INTROWonder-Working Providence of Sions Saviour, in New England.
[Book II.]
The beginning of the relation of the Pequot war,
and the great straites these wandering Jacobites were in.
The great Jehovah, minding to manifest the multitude of his Mercies to the wandering Jacobites, and make an introduction to his following wonders, causeth the darke clouds of calamities to gather about them, presaging some terrible tempest to follow, With eyes full of anguish, they face to the right, upon the damnable Doctrines, as so many dreadfull Engines set by Satan to intrap their poore soules; Then casting forth a left hand looke, the labour and wants accompaning a Desert, and terrible Wildernesse affright them. Their memories minding them of their former plenty, it much aggravated the present misery, When with thoughts of retreating, they turne their backs about, the experienced incumbrances and deepe distresses of a dangerous Ocean hinders their thoughts of flight, besides the sterne looke of the Lordly Prelates, which would give them a welcome home in a famishing prison. Then purposing to put on more stronger resolution, facing to the Front, behold a Messenger with sorrowfull tidings from their fellow brethren, that inhabited the bankes of the River Canectico, who having audience, informes them of the great insolency, and cruell murthers committed by a barbarous and bloudy people called Peaquods, upon the bodies of their indeared friends, these savage Indians lying to the South-west of the Mattacusets, were more warlike then their Neighbouring Nations, the Narrowganzet or Niantick Indians, although they exceeded them in number; also Mawhiggins (who were the best friends of the English, and a chiefe instrumentall meanes of their sitting down there) stood much in feare of these Peaquods, which were big, swollen with pride at this time, facing the English Fort built on the mouth of the River in their large Cannowes, with their Bowes and long Shafts, The English being then but weake in number and provision, were unable to manage the war against so numerous a company, being above thirty to one, yet their desires being beyond their meanes, they made some shot at them, forcing them to hast away faster then they willingly would. These Indians trusting in their great Troopes, having feasted their corps in a ravening manner, and leaving their fragments for their Sqawes, they sound an alarum with a full mouth, and lumbring voyce, and soone gather together without presse or pay, their quarrell being as antient as Adams time, propagated from that old enmity betweene the Seede of the Woman, and the Seed of the Serpent, who was the grand signor of this war in hand, and would very gladly have given them a large Commission, had not his own power been limited, neither could he animate them so much as to take off the gastly looke of that King of terror, yet however at his command they arme themselves: casting their quiver at their backs with Bowes ready bent, they troope up some of them, being extraordinarily armed with Guns, which they purchast from the Dutch (who had assuredly paid deare for this their courteous humour, not long since, had not some English Volunteers rescued them from the Indians hands). The most of them were armed also with a small Hatchet on a long handle. They had a small number of Mawhawkes, Hammers, which are made of stone, having a long pike on the one side, and a hole in the handle, which they tie about their wrists, They neede not provisions follow their Camp; because they are continually at home. But for their mats to shelter them from Raine or Snow, the Woods are as wellcome to them as their Wigwams, fire they can make in all places by chafing two sticks together. Their food is ready drest at all times, parching Indian Corne in their fire they pound it to meale, and with foure or five spoonfull of it cast into their mouths, and a sup or two of water, which they take up with a leafe of a Tree, this is their common repast, and indeed their chiefe viaticum. Thus furnisht for the war they troope away without any goodly equipage, to effect, as they suppose some great designe, but within some few Miles of the Towne of Hartford, they were discovered by one of the English, who having with him a good Horse, hastens away to give intelligence of their approach, and by the way meeting with foure or five persons, hee advised them to haste away with all speed, for the Peaquods were at hand. The weaker Sex among them, being at this time not so credulous as they should have been, began to dispute the case with him, demanding what Peaquods they were, and questioning how they should come there; The horseman deeming it now no time for words, when the battell followed him so hard at the heeles, rod on his way, and soone after the sudden approach of the Indians forced them with feare to Seale to the truth of this evill tidings, and some of them with their dearest bloud; three Woemen-kinde they caught, and carried away, but one of them being more fearfull of their cruell usage afterward then of the losse of her life at present, being borne away to the thickest of the company, resisted so stoutly with scratching and biting, the Indian exasperated therewith, cast her downe on the Earth, and beate out her braines with his Hatchet, the other two maids they led away and returned, their Commission reaching no farther at present, having taken these two prisoners they did not offer to abuse their persons, as was verily deemed they would, questioned them with such broken English, as some of them could speak, to know whether they could make Gunpowder. Which when they understood they could not doe, their prize proved nothing so pretious a Pearle in their eyes as before; for seeing they exceeded not their own Squawes in Art, their owne thoughts informed them they would fall abundantly short in industry, and as for beauty they esteeme black beyond any colour.
Wherefore their Sqawes use that sinfull art of painting their Faces in the hollow of their Eyes and Nose, with a shining black, out of which their tip of their Nose appears very deformed, and their cheeke bone, being of a lighter swart black, on which they have a blew crosse dyed very deepe.
This is the beauty esteemed by them, but yet their pride was much increased by this hostile Act of theirs, and the English were more and more contemned of them, notwithstanding the Dutch, who traded with these Indians, procured the Maides liberty againe.
Of the couragious resolutions, the Lord indued these his People
withall being invironed with many deepe distresses.
After this Message delivered, these brood of Travilers being almost Non-plus’t in their grave and sollid Counsells, deem it now high time to follow their old way, of making their complaint to the supreame judge of all the World, by way of Petition, who they knew right well, stood not as an idle spectator beholding his peoples Ruth, and their Enemies rage; But as an Actor in all actions to bring to naught the desires of the wicked, but [put] period to their power, divert their stroaks from his, to their own heads, bring glory to his Name, and good to his people from their most wicked malignity, having also the ordering of every weapon in its first produce, guiding every shaft that flies, leading each bullet to his place of setling, and Weapon to the wound it makes; yet he most righteous and holy in all his actions. To this great Lord Peramount, had these poore afflicted people accesse through the intercession of their Lord Christ, whose worke (though very weake to performe) they were now about, wherefore casting themselves down at his feet in the sense of their owne unworthinesse, that [they] desire him to doe his owne worke in them, and for them, that the Mountaines in the way of Zerubbabel may become a plaine, {} and then laying open the great straites they were in to him, who knew them far better then themselves, they had this answer returned them, which if men dare deny, the Lord from Heaven hath, and shall further witnesse it; But before it be declared, let all men lay downe their interest they suppose they may have in procuring it, both English and others, that the glory of our Lord Christ may appeare in its splendor, to the danting of every proud heart, and for the perpetuall incouragement of all the Souldiers of Christ, even the meanest in his Armies: for the day of his high Power is come, yea, his appointed time to have mercy upon Sion is at hand, all you whose eyes of pity so see her in the dust, streame down with pear-like drops of compassion, a little mixture of the unconceiveable joy for the glorious worke of Christ, Now, now, I [ay] now in hand for the exalting of his glorious Kingdome, in preparing his Churches for himselfe, and with his own blessed hands wiping away the teares that trickel downe her cheekes, drying her dankish eyes, and hushing her sorrowfull sobs in his sweete bosome. This rightly believed, and meeting in the soule of any poore Christian, will make the narrow affections of his body too little to containe the present apprehensions of his Soule; And therefore wanting a vacuum to containe the strength of this new Wine, wonder not if it vent it selfe with swift thrilling teares from the most tender part of the vessell. And here the Author must needs intreate the charitable Reader to enlarge in the Closset of his own heart, for his folly hee confesses in medling so meanly with such waighty matters, being blinded by eager affection, hee lost the sight of his great inability to the worke, when hee first set Pen to Paper. As the Lord surrounded his chosen Israel with dangers deepe to make his miraculous deliverance famous throughout, and to the end of the World, so here behold the Lord Christ, having egged a small handfull of his people forth in a forlorne Wildernesse, stripping them naked from all humane helps, plunging them in a gulph of miseries, that they may swim for their lives through the Ocean of his Mercies, and land themselves safe in the armes of his compassion.
