Index Th - Wh
The spelling in the original manuscript has been
followed throughout this publication.
The "Honor Roll" of the subscribers will be continued in the
Third Volume.
Thompson, Jane (Jean, Jenny), 2, 49,
289, 293, 335, 351, 358, 445. |
Thompson, John, 33, 56, 76, 94, 96, 100,
171, 179, 206, 246, 247, 255, 256, 277,
290, 292, 307, 314, 322, 324, 325, 335,
348, 350, 354, 359, 361, 396, 398, 400,
401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 425,
441, 449, 454, 458, 462, 464, 470, 471,
473, 509. |
Thompson, Joseph, 15, 79, 314, 359, 424,
431. |
Thompson, Judith (Judy), 179, 206, 256. |
Thompson, Levi, 489. |
Thompson, Luse, 415. |
Thompson, Margaret, 70, 206. |
Thompson, Martha, 307, 347. |
Thompson, Mary, 70, 100, 206, 213, 303,
307, 315, 330, 336, 348, 349, 353, 356,
357, 361, 389, 390, 395. |
Thompson, Mathew, 276, 320, 330, 336, 383,
392, 393, 444. |
Thomson, Mildred, 213. |
Tompson, Moses, 372, 376, 509. |
Thompson, Nancy, 206. |
Thomson, Nelson, 213, 493. |
Thompson, Patterson, 321. |
Thompson, Patton, 206, 207, 247. |
Thompson, Peterson, 315. |
Thompson, Peggy, 32. |
Thompson, Rachel, 279, 347. |
Thompson, Rebecca, 73. |
Thompson, Robert, 247, 276, 335, 407, 408,
412, 423, 454, 494. |
Thompson, Samuel, 307, 359, 423, 443. |
Thompson, Sarah, 206. |
Thompson, Smith, 285, 290, 292, 300, 323,
469, 470, 472, 477, 489, 490. |
Thompson, Thomas, 395, 399, 400, 418, 441. |
Thompson, Waddy, 213. |
Thompson, William, 15, 47, 56, 94, 100,
206, 207, 276, 279, 281, 293, 307, 330,
336, 345, 378, 381, 383, 389, 392, 393,
395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 401, 402, 403,
405, 406, 408, 418, 425, 429, 431, 433,
441, 442, 444, 455, 462. |
Thompson, William L., 26. |
Thorn, Eve, 98. |
Thorn, Felty, 414. |
Thorn, Henry, 98. |
Thorn, Lazarus, 98. |
Thorn, Michael, 98, 404. |
Thorn, Peter, 98. |
Thorn, Tobias, 98. |
Thornberry, Thomas, 413. |
Thornhill, John, 366. |
Thornhill, Samuel, 366. |
Thornton, Coats, 307, 348. |
Thornton, Ebenezer, 46. |
Thornton, Francis, 223, 371. |
Thornton, George, 176. |
Thornton, Mary, 176. |
Thornton, Mordecai, 322. |
Thornton, Sally (Sarah), 176. |
Thorp, Daniel, 310. |
Thorp, Fanny, 35. |
Thorp, Jacob, 344. |
Thorp, James, 409. |
Thorp, John, 356. |
Thorp, Moses, 330. |
Thorp, Robert, 330. |
Thorp, Samuel, 330, 357. |
Throckmorton, Airiss, 90. |
Throckmorton, John, 55, 88. |
Throckmorton, Robert, 55, 88. |
Throckmorton, William, 88, 316, 427. |
Thurman, Charles, 105. |
Thurman, Thomas, 481. |
Thurman, William, 489. |
Thunnond, Philip, 487, 488, 492. |
Thurston, Charles M., 77. |
Thurston, Harvie, 123. |
Thurston, John, 77. |
Thurston, Peggy, 35. |
Thurston, Plummer, 35. |
Thwarback, Mathias, 115. |
Thwarback, Michael, 115. |
Tibbs, James, 120. |
Tidball, Joseph, 88, 175. |
Tiefenbach, Mary, 328. |
Tieport, Jacob, 296. |
Tiernin, Edward, 46. |
Tiffany, Hugh, 28, 284, 425. |
Tilden, John B., 507. |
Tillery, John, 241, 396. |
Tilley, John, 430. |
Tilman, Daniel, 197. |
Tilman, Elizabeth, 197. |
Tilman, Lucy, 197, 198. |
Tilman, Winifred, 197. |
Tilman, Thomas, 197, 198. |
Timberlake, Benjamin, 471. |
Timberlake, Catherine, 135. |
Timberlake, Elizabeth, 135. |
Timberlake, George W., 135. |
Timberlake, Harfield, 97. |
Timberlake, Henry, 236. |
Timberlake, John, 135. |
Timberlake, Mary, 97. |
Timmons, John, 506. |
Tindall, George, 188. |
