Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 77] well-known resident of Moravia, Taylor township, and agent for the P. & L. E. R. R. at that point, was born in Shenango township, March 7, 1861, and is a son of Samuel and Nancy (Wilson) Miller. Samuel Miller was born in Moon township, Beaver Co., Pa., March 17, 1834, and was a son of John Miller, a shoemaker by trade, who married Mary Minor, daughter of Samuel and Jennie (Grimes) Minor, the latter a native of Ireland. John Miller was a son of Henry and Eva (Rider) Miller. Henry Miller was born in Germany, where he served in the army. The mother of our subject was born in Beaver County, near the village of Aliquippa, Feb. 15, 1840, and was a daughter of John and Jane (Laird) Wilson. John Wilson was a son of John Wilson, Sr., who married Nancy Irwin. Jane Laird was born in Ireland, a daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth (Hawthorne) Laird. There were born to our subject's parents eleven children, namely: Mary Ida, the wife of James F. Sankey; John C., the subject of this personal sketch; Harry W., a farmer near Moravia; James, who died at the age of two years; Clara J. (Mrs. W. A. McMahon), now deceased; Thaddeus, who died in infancy; Homer S., a telegraph operator on the P. & W. R. R.; Ellen, who married Harry Hettenbaugh; Nettie B.; Roy C.; and Grace.
John C. Miller was reared in Shenango township, attending the schools in Warnock district, and in Wurtemberg, and the Princeton and Grove City Colleges until he was twenty-two years of age. He turned his attention to telegraphy and at the age of twenty-three set out to master it in the railroad office at Moravia. When he had become sufficiently adept at the art, he worked extra for a year and a half, and on Nov. 17, 1886, was appointed operator at Carbon, where he was two months, and then at Wampum, where he was kept six months. He was transferred to Moravia in August, 1887, as agent, and has acceptably filled the office ever since, in a manner highly pleasing to both employers and the patrons of the station, and his wise adjustment of affairs and intelligent service in the interests of the company reflect greatly to his credit. He is a member of the O. R. T. The family all attend the Presbyterian Church. In political belief he is a Republican and holds the office of township auditor.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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