Of the Lords great deliverance of his New England People, from the flouds of Errors that were bursting in among them.
As for the great Mountaine[s] of proud erronious judgement on your right hand, the prayer of Faith shall remove them, and cast them into the depth of the Sea, and for the strengthning of your faith herein, because the Lord will have you depend on him in the use of his meanes, not miracle, hee hath purposely pitcht out for this very worke, some of his most orthodox servants, and chiefe Champions of his truth, able through his mercy to weld [wield] that bright Weapon of his Word prepared by the spirit for this purpose, to bring to the block these Traytours to his truths one by one, and behead them before your eyes. And for this very end they are to gather together as one Man in a Synodicall way, with a decisive power to undoe all the cunning twisted knots of Satans Malignity to the truths of Christ, opening the Scriptures by the power of his spirit, cleering Scripture by Scripture, that nothing but the pure Word of God may take place; and that you may assuredly believe the Lord hath purposely called his Servants and Souldiers to this place by his Providence to cut off this cursed spirit of Errours and Heresies, which hath but at first dog’d all Reformed Churches of Christ, There are for your further aid herein many more of these sincere Souldiers floating upon the great Ocean toward you, who will be with you before this Synod is set, that you may declare it in the Eares of all posterity, to be the very Finger of God in catching the proud in their owne craftinesse, who had hatch’t their devices, thus to cast all the Ministers of Christ, except some one or two, under this censure of being prejudiced against their persons, and for the little remnant to labour with flattery to blinde their eyes, that at least they might not be against them, Seeing they could not procure them to take their part, (to be sure when the grossenesse of their Errors were made known, they would not), by this meanes having their hopes exalted (in their owne apprehensions at least) to gaine the most of the people on their side.
The Lord casts them downe from the proud Pinacle of their Machiavilian Plot, by bringing in more men of courage uninterested, yea, unknown to most of their persons, but for their errors, as strong to confute them as any, and more fit to wipe off the filme from the eyes of some of their brethren, which these Erronists by their Syccophancy had clouded.
The time from the meeting of this Synod was to be in the seventh month following, commonly called September. The civill government well approving of their desires herein, were very willing to further them all they could, and in the meane time it was the worke of these valiant of the Lord, to search out, not for men and Womens persons, but their errors, which they gathered up from all parts, willing all that would or could defend them to use their best meanes, like as Jehu when he was to execute the judgements of the Lord upon Ahabs bloudy household, would have had his servants defend their Masters Children if they could, onely you must understand there was but 70. Sons, and here was 80. Errors, of which you shall hear when the time comes.
Of the abundant mercies of Christ in providing liberall supply
for his New England People, in regard of their outward man,
Food, Rayment and all other necessaries and conveniencies.
Now for the hardships on the left hand, they had as good an answer as in the former; their Christ had not saved their lives from the raging Seas to slay them in the Wildernesse with Famine; your life is much more pretious in the eyes of the Lord then food, and your bodies then rayment: yea, the Lord of Heaven, who hath honoured you so far as to imploy you in this glorious worke of his, knowes you must have these things and it was not you, deare hearts, that chose this place, but the Lord, as seeing it most fit to doe his worke in, knowing that had you met with a Rich Land filled with all plenty, your heart would have beene taken off this worke, which he must have done. But to strengthen your Faith in this point also, you shall see hee who commanded the Fruits to spring out of the Earth, when none were, can much more cause this corner of the Earth to be fruitfull to you, and this you shall attaine by meanes; although hee have caused the Foules of the Aire, the Grasse of the Field to depend upon him in a more immediate manner, yet you hath he taught to Sow, Reape, carry into Barnes, and Spin, and indeed herein the Lord hath answered his people abundantly to the wonder of all that see or hear of it; And that whereas at their first comming it was a rare matter for a man to have foure or five Acres of Corne, now many have four or five score, and to prevent men from Sacrificing to their Nets, the Lord hath taught them to labour with more ease: to great admiration also inlarg’d it, for it was with sore labour that on [one] man could Plant and tend foure Acres of Indians Graine, and now with two Oxen hee can Plant and tend 30. Besides the Lord hath of late altered the very course of the Heavens in the season of the weather, that all kinde of graine growes much better then heretofore; Insomuch that Marchandizing being stopped at present, they begin to question what to do with their Corne.
Of the wonderfull deliverance wrought by the Lord Christ,
for his poore New England Churches in freing them
from the fear of their Malignant adversaries, who forc’t them to this Wildernesse.
And now to the third and great distresse, which lay behind them by reason of their back friends, the Lording Bishops, and other Malignant adversaries, being daily exasperated against them, and in especiall at this time by one Morton, who named himselfe the Host of Merrimount, who wanted not malice, could he possible have attained meanes to effect it; But the Lord Christ prevented both him and his Masters, whom with flattery he sought to please with scurrillous deriding the servants of Christ, to bring them into contempt, yet the Lord prevented all, and delivered this wretched fellow into his peoples hands againe after all this, who dealt as favourably with him as David did with Shimmei. Besides this, the evill usage that many of the beloved servants of Christ had from the hands of those in office at their departure, declared plainely, that there were some, who would willingly have pursued them to bring them under bondage againe. Herein their answer was that they should stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, who was now resolved to fight for them against his and their implacable enemies; although more mighty than they: and indeed all meanes of resistance in the hand of man being so small, that it could not possible bee discerned by any mortall eye; yet will the Lord worke by means and not by miracle; when the Lord called forth Joshua to fight with Amaleck, his Moses must be in the Mount at Prayers; seeing this answer deeply concernes the dearly beloved of our Lord Christ remaining in England, let them listen to the answer.