Tindall, Lewis, 188. |
Tindall, Lucy, 188, 189. |
Tindall, Martha, 188. |
Tindall, Nancy, 188. |
Tindall, Susan, 188. |
Tindall, William, 188. |
Tinsley, Ambrose Lee, 331. |
Tinsley, David, 41. |
Tinsley, Isaac, 41. |
Tinsley, John, 41, 500. |
Tinsley, Joshua, 41. |
Tipton, Elizabeth, 223. |
Tipton, John, 222, 223. |
Tipton, William, 507. |
Page 640

Tise (Tice), Mathias, 399, 457. |
Tithables, 429. |
Todd, George, 171, 391. |
Todd, James, 26, 81, 391, 451, 463. |
Todd, Jean, 81. |
Todd, John, 345, 358. |
Todd, Levi, 485. |
Todd, Mary, 81. |
Todd, Richard, 238. |
Todd, Robert, 81. |
Todd, Samuel, 272, 411, 451, 458. |
Todd, Sarah A., 485. |
Todd, Thomas, 81. |
Todd, William, 272. |
Toeme, John, 284. |
Tofflemier, Eve, 60, 61. |
Tofflemier, Martin, 60, 61. |
Toland, Cornelius, 417. |
Toland, John, 72. |
Tolin, Elias, 504. |
Toller, Richard, 49. |
Toler, Marah, 118. |
Tollet, Mark, 511. |
Tollett, John, 120, 121. |
Tollett, Margaret, 121. |
Tolmon, Benjamin, 292. |
Tolman, Elizabeth, 238. |
Tolman, James, 292. |
Tolman, John, 238. |
Tombleston, Thomas, 295. |
Tomey, John, 359. |
Tomlinson, Benjamin, 108, 109. |
Tomlinson, James, 33, 345. |
Tomlinson, Joseph, 58, 67, 108, 194. |
Tomlinson, Nathaniel, 67, 72, 109. |
Tomlinson, Rebecca, 108. |
Tomlinson, Samuel, 58, 108. |
Toms, Margaret, 302. |
Toney, Elizabeth, 3. |
Toney, John, 3. |
Toney, Leah, 140. |
Toney, Mathew, 504. |
Toney, William, 140. |
Toole, Archibald, 300. |
Tooley, James, 41. |
Toomey, Mathew, 504, 506. |
Torbct, Catherine, 323, 356. |
Torbet, David, 88, 335. |
Torbet, John, 323, 392. |
Torbet, Nathaniel, 11, 88. |
Torbett, Easter, 88. |
Torbctt (Torbet), Hugh, 71, 88, 292, 322,
323, 392. |
Torbett, Jane, 88. |
Torbett, Mary, 88. |
Torbett, Robert, 71, 283, 323. |
Torbett, Samuel, 71, 88, 292, 349, 392. |
Tosh, Tames, 105. |
Tosh, Tasker, 509. |
Tosh, Thomas, 438, 442, 450. |
Tosher, Christopher, 151. |
Tostee, Peter, 397. |
Towel, Nancy, 190. |
Towell, Ann, 260. |
Towell, John, 14, 190, 330, 338, 344, 388,
422. |
Towell, Margaret, 344, 358. |
Towell, Mark, 260. |
Towers, James, 167. |
Town, Isabella, 259. |
Townley, Ann, 240. |
Townley, Nancy, 240. |
Townsend, James, 307. |
Townsend, John, 284, 347. |
Townsend, Repentence, 417. |
Townsend, Solomon, 284, 307, 347. |
Townsley, Betsey, 240. |
Townsley, George, 25. |
Toys, Thomas, 161. |
Tracey, John, 511. |
Trader, Arthur, 449. |
Travis, John, 300. |
Trencher, Isaac, 360. |
Trennis, Hannah, 66. |
Trennis, Peter E., 66. |
Trent, Henry, 249, 250. |
Trent, John B., 249, 250. |
Trent, Obadiah H., 249, 250. |
Trent, Sally, 250. |
Tretabough, Conrad, 506. |
Trible, Mary, 360. |
Trice, Dabnee, 14. |
Trice, William, 14. |
Trigg, Abraham, 85, 86. |
Trigg, Clement, 248. |
Trigg, Daniel, 86. |
Trigg, Rachel, 156. |
Trigg, Sarah, 248, 249. |
Trigg, Stephen, 61. |
Trigg, Susannah, 85, 86. |
Trigg, William, 155. |
Trimble, Alexander G., 271. |
Trimble, Ann, 336. |
Trimble, David, 283, 303, 407, 440, 456,
462, 464. |
Trimble, Editha, 271. |
Trimble, Elizabeth, 303, 347. |
Trimble, George, 300, 358. |
Trimble, Isaac, 87, 360. |
Trimble, James, 38, 144, 151, 278, 313, 407,
418, 429, 434, 450, 462, 463, 465, 468,
497, 508, 509. |
Trimble, Jane (Jean), 310, 359. |
Trimble, John, 17, 23, 169, 271, 314, 329,
345, 372, 376, 379, 383, 385, 391, 394,
396, 397, 398, 399, 409, 417, 429, 430,
