Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 654] This prominent and public-spirited citizen of Ellwood City, Lawrence County, has charge, as agent of the Pittsburg Co., of the largest and best-defined real estate business in the county. He stands high in the estimation of his fellow-townsmen, and merits the highest words of praise for his labors in behalf of Ellwood City. In the spring of 1891 he became a resident of this enterprising and wide-awake borough as assistant manager of the Pittsburg Co., and rendered valuable service in the opening and laying out of the present borough. In 1892 he took charge of the real estate for the same company, and still serves them in the same capacity. In 1892 he was elected the first justice of the peace of Ellwood City on the Republican ticket and held that position for the space of one year, when he resigned in favor of J. J. Kelley, the present able incumbent of that office. In 1896 he was elected to represent Lawrence County in the State Assembly for the year 1897. On his own account he is largely interested in real estate, owning at present four fine dwellings in the western part of Ellwood City, in addition to his own elegant residence on Pittsburg Circle.
Mr. Todd was educated in the common schools of Freedom township, Blair Co., Pa., where he was born April 18, 1861. His preliminary education completed, he took a course in Prof. Stewart's Academy of Hollidaysburg, Pa. He then drove a delivery wagon for William Anderson of East Freedom for a number of years, in which time he had saved quite a neat little sum of money that enabled him to make a start in business for himself. With his half-brother, I. C. Adam of East Freedom, he contracted to break ballast for the Pennsylvania Co.'s road-bed between Roaring Spring and the Bloomfield Mines, a distance of five miles; the two young men were very successful in their venture, and each cleared a handsome sum of money in return for their pains and labors. He then engaged with the Rodman Furnace Company, with whom he remained about one year, being located at Rodman, Blair Co., Pa. After this he turned his attention to agricultural pursuits on the home farm, where he remained four years. His next employment was as shipping-clerk for the Hollidaysburg Nail & Iron Co.; two years marked his connection with this company, and he then went to Beaver Falls, and became shipping clerk for the Hartman Steel Co. After being in their employ in Beaver Falls two years, he represented the house in the southwest, with headquarters at Kansas City, for two years, and then returned to Pennsylvania to take the position of assistant manager of the Pittsburg Co. at Ellwood City.
The father of our subject, also Robert Todd by name, received his education and was reared in his native town in Berks Co., Pa. His fondness for figures led him to adopt the occupation of a bookkeeper, and that vocation claimed all the active years of his life. He was considered to be an expert in his line, whose equal could not easily be found. His capacity for work was truly extraordinary, and in this respect his son is his worthy successor. His business ability was far above the average, and was kept in proper paths by the strictest principles of integrity. He was originally a Whig in his political belief and attachments, but later in life he transferred his allegiance to the Democratic party, and held the Federal office of postmaster in Roaring Spring, Blair Co., Pa., and also in East Freedom of the same county he was similarly honored. He was a well-educated man, chiefly so through his own exertions and tastes, and held the esteem and respect of all who knew him, for although he was very decided in his opinions he was ever a gentleman in the expression of them. He married Henrietta Hammond, a daughter of Joshua Hammond, a prominent and respected forgeman of Freedom township, Blair Co., Pa. Four children were born of this union, who were as follows: Robert A., our subject; Andrew J., an agent of the Singer Sewing Machine Co., with headquarters at Altoona, Pa., who married Mattie Pierce of Altoona; Nettie M., who married James Morse of Beaver Falls, Pa., and has one child living, Russell; and one who died in infancy. In his religious belief our subject's father was a Presbyterian and held office without a break for a long term of years in the church as trustee. He died May 17, 1868, aged sixty-four years. Mrs. Todd still survives, and is living and enjoying fairly good health at the home in Freedom township, Blair County.
Socially, Hon. Robert A. Todd is a Mason, and belongs to Ellwood Lodge No. 599, in which he is master mason. He is also a member of Glen Park Lodge. I. O. O. F., No. 1016, and of the Jr. O. U. A. M., No. 463, Rock Point Council. On June 7, 1887, he joined himself in matrimony with Mary Graham, daughter of Alexander Graham of Beaver Falls, Pa., and to them have been born two children: Rollin S., born Feb. 9, 1891; and one that did not survive the period of infancy. Mrs. Todd in her religious belief is a Methodist, and is a member of the M. E. Church of Ellwood City.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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