Also how came it to passe that the Lord put it into your hearts to set upon a Reformation, was it not by prayer attained? You are not excluded, although the Churches of Christ here are for the present in the Mount, and you in the Vally fighting, yet surely they had neede of helpe to hold up their hands, whereas the nerenesse of the danger to you in the enemies overcoming, is a great motive to keepe up yours stedy, yet may you say rightly to the Churches of Christ here, as Mordachy to Hester the Queene, if you hold your peace deliverance shall come another way, and thinke not to escape, because you are in New England; Assuredly the Lord is doing great things, and waites for the prayers of his people that he may be gratious unto them, and verily the poore Churches of Christ heere cannot but take notice of the great workes the Lord hath done for you of late, which are famous throughout the whole World; And should they not take them as an answer of these weake prayers, they feare they should neglect to magnify his mercy toward you, and them: the noble acts of the Lord Christ, for the freedome of his people from that intolerable Prelaticall bondage, are almost miraculously committed to memory by the able servants of Christ, whom hee hath stirred up for that very end, yet must you not shut out the valiant souldiers of Christ (disciplin’d in this unwonted Wildernesse) from having share with you in the worke, yet no farther but that Christ may be all in all: who hath caused the Midianites to fight against Midian, till the true Israelites had gathered themselves together, hee it is that hath brought the counsells of the wicked to naught, hee it is that hath discovered the secret plottings of the King of Assyria, even in his Bedchamber; Hee it is that hath declared himself to be with your might men of valour, and assuredly all you valiant Souldiers of Christ, both in England and the other, the Lord hath shewed you as great signes and wonders for the strengthening of your faith, as was the wetting and drying of the fleece to Gedeon, onely beware of setting up an Ephod in the latter end; Let the Churches of Christ be set up according to his first institution, or you will make double worke, for all may see by what is done already, there is nothing too hard for him. Hee will downe with all againe and againe, till his Kingdom alone be exalted, for the which all the Israel of God fight, wrastle, pray, and here you may see the servants of Christ fighting at 9000 leagues distant.
Oh you proud Bishops, that would have all the World stoope to your Lordly power, the heathen Romans your predecessors, after they had banished John to the Isle of Pathmos, suffered him quietly to injoy the Revelation of Jesus Christ there; here is a people that have betaken themselves to a newfound World, distanced from you with the widest Ocean the World affords, and yet you grudge them the purity of Christs Ordinances there. No wonder then, nay wonder all the World at the sudden and unexpected downfall of these domineering Lords, who had Princes to protect them, armes to defend them, and almost three whole Kingdomes at their command; and no enemy of theirs in sight, onely there appears a little cloud about the bignesse of a mans hand out of the Westerne Ocean, I [ay] but the Lord Christ is in it, out of Sion the perfection of beauty hath God shined. Our God shall come, and shall not keepe silence, a Fire shall devour afore him, and mighty tempests shall be moved round about him. Now gather together you King-like Bishops, and make use of all the Kingly power you can, for the cloud is suddenly come up, he rode upon Cherub and did flie. And now let the Children of Sion rejoyce in their King, for the Lord hath pleasure in his pole, hee will make the meeke glorious by deliverance; And that the whole Earth may know it is the Lords owne worke, the Arch-prelate and his complices must begin to was with the Scots, and that implacably; the Prelates desire a Parliament thinking to establish iniquity by a Law, but the iniquity of the Ammorites is already full, and all your cunning counsells shall but contrive your owne destruction; They remonstrant against all Acts of Parliament that passe without their Vote, and by this means wind out themselves for ever voting more, they devise how they may have such persons committed to prison as favour not their proceeding,
But the Lord turned their mischiefe they had conceived upon their own pates, and they themselves were sent to prison by halfe a score at a time; And such was the unsavorynesse of this seeming salt, that it was good for nothing, but to Lord it over others. Their tyranny being taken out of their hands, they could not indure to be commanded by any; And therefore unfit for the war which they stirred up, to recover the people againe under their bondage, yet such was the madnesse of some, that they loved their servitude so well as to fight for it; but surely such had never rightly knowne the service of the Lord Christ, which is perfect freedome from all such tyrannous yoaks, and verily just it is with the Lord to cause such to be servants unto Shishak, that they may know the service of the Lord, and the service of the Kingdomes of the Country. But however an Army is raised to defend their Lordly dignity; Let the Saints be joyfull with glory, let the high Acts of God be in their mouths, and a two edged Sword in their hands, to bind their Kings in chaines, and their Nobles in fetters of Iron. The Charets of the Lord are twenty thousand thousands of Angells, the Lord is among them as in Sinai, Kings of Armies did flee apace; and now you that have borne such a wicked spirit of malignity against the people Christ, can your hearts indure, and your hands wax strong in the day that he shall have to doe with you? Oh you proud Prelates that boast so much of your taking the Kings part, miserable partakers are you; in stead of obeying him, you have caused him to obey you, its writ in such great capitall letters that a child may read it: what was the cause of the first raising war against the Scots which occasioned the Parliament: When you saw they would not further the war as you would have them, they were soone traytors in your account, and prosecuted against with Army after army, and was not all this to make the Scots receive your Injunctions? A very fayer bottom to build a bloudy war upon, that the Prelatticall power might Lord it in Scotland, as they of a long time had done in England: it was your Pithagorian Phylosophy that caused the King to loose his Life, by perswading him his Kingly power lived in your Lordly dignity, as a thing subordinate unto it, and he so deeply taken with this conceit, that it cost the lives of many thousands more then ever hee, or his Father, would doe for saving or recovering the Pallatine Country.
Experience hath taught the savage Indians, among whom we live, that they may and does daily bring Wolves to be tame, but they cannot breake them of their ravening nature, and I would your Royalist would learne of them to know, that as your Lord Bishops, Deanes, Prebends, etc. be right whelps of the Roman litter, so let them be never so well tam’d, they will retaine their nature still, to Lord it over all kinde of Civill Government; But woe and alasse that ever any of our Countrymen should be so blind, that after they are delivered from so great a bondage by such Wonder working Providence of the Lord Christ; Ever and anon to indeavor to make a Captaine over them, that they may returne againe into Egypt, as appears by the plots which have been discovered, and broken in pieces by the right hand of the most high, and yet for all this their’s such a hankering after somewhat of the Prelaticall greatnesse, by the English clergy, and the Scottish Classis, that many of them could afford to raise another war for it. But brethren I beseech you be more wiser, lest when you are growne hot in your quarrell, the Malignant party come and set you agreed. Stablish peace in righteousnesse, and let the word be your rule, heare one another with meekeness, and the Lord will cleare up the whole truth unto you in his due time; And now to declare plainly how far the Lord hath beene pleased to make use of any of his people in these Westerne parts, about this Worke, for to say truth they have done nothing in holes and corners, but their workes are obvious to all the World: if the sufferings of the Saints be pretious in the eyes of Christ, so as to provoke him in displeasure to cut off the occasioners thereof, then thus his poore unworthy people here have had a great stroake in the downfall of their adversaries to the present possessed truths of Christ, for this wildernesse worke hath not beene carried on without fighthings that have come before him, and Groanes that have entred his eares, and Teares treasured up in his bottles. Againe, if the ardent and strong affections of the people of God, for his glorious comming to advance his Kingdome in the splendor and purity of his Gospell, as to cry with the holy Prophet, "Oh that he would breake the Heavens and come down," be regarded of the Lord Christ, so as to remove with his mighty power the very Mountaines out of the way, and hurle them into the deepe; Then hath these weake wormes instrumentally had a share in the great desolation the Lord Christ hath wrought. For this History will plainely declare with what zeale and deepe affection, and unresistable resolutions, these pilgrim people have endeavoured the gathering together his Saints, for the edifying the Body of Christ, that he may raign both Lord and King for ever.