435, 440, 444, 465, 508, 509. |
Trimble, Joseph, 385. |
Trimble, Mary, 283, 346, 394. |
Trimble, Moses, 314, 359, 441, 464. |
Trimble, Robert, 145, 146, 147, 310, 336,
429. |
Trimble, Sally, 87. |
Page 641

Trimble, Walter, 23, 429, 433, 465, 468,
508. |
Trinkle, Christopher, 506. |
Triplett, Ann, 58. |
Triplett, Benedicta, 58. |
Triplett, Betsey H., 58. |
Triplett, Francis, 58, 77. |
Triplett, Francis A., 58. |
Triplett, Hedgman, 58. |
Triplett, Mary, 77. |
Triplett, Robert, 58. |
Triplett, William, 58. |
Trisler, Peter, 416. |
Trombaugh, George, 344. |
Troarbaugh (Trorobaugh, Troorbaugh,
Trobaugh), Jacob, 114, 115, 291. |
Troorbaugh, Abraham, 115. |
Troorbaugh, Adam, 114, 115. |
Troorbaugh, Henry, 115. |
Troorbaugh, Maria C., 115. |
Troorbach, Morillis, 115. |
Trorabaugh, Catherine, 310, 329. |
Trorabaugh, Elizabeth, 115, 334. |
Trorabaugh, Montelany, 335. |
Trorebach, Mary, 318. |
Trorebach, Nicholas, 115, 224, 310, 318,
334, 335. |
Trorebough, Peter, 427. |
Trorobough, Michael, 115, 329. |
Trorobaugh, William, 31, 115, 291, 304,
369. |
Trotter, Christopher, 284, 347. |
Trotter, David, 430. |
Trotter, Easter, 117. |
Trotter, George, 31, 307, 347. |
Trotter, Isaac, 117, 425. |
Trotter, James, 118, 314, 354, 384, 410,
429, 430, 441, 449, 462. |
Trotter, John, 236, 416, 421. |
Trotter, Joseph, 8, 429. |
Trotter, Margaret, 118. |
Trotter, Mary, 361. |
Trotter, Richard, 48, 50, 51, 292, 311, 422. |
Trotter, Samuel, 425. |
Trotter, Sarah, 362. |
Trotter, William, 277, 425. |
Trout, David, 307, 424, 425. |
Trout, Francis, 417. |
Trout, George, 416, 440. |
Trout, Henry, 454. |
Troxall, Catherine, 298. |
Troxall, Peter, 298, 321. |
Troulean, George, 418. |
Trumbo, Andrew, 457. |
Trumbo, Jacob, 416, 441, 457, 464. |
Trump, Jacob, 335, 357. |
Tucker, Drury, 210. |
Tucker, John, 427. |
Tumblin (Tumbling), Elizabeth, 335, 357. |
Tumblin, Thomas, 144, 335. |
Tumbleston, Peggy, 324, 357. |
Tumbleston, Thomas, 324. |
Tunstall, Robert, 49, 50, 51. |
Tupper, Gen., 50. |
Turk, Elizabeth, 324, 356. |
Turk, Esther (Easter), 282, 349. |
Turk, James, 324, 344, 358, 440. |
Turk, John, 186, 508. |
Turk, Margaret, 186. |
Turk, Robert, 41, 373, 375. |
Turk, Thomas, 11, 15, 28, 85, 186, 282,
296, 311, 316, 321, 324, 378, 380, 383,
440, 449, 458. |
Turman, Annie, 112. |
Turman, Benjamin, 112. |
Turman, Charles, 112. |
Turman, Elizabeth, 112. |
Turman, Frances, 112. |
Turman, George, 112. |
Turman, Ignatius, 112. |
Turman, James, 112. |
Turman, John, 112. |
Turman, Mary, 112. |
Turman, William, 112. |
Turnbull, Ann, 263. |
Turnbull (Turnbill), Robert, 263. |
Turncuper, James, 291. |
Turner, Anthony, 96, 125. |
Turner, Frances, 125. |
Turner, George, 74, 171. |
Turner, Henry, 131, 271. |
Turner, Isabella, 271. |
Turner, Jacob, 501. |
Turner, James, 133, 189, 493. |
Turner, John, 381, 383. |
Turner, Martha, 305, 348. |
Turner, Robert, 307, 340. |
Turner, Samuel, 60. |
Turner, Sylthey, 189. |
Turner, Timothy, 293. |
Turner, William, 490, 492. |
Turpin, Lysby, 188. |
Turtle, Abner, 321, 355. |
Tutwiler, Henry, 300. |
Tutwiler, Leonard, 322. |
Tutwiler, Mary, 322. |
Twany, William, 413. |
Twitchet, Catherine, 40. |
Twitchet, Samuel, 40. |
Tygart, Michael, 105, 116. |
Tyier, Isaac, 176. |
Tyier, John, 412. |
Tyier, Joseph, 410. |
Tyree, Jacob, 188. |
Tyree, Martha, 188. |
Tyson, John, 396. |
Ullam, John, 82. |
