Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897


[p. 244] of Ellwood City, Pa., is the proprietor of the Hotel Pulaski, also proprietor of the Nickum wholesale house, dealing in liquors, wines and malts, and controlling the natural mineral water from the springs at Pulaski. Mr. Nickum began his life in Mercer, Mercer Co., Pa., Sept. 3, 1854, and is a son of Thomas J. and Hannah (Rogers) Nickum.

Thomas J. Nickum was born in Emmitsburg, Md., and in boyhood entered a printing office, advancing in time to the post of publisher of the Mercer County Whig; he continued to run that paper until his retirement from active participation in labor, and he is now an honored resident of Pulaski, directing the branches of his son's business that are there established.

John W. Nickum in 1870 built the handsome and modern livery stable in Mercer, known as Nickum's Livery Barn, where he conducted a good business, renting it in 1893, and finally selling the whole in 1897. In 1893, Mr. Nickum became the owner of the Hotel Pulaski, that at that time had just been completed, and he has made it one of the finest hotels in the country for miles around, being noted especially as a popular summer resort. The mineral springs of Pulaski, which he controls in connection with the hotel, draw many people, as the water is famed for its beneficial properties, and is widely used, both in the locality and in eastern cities. The Pulaski Natural Mineral Water Co., as the firm is styled, of which our subject is sole proprietor, bottles 3,500 to 6,ooo quarts per day and ships to outside points, as there is a demand for this product the year around. In this inudstry [sic] Mr. Nicktum is a leader, as he owns the company's stock, and has the sole responsibility. The Hotel Pulaski is a substantial three-story edifice, with Mansard roof, and is well kept in every particular, the attendance being first-class, and the cuisine unexcelled. Since the opening of the Pulaski its guests have had only praise for the management, and its careful attention and well-being. Being equipped with modern conveniences, and supplied with all the advantages spoken of, the Pulaski's reputation as a first-class hostelry is certainly assured.

In 1895, Mr. Nickum came to Ellwood City, and built a block, 4Ox80 feet on the ground, and uses the lower floor for double stores, while the second floor is divided into twelve large rooms, which are employed by his wholesale liquor business, where he keeps a large selected stock of liquors of both home and foreign manufacture. Barns and a warehouse in connection with this latter establishment are located on Sixth Street and Lawrence Avenue. In addition to the business interests, already referred to in outline, Mr. Nickum is a heavy stockholder in the Ellwood City Gas Co., also the largest stockholder in the Mercer Gas Co., and several other interests in Mercer. He is an intelligent, active citizen, of strikingly handsome personal appearance, and has hosts of friends. His business ability is universally recognized as of the highest order, and entitles him to a hearty recognition among the leading and representative citizens of Ellwood. Whatever pertains to the welfare and prosperity of the city is of moment to him, and he certain- ly is a valuable addition to the business interests of Ellwood City.

Mr. Nickum won for his life-companion Ida M. Brown of Sandy Lake, Pa., and they have two daughters—Katie B., who is a bookkeeper for her father; and Nellie. Our subject is a thorough Republican, and has served as burgess of Mercer, and as a member of that city's council. He holds a membership in several fraternal orders, among which are F. & A. M., and A. O. U. W., both of Mercer, Mercer Co., Pa.

Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897

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