Yet againe, if the prayers of the faithfull people of God availe any thing for the accomplishment of his promises, in the destruction of Antichrist, for the subduing of Armies without striking one stroake; Then assuredly these Jacobites have wrestled with the Lord, not onely (with that good King Jekoshaphat) proclaiming one Fast, but many Fasts, they, their Wives and little ones standing before the Lord; Oh our God wilt thou not judge them for we have no might, etc. Lastly, if the Lord himselfe have roared from Sion, (as in the dayes of the Prophet Amos) so from his Churches in New England, by a great and terrible Earthquake (which happened much about the time the Lordly Prelates were preparing their injunctions for Scotland.) Taking rise from the West, it made its progresse to the Eastward, causing the Earth to rise up and downe like the waves of the Sea; having the same effect on the Sea also, causing the Ships that lay in the Harbor to quake, the which, at that very time, was said to be a signe from the Lord to his Churches, that he was purposed to shake the Kingdomes of Europes Earth, and now by his providences brought to passe, all men may reade as much and more: as if he should have said to these his scattered people (yet now againe united in Church Covenant) the Lord is now gathering together his Armies, and that your faith may be strengthened, you shall feele and heare the shakings of the Earth by the might of his power: yea, the Sea also, to shew he will ordaine Armies both by Sea and Land to make Babilon desolate; Things thus concurring as an immediate answer of the Lord to his peoples prayers and endeavours, caused some of this little handfull with resolute courage and boldnesse to returne againe to their native Land, that they might (the Lord accepting and assisting them in their endeavours) be helpful in advancing the Kingdome of Christ, and casting down every strong house of sinne and Satan. It matters not indeed who be the instruments, if with the eye of faith these that go forth to fight the Lords Battailes, can but see and heare the lord going out before them against their enemies, with a sound in the tops of the Mulbery Trees. Here are assuredly evident signes that the Lord Christ is gone forth for his peoples deliverance, and now Frogs, Flies, Lice or Dust, shall serve to destroy those [who] will yet hold his people in bondage, notwithstanding the lord will honour such as hee hath made strong for himself; And therefore hee causeth the worthies in Davids time to be recorded, and it is the duty of Gods people to incourage one another in the worke of the Lord, then let all whose hearts are upright for the Lord, ponder well his goings in his Sanctuary, that their hands may be strengthened in the work they goe about, onely be strong and of a good courage.
Of the gratious goodnesse of the Lord Christ, in saving his New England people, from the hand of the barbarous Indians.
Lastly, for the frontispiece of their present distresse, namely the Indian war, they with much meeknesse and great deliberation, wisely contrived how they might best helpe their fellow brethren; hereupon they resolved to send a solemne Embassage to old Cannonicus, chiefe Sachem of the narrow Ganset Indians, who being then well stricken in yeares had caused his nephew Miantinemo to take the Government upon him, who was a very sterne man, and of a great stature, of a cruell nature, causing all his Nobility and such as were his attendance to tremble at his speech. The people under his Government were very numerous, besides the Niantick Indians, whose Prince was of neare aliance unto him; They were able to set forth, as was then supposed, 30000. fighting men. The English sought by all meanes to keepe these at least from confederating with the Pequods, and understanding by intelligence, that the Pequots would send to them for that end, endeavoured to prevent them. Fit and able men being chosen by the English, they hast them to Cannonicus Court, which was about fourscore miles from Boston.
The Indian King hearing of their comming, gathered together his chiefe Counsellors, and a great number of his Subjects to give them entertainment, resolving as then that the young King should receive their message, yet in his hearing. They arriving, were entertain’d royally, with respect to the Indian manner. Boil’d Chesnuts is their White-bread, which are very sweet, as if they were mixt with Sugar; and because they would be extraordinary in their feasting, they strive for variety after the English manner, boyling Puddings made of beaten corne, putting therein great store of black berryes, somewhat like Currants. They having thus nobly feasted them, afterward give them Audience, in a State-house, round, about fifty foot wide, made of long poles stuck in the ground, like your Summer-houses in England, and covered round about, and on the top with Mats, save a small place in the middle of the Roofe, to give light, and let out the smoke.
In this place sate their Sachim, with very great attendance; the English comming to deliver their Message, to manifest the greater state, the Indian Sachim lay along upon the ground, on a Mat, and his Nobility sate on the ground, with their legs doubled up, their knees touching their chin; with much sober gravity they attend the Interpreters speech. It was matter of much wonderment to the English, to see how solidly and wisely these savage people did consider of the weighty undertaking of a War; especially old Canonicus, who was very discreet in his answers. The young Sachem was indeed of a more lofty spirit, which wrought his ruine, as you may heare, after the decease of the old King. But at this time his answer was, that he did willingly embrace peace with the English, considering right well, that although their number was but small in comparison with his people, and that they were but strangers to the Woods, Swamps, and advantagious places of this Wildernesse, yet withall he know the English were advantaged by their weapons of War, and especially their Guns, which were of great terror to his people and also he had heard they came of a more populous Nation by far than all the Indians were , could they be joyn’d together. Also on the other hand, with mature deliberation, he was well advised of the Peaquods cruell disposition and aptnesse to make War, as also their neere neighbourhood to his people, who though they were more numerous, yet were they withall more effeminate, and lesse able to defend themselves from the sudden incursions of the Peaquods, should they fall out with them. Hereupon hee demes it most conducing to his owne and his peoples safety to direct his course in a middle way, holding amity with both. The English returne home, having gained the old Kings favour so farre, as rather to favour them then the Pequods, who perceiving their Neighbouring English had sent forth aid to the Mattacusets government, thought it high time to seeke the winning all the Indians they could on their side, and among others they make their addresse to old Cannonicus, who, instead of taking part with them, labours all he can to hush the War in hand, laying before them the sad effects of War; sometimes proving sad and mournfull to the very Victors themselves, but alwayes to the vanquished, and withall tells them what potent enemies they had to contend with, whose very weapons and Armor were matter of terror, setting their persons a side; as also that English man was no much hoggery yet, and therefore they might soone appease them, by delivering into their hands those persons that had beene the death of any of them, which were much better than that the whole Nation should perish.
For the present the Pequods seemed to be inclinable to the old Sachims counsell, but being returned home againe among their rude multitude (the chief place of cowardly boasting) they soon change their minde; yet the old Sachim sends the English word he had wrought with them, and in very deed, the English had rather make choice of Peace then Warre, provided it may stand with Truth and Righteousnesse: and therefore send forth a band of Souldiers, who arriving in the Peaquod Country, address themselves to have a Treaty with them about delivering up the murtherers; they making shew of willingness so to doe bade them abide awhile and they would bring them, and in the mean time they were conversant among the Souldiers, and viewing their Armie, pointed to divers places where they could hit them with their Arrowes for all their Corslets. But their greatest number lying while at the other side of a great hill, and anon appearing on the top of the hill, in sight of the English, those Indians that were among the English withdrawing toward them, no sooner were they come to their Companions, but all of a suddaine they gave a great shout, and shewed the English a fair pair of heeles, who seeing it would not availe any thing to follow them (they being farre swifter of foot than the English) made their returne home againe.
