20th Century History of New Castle and
Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens


[p. 668] who is treasurer and manager of the Cash Buyers' Mercantile Company, has been a resident of New Castle since 1899, and has been identified with his present business concern since 1906. Mr. Evans was born in South Wales, in 1870, where he was reared, attended school and remained until he was twenty-four years of age.

Seeking a wider field than the business outlook promised in his own land, Mr. Evans came then to America, where he readily found work of a clerical character, at Pittsburg, and later became office superintendent of the American Veterinary Hospital at Allegheny, Pa. From there he went to Hulton, and shortly afterwards came to New Castle, becoming a clerk in the Knox Inn for a year, when he embarked in a grocery business on Long Avenue, which was but preliminary to his connection with the Cash Buyers' Union, which does an immense business in retail staple and fancy groceries. His acquaintance has widened, and each year in America has but confirmed his opinion that this is an exceptional land in which young, ambitious, energetic and able men can build up their fortunes.

Mr. Evans belongs to the Free and Accepted Masons and to the Eagles, and in both fraternities has many warm friends.

20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908

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