Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 294] is a leading physician of the city of New Castle, where he has been very successfully engaged in the duties that pertain to his profession since 1894, in which year he received his diploma as an M. D. from the Western Pennsylvania Medical College of Pittsburg, Pa. His boyhood days were spent in New Castle, attending school and leading the usual life of a young lad full of youthful spirit. Before attending the Medical College in 1891, where he obtained his professional knowledge, he was enrolled for one year as a student in the State Normal School at Edinboro, Pa. Having acquired a liking for the medical profession in his younger days and having directed his studies in that direction, it seemed the natural thing to our subject's friends that he should have fully decided upon a physician's career and perfected himself toward that end, and that his skill and learning should be so widely recognized as of the best.
Dr. Miller was born in the city of his present residence, and is a son of Joseph and Caroline (Long) Miller. Joseph Miller was born in New Brighton, and when a young, man engaged in boating with his father, but later learned the glass-maker's trade, and has followed that pursuit ever since, his connection with that industry spanning a period of over thirty years. Technically and in a factory-sense he is a flatterner; the intense heat from the molten glass prevents the glass-worker from laboring in the summer, and so our subject's father works in the winter, when the temperature is more agreeable. During the summer months, Mr. Miller acts as superintendent of the Rock Point Picnic Grounds, which are located about thirteen miles from New Castle; the ground is owned by the Pennsylvania R. R. Co. Mr. Miller is a Democrat. He married Caroline Long, a daughter of John Long, a native of Lawrence Co., Pa. and five children were born to them, namely: Walter E., our subject; Addie, deceased; Ella M.; Bessie C.; and Alfred I., deceased. They are members of the Disciples Church. Mrs. Miller died in 1891, aged forty-six years.
In the month of June Dr. Miller was joined in the bonds of matrimony with Pearl A. Phillip, daughter of T. Phillip of New Castle; our subject was called upon to mourn the death of his beautiful young wife but a few short months later, the date of her decease being Dec. 15, 1896. It was a severe blow to her husband and to her many devoted friends, who were never tired of praising her charming traits of character. Dr. Miller is a member of the Lawrence County Medical Association.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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