Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 627] deceased, who during a large portion of his life was identified with the manufacturing interests of Fallston, Pa., as a maker of edge tools, and spending the latter part of his life as an agriculturist of Taylor township, Lawrence County, was born in the State of Massachusetts in the year 1797 and departed this life in 1889, being then in his ninety-third year. He was a son of James and Elizabeth (Howe) Blanchard, both of whom were natives of the Bay State. James Blanchard was a prominent farmer of the town of which he was a citizen. They were Congregationalists in their religious belief; their children numbered nine in all, as follows: William, our subject, Catherine; Sanford; Eliza; Liberty; Harriet: Harvey; and two that died in infancy.
After obtaining an education in the schools of his native place Mr. Blanchard learned the tool maker's trade, and until late in life was engaged in manufacturing, being located in Fallston a large part of the time. Arriving at the years when men long for rural life, Mr. Blanchard purchased a farm in Taylor township, Lawrence County, and spent the sunset of life in calm and retirement. He was a very active man, could not be induced to cease entirely from work even in his last years, and took a hearty interest in all public affairs. In his political affiliations he was a firm Republican, but did not have time to seek political honors. Mr. Blanchard was twice married. His first wife was Jane Simison of Waterford, Ohio. His second wife was Mary Simpson, a daughter of John and Eliza (Sample) Simpson of Pittsburg, Pa. By this second union there were born three children, two of whom now survive. Elizabeth, born Jan. 8, 1862, married S. S. C. McGrew of Canton, Ohio, and to them were given six children: William B.; Carl; Fred; Samuel S. C.; Mary E.; and Katherine. Harriet F., the other surviving child, lives at home. The family are Presbyterians in their religious belief.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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