Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 612] deceased, was born in Cum Haven, Wales, in the month of May, 1834, and departed this life in New Castle April 19, 1895. He had learned the trade of an iron puddler in the Old Country, and was engaged at that trade in this country until his death. His second marriage occurred on Feb. 5, 1884, to Mrs. Emily J. Pancake, daughter of John and Mary W. (Gitt) Keefer.
Emily J. Keefer was born in Manchester, Pa., and came to New Castle with her parents when very young, so that her mental training and education were in most part obtained in the public schools of New Castle. On Dec. 28, 1851, she was married the first time to Peter Pancake, a native of the eastern part of Pennsylvania. He was a nailer by trade and operated one of the old-style mills until his death July 28, 1877; he was located at Warren, Wheeling, W. Va., Pittsburg, Pa., and then at Youngstown, Ohio. Four children were the fruit of this marriage, as follows: Clinton D., who died in infancy; Iva Virginia (now deceased), who was the wife of Thomas Nessle Fischer, and left him as a precious heritage two children, Emily and Elizabeth; Cora Estelle, who bore her husband, E. Davis, two children, an infant who died unnamed, and Bessie; and Amanda Matilda.
Mrs. Samuel's father, John Keefer, died at Rock Island, Ill., at the age of seventy years. Her mother, Mary (Gitt) Keefer, was born in Eastern Pennsylvania, and was a daughter of Jacob and Mary (Wert) Gitt. Both of Mrs. Samuel's husbands were members of the Disciples Church, and both adhered to the principles as advocated by the Republican party. Mr. Samuel was a member of the Protected Home Circle, and Mr. Pancake was a member of the Masonic Order, having attained the Royal Arch degree. Mrs. Samuel is a regular attendant of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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