This bootlesse voyage incouraged the Indians very much, who insulted over them at the fort, boasting of this their deluding them, and withall, they blasphemed the Lord, saying Englishmans God was all one Flye, and that English man was all one Sqawe, and themselves all one Moor-hawks. Thus by their horrible pride they fitted themselves for destruction. The English hearing this report, were now full assured that the Lord would deliver them into their hands to execute his righteous judgement upon these blasphemous murtherers; and therefore raised fresh Souldiers for the warre, to the number of fourscore, or thereabout, out of the severall towns of the Matachusets, and although they were but in their beginnings, yet the Lord, who fore-intended their work, provided for all their wants, and indeed it was much that they had any bisket to carry with them in these times of scarcity, or any vessels to transport their men and ammunition: yet all was provided by the gracious hand of the most high; and the Souldiers, many of them, not onely armed with outward weapons, and armour of defence, but filled with a spirit of courage and magnanimity to resist, not onely men, but Devils; for surely he was more than ordinaryly present with this Indian army, as the sequell will shew: as also for their further incouragement, the reverend and zealously affected servant of Christ, Mr. John Wilson, went with the army, who had treasured up heaps of the experimentall goodnesse of God towards his people. Having formerly passed through perils by Sea, perils by Land, perils among false brethren, etc. he followed the warre purposely to sound an alarum before the Lord with his silver trumpet, that his people might be remembred before him: the Souldiers arriving in safety at the Towne of Hartford, where they were encouraged by the reverend Ministers there, with some such speech as followes.
Fellow-Souldiers, Country-men, and Companions in this Wildernesse worke, who are gathered together this day by the inevitable Providence of the great Jehovah, not in a tumultuous manner hurried on by the floating fancy of every high hot headed braine, whose actions prove abortive, or if any fruit be brought forth, it hath beene rape, theft, and murther, things inconsisting with natures light, then much lesse with a Souldiers valour; but you, my deare hearts, purposely pickt out by the godly grave Fathers of this government, that your prowesse may carry on the work, where Justice in her righteous course is obstructed, you need not question your authority to execute those whom God, the righteous Judge of all the world, hath condemned for blaspheming his sacred Majesty, and murthering his Servants: every common Souldier among you is now installed a Magistrate; then shew your selves men of courage. I would not draw low the height of your enemies hatred against you, and so debase your valour. This you may expect, their swelling pride hath laid the foundation of large conceptions against you and all the people of Christ in this wildernesse, even as wide as Babels bottome. But, my brave Souldiers, it hath mounted already to the clouds, and therefore it is ripe for confusion; also their crueltie is famously knowne, yet all true-bred Souldiers reserve this as a common maxime, cruelty and cowardize are unseparable companions; and in briefe, there is nothing wanting on your enemies part, that may deprive you of a compleat victory, onely their nimbleness of foot, and the unaccessible swamps and nut-tree woods, forth of which your small numbers may intice, and industry compell them. And now to you I put the question, who would not fight in such a cause with an agile spirit, and undaunted boldnesse? Yet if you look for further encouragement, I have it for you; riches and honour are the next to a good cause eyed by every Souldier, to maintain your owne, and spoile your enemies of theirs; although gold and silver be wanting to either of you, yet have you that to maintaine which is farre more precious, the lives, libertyes, and new purchased freedomes, priviledges, and immunities of the indeared servants of our Lord Christ Jesus, and of your second selves, even your affectionated bosome-mates, together with the chiefe pledges of your love, the comforting contents of harmlesse pratling and smiling babes; and in a word, all the riches of that goodnesse and mercy that attends the people of God in the injoyment of Christ, in his Ordinances, even in this life; and as for honour, David was not to be blamed for enquiring after it, as a due recompence of that true valour the Lord hath bestowed on him: and now the Lord hath prepared this honour for you, oh you courageous Souldiers of his, to execute vengeance upon the heathen, and correction among the people, to binde their Kings in chaines, and Nobles in fetters of Iron, that they may execute upon them the judgements that are written! this honour shall be to all his Saints. But some of you may suppose deaths stroke may cut you short of this: let every faithfull Souldier of Christ Jesus know, that the cause why some of his indeared Servants are taken away by death in a just warre (as this assuredly is) it is not because they should fall short of the honours accompanying such noble designes, but rather because earths honours are too scant for them, and therefore the everlasting Crown must be set upon their heads forthwith. Then march on with a cheerfull Christian courage in the strength of the Lord and the power of his might, who will forthwith inclose your enemies in your hands, make their multitudes fall under your warlike weapons, and your feet shall soon be set on their proud necks.
After the Ministers of Christ had, through the grace that was given them, exhorted and encouraged these Souldiers appointed for the work, they being provided with certaine Indian guides, who with the close of the day brought them to a small river, where they could perceive many persons had been dressing of fish; upon the sight thereof, the Indian guides concluded they were now a feasting it at their fort, which was hard at hand. The English calling a Councill of warre, being directed by the speciallest providence of the most high God, they concluded to storm the fort a little before break of day; at which time they supposed the Indians being up late in their jolly feasting, would bee in their deepest sleepe; and surely so it was, for they now slept their last: the English keeping themselves as covertly as they could, approached the fort at the time appointed, which was builded of whole Trees set in the ground fast, and standing up an end about twelve foot high, very large, having pitcht their Wigwams within it, the entrance being on two sides, with intricate Meanders to enter. The chiefe Leaders of the English made some little stand before they offered to enter, but yet boldly they rushed on, and found the passages guarded at each place with an Indian Bow-man, ready on the string, they soone let fly, and wounded the formost of the English in the shoulder, yet having dispatch’d the Porters, they found the winding way in without a Guide, where they soone placed themselves round the wigwams, and according to direction they made their first shot with the muzzle of their Muskets downe to the ground, knowing the Indian manner is to lie on the ground to sleep, from which they being in this terrible manner awakened, unlesse it were such as were slaine with the shot.