Umbarger, Henry, 119. |
Umbarger, Mary, 119. |
Umble, Uriah, 383, 384. |
Umerman, Isaac, 386. |
Umerman, Stephen, 386. |
Umphreys, Alexander, 19. |
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Underwood, Eleanor, 350. |
Underwood, George, 423. |
Underwood, John, 306. |
Underwood, Nathan, 14, 508. |
Underwood, Robert, 14. |
Underwood, Thomas, 406. |
Up, Frederick, 422. |
Upshaw, John, 255. |
Upton, Elia, 117. |
Upton, Elijah, 117. |
Upton, Joseph, 117, 118. |
Upton, Thomas, 117. |
Urquhart, William (W.), 281, 282. |
Usher, Ann, 317, 354. |
Usher, James, 307, 348. |
Usher, Jenney, 293, 351. |
Usher, Robert, 293, 317. |
Usher, William, 429. |
Utt, Adam, 466, 469. |
Utt, Catherine, 444. |
Vachub, (Vauhob), Isabel, 309, 355. |
Vachub, Jane, 351, 355. |
Vachub (Vauhob), John, 294, 309. |
Vachub, Joseph, 294. |
Vachub, Margaret, 78. |
Vachub, Robert, 78. |
Valentine, Jacob, 262. |
Van Bibber, Jacob, 176. |
Van Bibber, James, 176. |
Vanbibber, John, 161, 176. |
Van Bibber, Peter, 176. |
Van Braam, Jacob, 167. |
Vance, Andrew, 64. |
Vance, Barbara, 244. |
Vance, Benjamin, 246, 389. |
Vance, Catherine, 87, 234. |
Vance, Christey (Christley), 244. |
Vance, Christopher, 244. |
Vance, Elizabeth, 5, 244. |
Vance, Handle, 244. |
Vance, Jacob, 57. |
Vance, Jane, 244. |
Vance, John, 21, 57, 64, 146, 159, 234,
244, 390, 415, 417. |
Vance, Martha, 21, 390. |
Vance, Mathew, 384. |
Vance, Philip, 244. |
Vance, Rachel, 281, 347. |
Vance, Samuel, 5, 21, 68, 205, 276, 281,
389, 471, 494, 495, 496, 497. |
Vance, Solomon, 244. |
Vance, Thomas, 484. |
Vance, William, 14, 31, 244, 372, 503, 505,
509. |
Vandever, John, 92. |
Vandever, William, 92. |
Vandivear, John, 185. |
Vandivear, William, 185. |
Vanfossen, Elizabeth, 341. |
Vanfossen, Jacob, 341, 479. |
Vanhoosc, Jacob, 164. |
Van Hooser, Abraham, 227. |
Van Hooser, Isaac, 227. |
Van Hooser, John, 227. |
Vanlandingham, George, 507. |
Vanlear (Van Lear), Jacob, 212, 322, 355,
440. |
Vanlear, Jane, 212. |
Van Lear, John, 278. |
Van Meter, Henry, 121. |
Van Meter, Isaac, 55, 98. |
Van Meter, Jacob, 55. |
Van Meter, John, 82, 96, 185. |
Van Meter, Solomon, 57. |
Vanncole, Barbara, 195. |
Vanncole, Henry, 195. |
Vanniman, Peter, 420. |
Vannum, Frederick, 507. |
Vanosdale, Cornelius, 284, 346. |
Van Pelt, Tunis, 422. |
Vanpeter, Tunish, 457. |
Vanscoyoe, Lucretia, 85. |
Vansdale, Cornelius, 266, 425. |
Vanse, Ephriam, 437. |
Van Water, Phebe, 114. |
Varner, Elizabeth, 312, 359. |
Varner (Verner), Henry, 287, 312, 427. |
Varner, John, 423. |
Varner, Peggy, 287. |
Varner, Samuel, 277. |
Varner, William, 26. |
Vass, Samuel, 504. |
Vaughan, John, 11, 74. |
Vaughn, Mary, 178, 209. |
Vaughn, Mathew, 178, 209. |
Veach, Jesse, 119. |
Venable, Catherine (Caty), 107, 178. |
Venable, Charles, 107, 178. |
Venable, James, 245. |
Venable, Sarah, 157, 245. |
Venanger, Andrew, 423. |
Vence, David, 302. |
Venis, Henry, 286. |
Vernon, Elizabeth, 302, 346, 361. |
Vernon, Jokn, 356. |
Vernon, Lydia, 361. |
Vernum, Abraham, 320. |
Vernum, Daniel, 326. |
Vernum (Varnum), Elizabeth, 254, 290. |
Vernum (Varnum), John, 45, 137, 254,
290, 320, 330, 427. |
Vernum, July A., 326. |
Vernum (Varnum), Lydia, 290, 351. |
Vernum, Rebecca, 320. |
Vernum, William, 254. |
Vestil, William, 479. |
Via, Gideon, 189. |
Vincent, John, 270. |
Vincent, Joseph, 138, 160. |
Vincent, William, 138. |
