Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 626] a prominent coal dealer of New Castle, Pa., was born Oct. 13, 1858, and is a son of John and Ann (Mooney) Travers, both natives of Ireland, the former's birthplace being Dublin, and the latter's being in the county of Mayo. Our subject's father remained in Ireland until after his marriage in 1854, and after coming to this country became a citizen of the State of Pennsylvania, settling in Pottsville, where he engaged in coal mining, and remained there until 1858, when he moved to Youngstown, Ohio, thence to Minersville, Pa., thence to Kittanning, later to Freeport; from there he moved to Parker's Landing, thence to Pardo, where he made his home until 1872, when he once more changed his location, this time coming to New Castle. In this city he engaged in coal mining and also operated a mine on his own account, becoming well-known throughout the county as a successful, prosperous man. He was a stanch Democrat, and served his country through his devotion to party in a simple, unostentatious way, never desiring or caring to advance his name as a candidate for party favors. His death occurred Oct. 4, 1887. The following children were reared by Mr. Travers and his wife: Mary; Ellen; John V.; Stephen; Annie; Catherine; Patrick S.; Margaret; and Elizabeth. Mary married G. L. Griffith of New Castle, and has presented him with these children: Annie, Gertrude, Leo, Stephen, John, Lottie, Irene, and Mary. Stephen married Tessie Clark of New Castle, who bore him two children, John and Herbert. Annie married Constant Truhel of New Castle, and their children are: Asa, Annie, Harry, Lizzie, and Grace. Catherine married James F. Rodgers of New Castle, and is the mother of five children, John, Catherine, Veronica, Annie, and Mary. Patrick S. married Mary Moore of New Castle, and they have the following children: Ellen, Anna, John, Raymond, and Mary. Margaret became the wife of James Disken of Youngstown, Ohio. Elizabeth married C. J. Walzer of New Castle.
Our subject having secured an education, for which he is indebted to the schools of Freeport, Pa., commenced to work as a coal miner at the age of twelve years, and continued in that line of work until he was twenty-two years of age, when he, in company with his father, bought a coal mine, and operated it under the firm name of Travers & Son until 1880, when our subject came to New Castle, of which city he has been a resident ever since. Since 1889 he has dealt in both hard and soft coal, coke and blacksmith's slack. He has also handled a small line of staple groceries. Strict business principles control his actions, and so well-known is his reputation for honorable, gentlemanly dealings that his integrity is never questioned.
He was joined in wedlock with Margaret Flynn of Parkstown, Pa., and by this union three children became his—Mary, Vincent, and John, deceased. The mother died April 29, 1885, aged,thirty years, and in 1890 Mr. Travers again was joined in marriage to Ellen Hannon, daughter of James Hannon of New Castle, and this union has been prolific of five children, John, Helen, Joseph, James, and John, the second. Mr. Travers is a loyal member of the Catholic Church, and socially he belongs to the organization of Catholic Knights of America, Branch 555, of New Castle. Mr. Travers is an unyielding Democrat, and active in local political matters, having served on the Democratic County Committee, but he has no great desire to distinguish himself as a public officer.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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