After this some of the English entered the Wigwams, where they received some shot with their Arrowes, yet catching up the fire-brands, they began to fire them, and others of the English Soulders with powder, did the same: the day now began to break; the Lord intending to have these murtherers know he would looke out of the cloudy pillar upon them: and now these women and children set up a terrible out-cry; the men were smitten down, and slaine, as they came forth with a great slaughter, the Sqawes crying out, oh much winn it English-man, who moved with pitty toward them, saved their lives: and hereupon some young youth cryed, I squaw, I squaw, thinking to finde the like mercy. There were some of these Indians, as is reported, whose bodyes were not to be pierced by their sharp rapiers or swords of [for] a long time, which made some of the Souldiers think the Devil was in them, for there were some Powwowes among them, which work strange things with the help of Satan. But this was very remarkable, one of them being wounded to death, and thrust thorow the neck with a halbert; yet after all, lying groaning upon the ground, he caught the halberts speare in his hand, and wound it quite round. After the English were thus possessed of this first victory, they sent their prisoners to the pinnaces, and prosecute the warre in hand, to the next Battalia of the Indians, which lay on a hill about two miles distant, and indeed their stoutest Souldiers were at this place, and not yet come to the fort; the English being weary with their night worke, and wanting such refreshing as the present worke required, began to grow faint, yet having obtained one victory, they were very desirous of another: and further, they knew right-well, till this cursed crew were utterly rooted out, they should never be at peace; therefore they marched on toward them. Now assuredly, had the Indians knowne how much weakned our Souldiers were at present, they might have born them downe with their multitude, they being very strong and agile of body, had they come to handygripes; but the Lord (who would have his people know their work was his, and he onely must order their Counsels, and war-like work for them) did bring them timely supply from the vessels, and also gave them a second victory, wherein they slew many more of their enemies, the residue flying into a very thick swamp, being unaccessible, by reason of the boggy holes of water, and thick bushes; the English drawing up their company beleagered the swamp, and the Indians in the mean time skulking up and down, and as they saw opportunity they made shot with their Arrowes at the English, and then suddainly they would fall flat along in the water to defend themselves from the retalliation of the Souldiers Muskets This lasted not long, for our English being but a small number, had parted themselves far asunder, but by the providence of the most high God, some of them spyed an Indian with a kettle at his back going more inwardly into the swamp, by which they perceived there was some place of firm land in the midst thereof, which caused them to make way for the passage of their Souldiers, which brought this warre to a period: For although many got away, yet were they no such considerable number as ever to raise warre any more; the slaine or wounded of the English were (through the mercy of Christ) but a few: One of them being shot through the body, neere about the breast, regarding it not till of a long time after, which caused the bloud to dry and thicken on either end of the arrow so that it could not be drawne forth his body without great difficulty and much paine, yet did he scape his life, and the wound healed. Thus the Lord was pleased to assist his people in this warre, and deliver them out of the Indians hands, who were very lusty proper men of their hands, most of them, as may appear by one passage which I shall here relate: thus it came to passe, As the Souldiers were uppon their march, close by a great thicket, where no eye could penetrate farre, as it often falls out in such wearisom wayes, where neither men nor beast have beaten out a path; some Souldiers lingering behinde their fellowes, two Indians watching their opportunity, much like a hungry hauke, when they supposed the last man was come up, who kept a double distance in his march, they sudden and swiftly snatched him up in their tallens, hoising him upon their shoulders, ran into the swamp with him; the Souldier unwilling to be made a Pope by being borne on mens shoulders, strove with them all he could to free himselfe from their hands; but, like a carefull Commander, one Captaine Davenport, then Lieutenant of this company, being diligent in his place to bring up the reare, coming up with them, followed with speed into the swamp after him, having a very severe cutlace tyed to his wrist, and being well able to make it bite sore when he set it on, resolving to make it fall foul on the Indians bones, he soone overtook them, but was prevented by the buckler they held up from hitting them, which was the man they had taken: It was matter of much wonder to see with what dexterity they hurled the poore Souldier about, as if they had been handling a Lacedaemonian shield, so that the nimble Captain Davenport could not, of a long time, fasten one stroke upon them; yet, at last, dying their tawny skin into a crimson colour, they cast downe their prey, and hasted thorow the thickets for their lives. The Souldier thus redeemed, had no such hard usage, but that he is alive, as I suppose, at this very day: The Lord in mercy toward his poore Churches having thus destroyed these bloudy barbarous Indians, he returnes his people in safety to their vessels, where they take account of their prisoners: the Squawes and some young youths they brought home with them, and finding the men to be deeply guilty of the crimes they undertooke the warre for, they brought away onely their heads as a token of their victory. By this means the Lord strook a trembling terror into all the Indians round about, even to this very day.
Of the first Synod holden in New England,
whereby the Lord in his mercy did more plainly discover his ancient truths,
and confute those cursed errors that ordinarily dogg the reforming Churches of Christ.
The Lord Christ deeming it most expedient for his people to adde some farther help to assist them in cutting downe those cursed errors (that were the next dangerous difficulty they were to meet with) sends in the Reverend and bright shining light Mr. Davenport, and the cheerfull, grave, and gracious Soldier of his, Mr. Allen, as also Mr. Thompson, Mr. Browne, Mr. Fish, with divers other of the faithfull servants of Christ, the much honoured Mr. Eaton and Mr. Hopkins: and now the time being come, the Synod sate at Cambridge, where was present about 25. Reverend and godly Ministers of Christ, besides many other graciously-eminent servants of his. A Catalogue of the severall Errors scattered about the Countrey was there produced, to the number of 80. and liberty given to any man to dispute pro or con, and none to be charged to be of that opinion he disputed for, unlesse he should declare himselfe so to be. The weapons these Souldiers of Christ warred with, was the Sword of the Spirit, even the Word of God, together with earnest prayer to the God of all Truth, that he would open his truths unto them. The clearing of the true sense and meaning of any place of Scripture, it was done by Scripture, for they so discerned by the grace of God that was given them, that the whole Scripture must be attended unto. Foure sorts of persons I could with a good will have paid their passage out, and home againe to England, that they might have been present at this Synod, so that they would have reported the truth of all the passages thereof to their own Colledges at their return. The first is the Prelates, who both in Theorie and Practice might have made their owne Eyes Judges in the case, Whether would prevaile most, (to the suppressing of Error, and advancing of Unity in the true worship of God), either their commanding power backt with the subordinate sword of Princes, or the Word of God cleered up by the faithfull labour and indefatigable pains of the sincere servants of the Lord Christ, and mightily declared through the demonstration of his blessed Spirit. This well waighed, may (through the Lords Blessing) stop the yet running fancie in the brains of many, that their Lordly power is the onely means of suppressing Error.
Secondly, the Godly and Reverend Presbyterian Party, who had they made their eye-witnesses of this worke, they had assuredly saved themselves much labour, which I dare presume they would have spent worthily otherwayes, then in writing so many books to prove the Congregationall or Independent Churches to be the sluce, through which so many flouds of Error flow in: nay, my deare and reverend brethren, might not so much work of yours in writing, and ours in answering, have been a meanes to have stopt the height of this overflowing floud? and through the Lords assisting have setled Peace and Truth in a great measure throughout the three Nations.
Thirdly, those who with their new stratagems have brought in so much old error; for although they had a party here, yet verily they durst not bring their New Light to the Old Word, for fear it would prove but Old Darknesse, (as indeed they doe.) But here might they have seene the Ministers of Christ (who were so experienced in the Scripture, that some of them could tell you the place, both Chapter and Verse, of most sentences of Scripture could be named unto them) with scriptures light, cleering up the truths of Christ clouded by any of these Errors and Heresies, as had not been done for many Ages before: and verily this great work of Christ must not be lightly over-past. The Author of this History passeth not for the shrewd censures of men: nor, can it be any matter of disparagement to the reverend and highly honoured in Christ, remaining in England, that their fellow brethren have done so worthily here? It is well knowne to all our English Nation, that the most able-preaching Ministers of Christ were most pursued by the lording Clergy, and those that have spent all their dayes, even from a child, in searching the Scriptures, the Lord Christ preparing them by his blessed spirit for this very work. Besides, their continued practice in studying and preaching the wayes of truth; and lastly, their meeting with the opposition of so many crafty, close couched errors, whose first foundation was laid cheke by joule with the most glorious, heavenly, and blessed truths, to dazle the eyes of the beholders, and strike terrour into the hearts of those should lift up their hands against them, for feare they should misse them, and hit their stroke upon the blessed truth; and also to bring up a slanderous and evil report on all the able Orthodox Ministers of Christ that withstand them, perswading men they withstand the hole, heavenly, and blessed truth, which they have lodged there, which this Synod did with strong and undenyable arguments fetch from Scripture, to overthrow and pluck up by the roots, all those Errors, which you have heard mentioned in the former Book, the which they divided for the more full answering of them, among all those valiant Champions of the Truth whom you have heard named, to some six, some five, some foure, etc. It had assuredly been worth the work to have related the particular manner of putting to the sword every one of them: but besides the length of the discourse, there must have been a more able Penman: but however they were so put to death, that they never have stood up in a living manner among us since, but sometimes like Wizards to peepe and mutter out of ground, fit for such people to resort unto, as will goe from the living to the dead. But blessed be the Lord Christ, who girded his people with strength against this day of battaile, and caused the Heavens to cleere up againe in New-England, after these foggy dayes.