Vines, Jane, 317. |
Vines, Lucy, 321. |
Vines (Vine), Thomas, 317, 321, 484. |
Page 643

Vineyard, George, 484. |
Vineyard, Christian, 458. |
Vininger, John, 430. |
Vininger, Nicholas, 429. |
Vinskey (Vinskie), Aaron, 422. |
Vint, William, 53. |
Violett, Edward, 66, 79. |
Violett, Gustavus, 66. |
Violett, Thomas, 66, 79. |
Violett, William, 66, 79. |
Vise (Vice), John, 4, 416. |
Vought, Gasper, 444. |
Vought, John Bell, 444. |
Wachub (Wahob), Jane, 294, 317. |
Waddell, Jacob, 322. |
Waddell, Joseph A., 507. |
Waddle, Daniel, 307. |
Waddle (Waddell), James, 285, 346, 352,
410. |
Waddle (Waddell), John, 279, 284, 300,
307, 352, 426. |
Waddle, Mary, 279. |
Waddle, Peter, 290, 426. |
Waddle, Thomas, 285, 391, 431, 442, 454. |
Wade, David, 63, 181. |
Wade, Elizabeth, 181. |
Wade, Hamilton, 181. |
Wade, James, 181. |
Wade (Waid), John, 181, 281, 306, 314,
322, 422. |
Wade, Otho, 307. |
Wade, Priscilla, 281, 346. |
Wade, Rebecca, 181. |
Wade, West, 497. |
Wade, William, 181. |
Wadsworth, Charles W., 330. |
Wager, John, 72. |
Wager, Sarah, 72. |
Wagey, Jacob, 322. |
Waggener, Edmund, 49, 50, 51. |
Waggener, James, 50. |
Waggoner, Andrew, 49, 59. |
Waggoner, Barbara, 158. |
Waggoner, Catherine, 158. |
Waggoner, Edward, 48, 49. |
Waggoner, George, 300, 417. |
Waggoner, Henry, 158, 416. |
Waggoner, Jacob, 158, 414. |
Waggoner, John, 158. |
Waggoner, Joseph, 214. |
Waggoner, Lewis, 158. |
Waggoner, Lindsay, 158. |
Waggoner, Lndwick (Lodowick), 174,
423, 440, 457. |
Waggoner, Margaret, 158. |
Waggoner, Michael, 158. |
Waggoner, Susannah, 159. |
Wahub (Wahob), Robert, 194, 317. |
Wainescot, Richard, 384, 435. |
Wait (Waits), Catherine, 40, 270, 368. |
Wait (Waite, Waits), James, 40, 270, 368,
445. |
Waite, Obed, 263. |
Waker, John, 414. |
Walace, Sa., 509. |
Walker, Alexander, 65, 269, 292, 350, 375,
384, 386, 403, 405, 406, 407, 415, 433,
434, 443, 444, 454, 464, 508. |
Walker, Andrew, 181, 285. |
Walker, Barbara, 65, 294, 352, 412. |
Walker, Benjamin, 509. |
Walker, David, 292. |
Walker, Edward, 331, 357. |
Walker, Eleanor, 181. |
Walker, Elizabeth, 65, 105, 180, 181, 291,
294, 360, 386. |
Walker, Elsy, 105. |
Walker, Esther, 152. |
Walker, Francis, 64, 123, 180, 181. |
Walker, Isabella, 65, 291, 350. |
Walker, James, 105, 152, 171, 181, 269, 273,
319, 361, 402, 433, 434, 444, 464, 506. |
Walker, Jane (Jean), 181, 361, 386. |
Walker, Jane B., 123. |
Walker, Joel, 17, 80. |
Walker, John, 86, 105, 186, 196, 267, 285,
290, 291, 300, 337, 338, 352, 359, 363,
384, 395, 396, 397, 415, 434, 443, 444,
458, 465, 482, 508, 511. |
Walker, Joseph, 150, 278, 301, 362, 363,
413, 450, 508. |
Walker, Josephine, 181. |
Walker, Lewis, 129, 138. |
Walker, Lucy, 105. |
Walker, Margaret, 65, 362. |
Walker, Mildred, 158. |
Walker, Mordecai, 55. |
Walker, Nancy, 105. |
Walker, Penelope, 65. |
Walker, Peggy, 105. |
Walker, Rebecca, 181. |
Walker, Robert, 65, 174. |
Walker, Sally, 181. |
Walker, Samuel, 86, 103, 120, 121, 181, 207,
268, 269, 372, 375, 458, 500, 508. |
Walker, Silvanus, 141. |
Walker, Thomas, 61, 62, 64, 123, 143, 166,
180, 241, 409, 486. |
Walker, William, 105, 129, 180, 181, 284,
285, 360, 363, 415, 417, 455. |
Walkup, Arthur, 220, 305. |
Walkup, Esther, 220. |
Walkup, Graham, 220. |
Walkup, Polly M., 220. |
Walden, Ambrose, 118. |
Walden, Elizabeth, 118. |
Waldock, H., 55. |
Wall, Adam, 207, 421. |
