE: This is in reference to Martin Davenport Sr., not his son, Martin Davenport Jr. Both lived in Hanover Co. but Martin Jr. was born about 1720 and he would have been too young to be listed on a deed in 1734. Martin Davenport, Sr. is the son of Davis Davenport of King William Co., VA)

i) Francis Arnold - (who married Rachel Arnold - (src. Francis and Rachel Arnold have deed from Wm. Davenport and Ann Arnold Davenport in this county)

j) Joseph Temple - (1734 Deed. - src. "William and Mary Quarterly" Vol. 21, No. 1, pg. 54) (Husband of Anne Arnold, daughter of Benjamin and Anne Arnold of Hanover Co., VA)

k) John Wright - (1734 Deed. Src. "William and Mary Quarterly" Vol. 21, No. 1, pg. 54 - 7 May 1734. --- Benj: Brown & John Right, of St. Martin's, to Jos. Temple, 300 a. on Beaver Dam)

l) John Arnold - 1771-1774 (src. "Swem's Index" on Arnold." May 23, 1771 pg. 3, col. 1: Cumberland April 17, 1771. Whereas on the 15th of December last, I bought a Negro Girl named Siller of a certain John Arnold of Spotsylvania Co., for the sum of fifty two £ fifteen Shillings, to be paid at a future Day, and Encumbrance, which I am rather inclined to believe, as Arnold, by earnest entreaty, prevailed on me to give my Bond for the Purchase money afsd, payable to Mr. Samuel Temple, alleging that he intended, with that money, to purchase a Negro Boy of Mr. Temple, who would sooner take a Bond payable to himself than an assigned one, I therefore request the Favour of any person who may claim Title to, or Interest in, the said Negro, to inform me of the same as soon as possible. All persons are cautioned against the said Bond. Zachariah Hendrick)

(15 Sept. 1774 p. 3, col. 3 - Committed to Spotsylvania gaol a negro man, about 30 years of age, named Moses, says he is a free man, and that he served part of his time with one John Arnold, in Hanover County, against whom he commenced suit for his freedom, but before it was determined, he was attached by Garland Anderson and Samuel Temple, of the same county, and then made his elopement from them. Any person proving his property, and paying charges, may have him, otherwise I shall proceed as the law directs. Jacob Whitler, Gaolee)

m) Charles Kennedy - 1754 sells property that he owns in Spotsylvania Co., Va. Witnessed by William Davenport. Croatia Davenport married Charles Kennedy about 1729 in Hanover Co.

"16 Nov 1754 (Spots. Co. DBE) John and Jane Williams and William Williams of Granville Co. NC to CHARLES KENNEDY of Hanover 100 ac. In Spots. And witnessed by William Davenport and John Woolfolk."

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