The fourth and last fort of persons, whose presence I could most of all the other three former have desired was, those whose disease lay as chiefly in despising all Physitians, and that upon this ground for one, because some for filthy lucre sake have nourisht Diseases rather than cured them. Many pamphlets have come from our Countreymen of late, to this purpose, namely, scurrillously to deride all kind of Scholarship, Presbytery, and Synods. Experience hath taught Gods people here, that such are troubled with some sinfull opinion of their owne, that they would not have touched; but had they been at this Synod, they must, per force, have learned better language, or their speech and their knowledge would fall foule one of the other; here might they have beheld the humility of the most learned of these servants of Christ, condemning the high conceitednesse of their ignorance, and then also the framing of Arguments in a Schollar-like way, did (the Lord assisting) cleare up the truths of Christ more to the meanes capacity in one hour, then could be clouded again in seaven yeare by the new notion of any such as boast so much of their unlettered knowledge. Diversity of languages, although a correcting hand of God upon the whole world, when they joyned together in that proud Edifice, yet now is it blest of God, to retaine the purity of the Scriptures; if any man should goe about to corrupt them in one language, they should remain pure in another; and assuredly, the Lord intending to have the wayes of the Gospel of Christ to be made more manifest at this time, then formerly, not by tradition of our forefathers, or by mans reason, but by the revealed will of God in the holy Scripture, did accordingly prepare Instruments for this work, earthen vessels, men subject to erre; yet these did the Lord Christ cause to be train’d up in Learning, and tutor’d at the Universities, and that very young, some of them, as the reverend Mr. John Cotten, at 13. yeares of age. The mighty power of God sanctifyed and ordained them for this work, and made them a defenced city, an iron pillar, a wall of brass against all the opposers of his truth; and now coupled them together in this Synod, to draw in Christs yoke, and warre with the weapons he had furnished them withall, and cause the blessed truths of Christ to shine forth in their splendour and glory, farre more after the dispersing of this smoak, which of a long time hath filled the Temple, and hindered the entring in of those great number of Converts, which shall flow in at the fall of all antichristian Errors; and verily as the Lord Christ had called forth this little handfull to be a model of his glorious work, intended throughout the whole world, so chiefly in this suppressing of Errours, Sects, and Heresies, by the blessed word of his truth, causing his servants in this Synod, mutually to agree; and by his gracious providence, break in pieces a contrived plot of some, who, by misreports, insinuating jealousies, and crafty carriage of matters to the wrong mark, with a writing of thrice twenty strong, would have drawne away one of the valiant Souldiers of Christ from this worthy worke, who both then, and since, hath been very helpful to cast downe many a strong fort erected by the Sectaries; but the Lord Christ would not suffer this blow to be given, intending all people (by way of restitution) for their slanderous reports, cast upon his New England Churches (as being the inlet to Errours) shall honour them with this victorious conquest, given them by Christ herein; yet willing they would, their brethren in England might win the prize by out-stripping them, more abundantly in length, bredth and height, which the same God is able to performe, that hath been thus abundantly good to us.
About this time the Churches of Christ began to be diligent in their duty, and the civil government in looking after such as were like to disturb the peace of this new erected government; some persons being so hot headed for maintaining of these sinfull opinions, that they feared breach of peace, even among the Members of the superior Court, but the Lord blessing them with agreement to prevent the wofull effects of civill broyles; those in place of government caused certain persons to be disarmed in the severall Townes, as in the Towne of Boston, to the number of 58, in the Towne of Salem 6, in the Towne of Newbery 3, in the Towne of Roxbury 5, in the Towne of Ipswitch 2, and Charles Towne 2. Others there were, that through the help of the faithfull servants of Christ, came to see how they had beene misled, and by the power of Christ in his Word, returned againe with an acknowledgement of their sinne; but others there were, who remained obstinate, to the disturbing of the civill power, and were banished, of whom you shall heare farther hereafter. Some of the Churches of Christ being more indulgent, waited long ere they fell upon the work: and here you must tak notice, that the Synod, Civil Government, and the Churches of Christ, kept their proper place, each moving in their own sphear, and acting by their own light, or rather by the revelation of Jesus Christ, witnessed by his Word and Spirit, yet not refusing the help of each other (as some would willingly have it). Some of the Churches prosecuting the Rule of Christ against their hereticall Members, were forced to proceed to excommunication of them, who when they saw whereto it would come, they would have prevented it with lying, but the Lord discovered it; and so they were justly separated from the Churches of Christ for lying: which being done, they fell to their old trade againe.
Of the planting the fourth Colonie of New Englands godly Government called New-Haven.
The Lord Christ having now in his great mercy taken out of the way these mountains that seemed in the eye of Man to block up his Churches further proceedings, they had now leisure to welcome the living stones that the Lord was pleased to adde unto this building, and with thankfull acknowledgment to give him of his owne for his mercyes multitude, whose was the work in planting, not onely more Churches, but another Colony also; for the honoured Mr. Eaton being accompanied with many worthy persons of note, whom the Lord had furnished with store of substance for this wildernesse-work, although they would willingly have made their abode under the Government of the Mattacusets; yet could they finde no place upon the Seacoasts for their settling: the Lord intending to enlarge his peoples border, caused them, after much search, to take up a place somewhat more southwardly, neare the shalles of Cape-cod, where they had very flatt water; yet being entred in, they found a commodious harbour for shipping, and a fit place to erect a Towne, which they built in very little time, with very faire houses, and compleat streets; but in a little time they overstockt it with Cattell, although many of them did follow merchandizing, and Maritime affairs, but their remotenesse from the Mattacusets Bay, where the chiefe traffique lay, hindred them much. Here did these godly and sincere servants of Christ, according to the rule of the Word, gather into Church Estate, and called to the office of a Pastor the reverend, judicious, and godly Mr. John Davenport, of whom the Author is bold to say as followeth:
When Men and Devils ‘gainst Christs flock conspire.
For them prepar’d a deadly trapping net;
Then Christ to make all men his work admire,
Davenport, he doth thee from thy Country fet
To sit in Synod, and his folk assist:
The filthy vomit of Hels Dragon, deepe
In earths womb drawn, blest they this poyson mist,
And blest the meanes doth us from error keep.
Thy grave advice and arguments of strength
Did much prevaile, the Erronist confound.
Well hast thou warr’d, Christ drawes thy dayes in length,
That thou in learn’d experience maist abound:
What though thou leave a city stor’d with pleasure,
Spend thy prime dayes in heathen desart land,
Thy joy’s in Christ, and not in earthly treasure,
Davenport rejoice, Christs Kingdome is at hand;
Didst ever deem to see such glorious dayes?
Though thou decrease with age and earths content,
Thou live’st in Christ, needs then must thy joy raise;
His Kingdome’s thine, and that can ne’r be spent.