Wall, Charles, 485. |
Wallace, Adam, 407, 463, 466, 483, 500,
501. |
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Wallace, Andrew, 312, 322, 355, 483, 484,
487, 491, 492, 500. |
Wallace, Anna, 128. |
Wallace, David, 465. |
Wallace, Elizabeth, 41, 456. |
Wallace, James, 18, 41, 277, 283, 390, 409,
412, 417, 444, 464. |
Wallace, Jane, 389, 390, 430. |
Wallace, John, 269, 385, 414, 444, 465. |
Wallace, Joseph, 254. |
Wallace, Margaret, 283, 310, 346, 359. |
Wallace, Martha, 345. |
Wallace, Mary, 11. |
Wallace, Mathew, 25, 254. |
Wallace, Michael, 417. |
Wallace, Patsey, 41. |
Wallace, Peter, 450, 463. |
Wallace, Reb., 360. |
Wallace, Rebecca, 42, 254. |
Wallace, Reuben, 128. |
Wallace, Robert, 113, 310, 423, 429, 430,
456. |
Wallace, Sally, 58, 254. |
Wallace, Samuel, 41, 42, 276, 277, 314,
353, 385, 435, 465, 483. |
Wallace, Susan, 254. |
Wallace, Thomas, 345, 461. |
Wallace, William, 6, 11, 385, 389, 421, 430,
439, 444, 464. |
Wallace, William B., 470. |
Wallace, William M., 258. |
Wallen, Elisha, 227, 228. |
Wallen, John, 227. |
Wallen, Joseph, 228. |
Wallen, Stephen, 228. |
Wallen, Thomas, 227. |
Waller, Ben, 453. |
Wallin, William, 228. |
Walling, William, 42, 414. |
Wallis, Charles, 58. |
Wallraven, Elias, 415. |
Walls, George, 99. |
Walls, Jacob, 99. |
Walls, James, 300. |
Walls, Polly, 361. |
Walls, Stephen, 188. |
Walston, David, 443, 462. |
Walters, Annie, 118, 119. |
Walters, Barbara, 119. |
Walters, Bernard, 51. |
Walters, Conrad, 50, 118. |
Walters, Catherine, 119, 353. |
Walters, John, 119, 128. |
Walters, Manuel, 119. |
Walters, Margaret, 51, 119. |
Walters, Mary, 119. |
Walters, Michael, 119. |
Walters, Peggy, 50. |
Walters, Sarah, 119. |
Walters, Thomas, 128. |
Walters, William, 119. |
Walton, Aaron, 263. |
Walton, Elizabeth, 131, 197. |
Walton, Joel, 236. |
Walton, John, 202. |
Walton, Moses, 131, 263. |
Walton, Susan, 203. |
Walton, William, 63, 197, 203, 236. |
Waltz, Jacob, 330. |
Wambuck (Warnburk), John, 218. |
Wambuck, Susanna, 218. |
Wamsley, Thomas, 423, 424. |
Wanless, Margaret, 252. |
Wanless, Mary, 252. |
Wanless (Wandless), Ralph, 252, 308,
351, 361, 498. |
Wanless, Stephen, 207, 252, 308. |
Waran, Timothy, 422. |
Ward, Cornelius, 185. |
Ward, David, 150. |
Ward, George, 50. |
Ward, Israel, 402. |
Ward, Jeremiah, 178. |
Ward, James, 237, 446. |
Ward, John, 150, 160, 390, 443, 444, 455. |
Ward, Margaret, 237. |
Ward, Rebecca, 143. |
Ward, William, 13, 143, 207, 245, 276,
366, 412, 416, 512. |
Warder, Thomas, 428. |
Wardlaw, Andrew, 38, 269, 300. |
Wardlaw, Elizabeth, 363. |
Wardlaw, Hugh, 269, 277. |
Wardlaw, James, 21, 136, 267, 269, 272. |
Wardlaw, Jennie, 361. |
Wardlaw, John, 21, 358, 463. |
Wardlaw, Robert, 269. |
Wardlaw, William, 267, 269, 272, 273, 360,
463. |
Wardlow, William H., 130. |
Wardner, Adam, 416. |
Wardner, Henry, 423. |
Ware, Francis, 50. |
Ware, George, 481. |
Ware, James, 142. |
Ware, John, 412. |
Ware, Robert, 463. |
Ware, Washington, 189. |
Ware, William, 162. |
Warley, John, 322. |
Warley (Varley), Samuel, 322. |
Warmsley (Wamsley), John, 385, 422,
423. |
Warmsley, Joseph, 385. |
Warmsley, Mathew, 385. |
Warmsley (Wamsley), William, 237, 385. |
Warner, Catherine, 315. |
Warner, Daniel, 26. |
Warner, Henry, 315. |
Warnock, John, 415, 417. |
Warnsturf, Catherine, 223. |
Warnsteif (Wornstorf), Henry, 214. |
Warnstuff, Jacob, 223. |
