Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 322] Of the excellent citizens of Lawrence County who have known no other occupation than that of farming during their lives, and who have had far more than ordinary success in the prosecution of that vocation, Mr. Phillip A. Young certainly deserves more than passing mention. He has a fine and productive farm in Little Beaver township, two miles from Enon Valley, where be carries on general agricultural pursuits. He was born Oct. 19, 1849, in a log-cabin on the home place, near the site of his commodious brick residence. He was one of thirteen children born to Miller and Ann (Taylor) Young.
Our subject's father was born in Little Beaver township, and lived there all his life, engaged in farming, and in raising and shipping stock to Eastern markets. He was a member of the Disciples Church, and politically was a Republican, serving as school director and supervisor. He died at the age of fifty-four. Our subject's grandfather was William Young, who was born in Hunterdon Co., N. J., and moved to New Galilee, Beaver County, about 1800, and later bought 225 acres in Little Beaver township, Lawrence County, on which some of his descendants still live. In politics, he was a Whig, and in religious matters a Covenanter.
Phillip A. Young's mother, whose maiden name was Ann Taylor, was a daughter of William and Ann (Wilson) Taylor, and her home was one mile northwest of Enon Valley. Her father was a wearer of the shamrock, and fled from Ireland at the close of the Rebellion of 1798.
Our subject has spent all of his days on the farm that has been so long in the possession of the family. He attended district school until he was eighteen, and then with his father carried on the farm until the death of the latter, when Phillip A. succeeded to the estate. He owns 135 acres of valuable upland fields, very fertile, and under thorough cultivation. Mr. Young does not pin his faith to any one branch of farming, although he was formerly especially interested in sheep-raising. Everything about his place seems to indicate not only that the proprietor has a complete knowledge of his vocation, but that he has put that knowledge to practical use.
On May 27, 1875, Mr. Young took unto himself a wife in the person of Mary Helen Williams, daughter of Lynch and Martha (Charles) Williams. Mr. Williams was born in the village of Ricksham, England, near the border of Wales, Feb. 11, 1820; his father was a native of Wales. Lynch was a brick-mason and emigrated in 1833, following farming as an occupation after his settlement in America. He was a member of the Established Church of England, when still a resident of the mother country but after he came here he became a Presbyterian. He died Nov. 16, 1888. His parents were Bethuel and Elizabeth (Mansell) Williams., natives of Wales and England, respectively, and members of the Presbyterian Church. Bethuel Williams settled first near Beaver Falls, and from there removed to Little Beaver Valley. His wife, Elizabeth, lived to be eighty-three years old.
Mrs. Phillip A. Young's mother, Martha (Charles) Williams, was born in County Kildare, near Castle Carbrey, in Ireland, and she was a daughter of Samuel and Ellen (Wiley) Charles, both of whom were born in County Meath, Ireland. Ellen (Wiley) Charles was a daughter of William Wiley, who married a Miss Lewis. Samuel Charles was a shoemaker by trade. The wife of our subject was one of eight children born to her parents.
Phillip A. Young is a firm believer in education as an equipment for life's duties, and he has taken great pains to have his children attend good schools. The eldest son, Cassius M., died in infancy. Clyde E. is attending college at Ada, Ohio, where he is fitting himself for a career in the legal profession; when he was a student at Slippery Rock College he taught school in Little Beaver township. Bessie M. graduated from the district schools at the age of fifteen, and is now attending the high school, and Ethel, the youngest of the family, is attending the district school now. The entire family are members of the Disciples Church of Enon Valley. In political circles, Mr. Young is known as a strong Republican; he served one term as supervisor in his township. He also performed highly creditable work as collector, finishing out his brother's term, and when he turned the books over to his successor, they showed the smallest amount still uncollected that there had been since the township was organized. Mr. Young is a thorough man of business, having a clear comprehension of how accounts should balance. He is known as a successful farmer, a kind neighbor, and a good citizen.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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