This Church and Town soon procur’d some Sisters to take part with her, and among them they erected a godly and peaceable Government, and called their frontier Towne New-haven, of which the Government is denominated, being inhabited by many men eminent in gifts for the populating thereof, and managing of affaires both by Sea and Land; they have had some shipping built there, but by the sad losse of Mr. Lambertons ship and goods also, they were much disheartned, but the much honoured Mr. Eaton remaines with them to this very day.
Thou noble thus, Theophilus, before great kings to stand,
More noble far, for Christ his war thou leav’st thy native land;
With thy rich store thou cam’st on shore Christs Churches to assist;
What if it wast[e]? thou purchast hast that Pearl that most have mist,
Nay rather he hath purchast thee, and whatsoever thou hast,
With graces store to govern o’re his people, he thee plac’t.
Our State affaires they will repaires, assistant thou hast bin
Firm league to make, for Gospels sake, four Colonyes within;
With Sweads, French, Dutch, and Indians much, Gods peoples peace this bred,
Then Eaton aye remember may the Child that’s yet unfed.
This Government of New-Haven, although the younger Sister of the foure, yet was she as beautifull as any of this broode of travellers, and most minding the end of her coming hither, to keep close to the rule of Christ both in Doctrine and Discipline; and it were to be wished her elder Sister would follow her example, to nurture up all her children accordingly: here is not to be forgotten the honoured Mr. Hopkins, who came over about this time, a man of zeale and courage for the truths of Christ, assisting this blessed work, both in person and estate; for the which the Author cannot forget him, being oft in commission for the good of all the united Colonyes.
Hopkins thou must, although weak dust, for this great work prepare,
Through Ocean large Christ gives thee charge to govern his with care;
What earthen man, in thy short span throughout the world to run
From East to West at Christs behest, thy worthy work is done:
Unworthy thou acknowledge now, not unto thee at all,
But to his name be lasting fame, thou to his work doth call.
Of the planting the fourteenth Church of Christ
under the government of the Mattachusets Bay, called Dedham.
The latter end of this yeare ‘twas the Towne of Dedham began, an inland Towne, scituate, about ten miles from Boston, in the County of Suffolk, well watred with many pleasant streames, abounding with Garden fruits fitly to supply the Markets of the most populous Towne, whose coyne and commodities allures the Inhabitants of this Towne to make many a long walk; they consist of about a hundred Families, being generally given to husbandry, and, through the blessing of God, are much encreased, ready to swarme and settle on the building of another Towne more to the Inland; they gather into a Church at their first settling, for indeed, as this was their chiefe errand, so was it the first thing they ordinarily minded; to pitch their Tabernacles neare the Lords Tent: To this end they called to the office of a Pastor, the reverend, humble, and heavenly-minded Mr. John Allen, a man of a very courteous behaviour, full of sweet Christian love towards all, and with much meeknesse of spirit, contending earnestly for the faith and peace of Christs Churches.
All you so slite Christs sanctifying grace,
As legall workes, what Gospel-work can be
But sinne cast out, and spirits work in place,
They justifyed that Christ thus reigning see:
Allen, thou art by Christs free spirit led
To warre for him in wildernesse awhile;
What, doe for Christ, I [ay] man thou art in’s stead,
Sent to beseech, in’s Vineyard thou must toyle.
John Allen, joy, thou sinfull dust art taken
To Spend thy dayes in exile, so remote,
Christs Church to build, of him that’s ne’r forsaken,
Nor thou, for now his truths thou must promote.
He guides thy tongue, thy paper, pen and hands,
Thy hearts swift motion, and affections choice;
Needs thou thus lead, must doe what he commands,
And cry aloud when he lifts up thy voice:
Seven yeares compleat twice told, thy work hath bin,
To feed Christs flock, in desart land them keep,
Both thou and they each day are kept by him;
Safe maist thou watch, being watcht by him ne’r sleeps.
This Church of Christ hath in its bosome neere about 70. souls joyned in Covenant together, and being well seasoned with this savoury salt, have continued in much love and unity from their first foundation, hitherto t[r]anslating the close, clouded woods into goodly corn-fields, and adding much comfort to the lonesome travellers, in their solitary journey to Canectico, by eying the habitation of Gods people in their way, ready to administer refreshing to the weary.
Of the planting of the fifteenth Church of Christ at Waymoth.
The Towne and Church of Christ at Waymoth had come in among the other Townes before this, as being an elder Sister, but onely for her somewhat more than ordinary instability; it is battered with the brinish billows on the East; Rocks and Swamps to the Southwest, makes it delightfull to the nimble tripping Deere, as the plowable places of Medow land is to the Inhabitants. This Towne was first founded by some persons that were not so forward to promote the Ordinances of Christ, as many others have been: they desired the reverend Minister of Christ Mr. Gennors, to be helpful in preaching the Word unto them; who after some little space of time, not liking the place, repaired to the Eastern English: but the people of this place, after his departure, being gathered into a Church, they called to the office the reverend godly Mr. Newman; but many of them unwilling to continue in this Towne, as supposing they had found a fitter place for habitation, removed into the next Government, carrying with them their Pastor; by which means, the people that were left behinde, were now destitute, and having some godly Christians among them, who much desired the sincere milk of the Word, that they might grow thereby: upon diligent use of meanes they found out a young man able gifted for the work, brought up with the reverend and judicious Mr. Chancie, called Mr. Thomas Thatcher. Yet againe, after some few yeares, for want of sufficient maintenance, with mutuall consent they parted with him, and are forced to borrow help of their Neighbours, wherein all of them to [to all of them] the Author is bold to say as followeth:
Oh people, reason swayes mans actions here,
You sanctifyed, o’re these long seas doth look,
With heavenly things your earthly toyle to cheere;
Will lose the end for which this toyle you tooke.
Christ comes in’s Word, let their bright feet abide
Your Towne, among whose grace and gifts excell
In preaching Christ, it’s he your hearts hath try’d,
They want no store that all for him doe sell.
Gennors, dost love thy Christ? I hope he’s deare
Belov’d of thee, he honour’d would thee have
To feed his flock, while thou remainsest here;
With’s Word of truth thy soule and others save.
With little flock doth Newman pack away;
The righteous lips sure might a many feed;
Remov’st for gaine? It’s most where most men stay,
Men part for land, why land least helps at need.
Thatcher, what mean’st to leave thy little flock?
Sure their increase might thee much profit bring:
What, leave Christs Church? It’s founded on a rock;
If rock not left, their ebb may suddain spring;
Pastor and People, have you both forgot
What parting Paul and Christs deare people had?
Their loves melt teares, it’s ve’mently so hot,
His heart-strings break to see his folk so sad.
This yeare came over, besides the former, for the furthering of this blessed work of Christ, Mr. William Tompson, Mr. Edm: Browne, and Mr. David Frisk, who were called to office in severall Churches, as you shall after hear. And now to end this yeare, that abounded in the wonder-working Providence of Christ, for his Churches, in the exaltation of his truths, that all may take notice the Lord cast in by the by, as it were, a very fruitfull crop, insomuch that from this day forward their increase was every yeare more and more, till the Country came to feed its owne Inhabitants; and the people who formerly were somewhat pincht with hunger, eat bread to the full, having not onely for their necessity, but also for their conveniency and delight.