Warnsturff, Lewis, 223. |
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Warnssturff, Mary (Molly), 223. |
Warr, George, 499. |
Warren, John, 24. |
Warren, Michael, 81, 144, 148, 456, 462. |
Warwick, Andrew S., 101. |
Warwick, Ann, 411. |
Warwick, Jacob, 101, 303, 409, 496, 497. |
Warwick, John, 131, 277, 413. |
Warwick (Warrick), Margaret, 280, 281,
346, 347. |
Warwick, Mary, 131. |
Warwick (Warrick), William, 210, 281. |
Wash, Atwood, 203. |
Wash, David, 202, 203. |
Wash, Edward, 203. |
Wash, Elizabeth, 203. |
Wash, G. Y., 203. |
Wash, Josus, 203. |
Wash, Lipscomb, 203. |
Wash, Lucius, 203. |
Wash, Lucy, 203. |
Wash, Nathan, 203. |
Wash, Nathaniel H., 203. |
Wash, Thomas, 203. |
Wash, William, 203. |
Washington Academy, 93. |
Washington, Colonel, 24, 168, 170, 171. |
Washington, Bushrod, 159. |
Washington, Ferdinando, 159. |
Washington, George, 49, 51, 169, 170. |
Washington, George A., 507. |
Washington, George Steptoe, 159. |
Washington, Jeremiah, 286. |
Washington, Lawrence, 159. |
Washington, Lawrence A., 159. |
Washington, Samuel, 159. |
Washington, Sarah, 237. |
Washington, Thornton, 159. |
Washington, Warner, 88. |
Washington, William, 482, 490. |
Wason, Alexander, 300, 330, 351. |
Wason, John, 482. |
Waterman, Asher, 128, 148, 149, 305, 351. |
Waterman, Sally, 149. |
Waters, Elizabeth, 400. |
Waterson, Thomas, 377, 463. |
Watkins, Elizabeth, 300. |
Watkins, Henry, 47. |
Watkins, James, 384. |
Watkins, Joel, 45. |
Watkins, John, 389. |
Watkins, John (S.), 406. |
Watkins, Nicholas, 428. |
Watkins, Philip, 276. |
Watkins, Peter, 509. |
Watkins, Polly, 300. |
Watkins, Rice, 418. |
Watkins, Silas, 492. |
Watman, John, 417. |
Watson, Abraham, 121. |
Watson, Benjamin, 181, 421, 458. |
Watson, Edward, 210, 489. |
Watson, Elizabeth, 126, 234. |
Watson, Hannah, 126. |
Watson, Isaac, 127. |
Watson, Isabell, 370. |
Watson, Jacob, 121. |
Watson, James, 198, 210, 211, 420, 483. |
Watson, Jane, 127. |
Watson, John, 127, 160, 207. |
Watson, John P., 198. |
Watson, Joseph, 121, 126, 127, 198, 406,
458. |
Watson, Margaret, 126, 127. |
Watson, Martha, 198. |
Watson, Mary, 207, 370. |
Watson, Michael, 419. |
Watson, Rodah, 127. |
Watson, Samuel, 207. |
Watson, Solomon, 121. |
Watson, Thomas, 198. |
Watson, William, 198, 234. |
Watt, James, 362. |
Watt (Wats), John, 296, 361, 451. |
Watt, Rebecca, 445. |
Watton, Catherine, 308. |
Watts, Arthur, 167, 168. |
Watts, Elizabeth, 243. |
Watts, Jonathan, 422. |
Watts, Mary, 458. |
Watts, William, 15, 73. |
Watts, William Lawson, 190. |
Waugh, George, 498, 499. |
Waugh, Robert M., 111. |
Waugh, Samuel, 205. |
Waughub, James, 436. |
Waughub (Wackub), John, 455, 467, 472. |
Waughub (Walkub), Joseph, 77, 408, 449. |
Wayland, Lewis, 331, 345, 356. |
Wayland, Mary C., 468. |
Wayland, Rebecca, 468. |
Wayland, Robert P., 468. |
Waxler, Anna M., 94. |
Waxler, Michael, 94. |
Wayne, Anthony, 486, 496. |
Wayt, John, 247, 286, 292, 350. |
Wayt, Susanna, 247. |
Weafer, Francis, 417. |
Weams, Thomas, 433. |
Wear, Frederick, 339. |
Wearen (Weron), Michael, 443, 464. |
Wealth (North), Robert, 399. |
Weater, John Peter, 159. |
Weatherall, George, 402. |
Weattierburne, Henry, 204. |
Weatherholt, Nicholas, 365. |
Weatherington, Betsey, 175,
Weathers, George, 331. |
Weathers, William, 89. |
Weaver, Andrew, 159, 314, 322. |
Weaver, Benjamin, 479. |
