20th Century History of New Castle and
Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens


[p. 668] whose fine farm of seventy-six acres lies on the Neshannock Falls road, in Wilmington Township, one-quarter of a mile south of the village of Fay, is the head of this branch of an old pioneer family of this section. He was born November 15, 1869, on the farm he now owns, and is a son of John and Barbara (Bent) Elder.

John Elder was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, in 1837, and died in Wilmington Township, Lawrence County, April 6, 1885. His parents were Alexander and Polly Elder, natives of Scotland, and settled in Pennsylvania at an early day, living in Washington County until after the birth of their son and then moving to North Beaver Township, Lawrence County. There he followed farming for many years. John Elder was married (first) to Maria Hamill and they had one child. He married (second) Eliza Reed, and they had five children. His third marriage was to Barbara Best, who was a daughter of William and Elizabeth (Holebaugh) Best, who were prominent farming people of Armstrong County. Five children were born to the third union, as follows: Mattie, who married William Wareham; Maggie, who died October 23, 1883, aged twenty-one years; Austa, who married Rev. M. L. First, pastor of the Lutheran Church at Fay; Mary N., who married Austin Patterson, and Joseph B.

Joseph B. Elder obtained his education in the schools of Fay and was graduated when only fifteen years of age. Since he came into possession of the home farm he has made a specialty of dairying, raising first-class Holstein cows for this industry. He ships his milk to New Castle. His farming operations are carried on according to modern ideas and his methods and improved machinery are great advances on those of his father and grandfather. The comfortable residence is a two-story frame structure, setting not far back from the public highway. Mr. Elder, with his family, belongs to the Fayetteville Lutheran Church. He is a man of recognized standing in his community and is a good citizen in every sense of the word.

20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908

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