Weaver, Catherine, 118. |
Weaver, Charles, 118. |
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Weaver, Christian, 479. |
Weaver, Christiana (Christena), 159, 306,
361. |
Weaver, Elizabeth, 160, 306, 327, 347. |
Weaver, Frances, 59. |
Weaver, George, 87, 159, 179, 180. |
Weaver, George Philip, 159. |
Weaver, Jacob, 248. |
Weaver, John, 159, 310, 314, 428. |
Weaver, John George, 159, 160. |
Weaver, John P., 86, 327, 508. |
Weaver, Margaret, 159, 307, 347. |
Weaver, Mary, 159, 163, 322, 352. |
Weaver, Peter, 159, 306, 307, 311, 314,
322. |
Weaver, Philip, 217. |
Weaver, Rachel, 311, 359. |
Weaver, Rebecka, 311. |
Webb, Ann, 226. |
Webb, Benajah, 226. |
Webb, Benjamin, 81, 82, 336, 357. |
Webb, Elizabeth, 61. |
Webb, Isaac, 330, 356. |
Webb, James, 81, 348. |
Webb, Jeremiah, 36. |
Webb, John, 87, 495. |
Webb, Lilly A., 87. |
Webb, Margaret, 226. |
Webb, Mary, 81. |
Webb, Rebecca, 81, 82. |
Webb, Sarah, 226. |
Webster, John, 483. |
Webster, Sarah, 439, 440. |
Wedderburn, William, 24. |
Weedon, George, 465. |
Weeks, Richard, 202. |
Weeks, Susanna, 202. |
Weese, Adam, 419, 455. |
Weese, George, 419, 453. |
Weese, John, 455. |
Weese, Joseph, 419. |
Wehrle, John, 160. |
Weidman, Anna, 115. |
Weidman, Sebastian, 115. |
Weiford, Margaret (Peggy), 335, 357. |
Weigle, George, 330. |
Weigle, Margaret, 336, 358. |
Weigle, Philip, 330, 336, 357. |
Weikle, John, 331. |
Weikle, Mary, 333. |
Weikle, Philip, 333. |
Weir, George, 32, 127. |
Weir, Jane (Jane), 32, 127, 360. |
Weir (Weer), John, 314, 353, 362. |
Weir, Joseph, 80, 111, 408. |
Weir, Margaret, 111, 363. |
Weir, Mary, 359. |
Weir, Thomas, 127. |
Weirly, Jacob, 292. |
Weitsel, Abraham, 472. |
Weitzel, Anthony, 332. |
Weitzel, Jane, 332. |
Weitzel, Peter, 300, 472. |
Welch, Elizabeth, 295. |
Welch (Welsh, Wealsh), James, 195, 237,
311, 415, 416, 450. |
Welch (Welsh), John, 96, 195, 417, 421. |
Welch, Nicholas, 24. |
Welch, Sarah, 411. |
Welch, Susanna, 359. |
Weldon, George, 389. |
Welling, William, 509. |
Wells, Alexander, 100. |
Wells, Henry, 106. |
Wells, John, 7, 140. |
Wells, Mary Ann, 140. |
Wells (Well), Richard, 72, 140, 499. |
Wells (Weles), Thomas, 16, 140, 360. |
Wells, William, 470. |
Wellson, George, 443. |
Welsh (Welch), Alexander, 96, 195. |
Welsh, Charles, 413. |
Welsh, Thomas, 421. |
Welsh, Walter, 413. |
Welshire, Nathaniel, 510. |
Welton, Jesse, 55. |
Welton (Wilton), Job, 55, 405, 406. |
Welton, John, 55. |
Welton, Jonathan, 207. |
Wendal, Augustine, 99. |
Wendel, Polly, 39. |
Wendle (Wendal), John, 99. |
Wendle, Peter, 99. |
Wendle, Valentine, 99. |
Wentz, Jacob, 479. |
Werner, Barbara, 223. |
Werner, Catherine, 223. |
Werner, Elizabeth, 223. |
Werner, Peter, 223. |
Werner, Philip, 223. |
Werner, Sarah, 223. |
Werner, Sophia, 223. |
West, Abraham, 32. |
West, Alien, 32, 72, 248. |
West, Catherine (Caty, Katy), 33, 369. |
West, Elizabeth, 32. |
West, George, 307. |
West, James, 32, 33, 369. |
West, John, 49, 285, 362. |
West, Joseph, 108, 414. |
West, Mary, 32. |
West, Nancy, 32. |
West, Thomas, 128, 247, 381, 383, 417,
446, 509. |
Westfall, Abel, 125. |
Westfall, Jacob, 389. |
Westfall, Joel, 389. |
Westfall, John, 250. |
Westfall, William, 389. |
Westrap, Mary, 360. |
Weyble, Fred, 363. |
Wharton, John, 486. |
Wheaton, Benjamin, 422. |
Wheelbarger, Christina, 122. |
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