Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 74] master mechanic at the works of the Norway Iron and Steel Co. of New Castle, and residing at No. 121 Pearson Street, that city, was born Sept. 7, 1858, and is a son of Julian and Marian Colnot, both of whom were born in Germany, but reared in France. Julian Colnot was born May 31, 1826, the son of John and Anna Maria Colnot, and came with his wife to America in 1854. John Colnot was seven years in the French Army, and served under the great Napoleon. Our subject's father learned the tailor's trade, at which he worked many years in New Castle; he is now retired from active working, enjoying a well-earned rest in his declining years at the home of his youngest son, Nicholas, on Oak Street, New Castle.
When Jacob was an infant, his parents moved to Allegheny City, which continued to be his home until he was six or seven years of age, when his father and mother moved to New Castle, where our subject attended school. When about ten years of age, he entered the nut and bolt factory at New Castle as a helper in many subordinate capacities, and for three or four years continued to occupy inferior places, as his age did not fit him to take more responsible positions. When about fourteen years of age, he became a bolt cutter in the factory at a satisfactory increase of wages, and for five years worked as a cutter. When nineteen years of age, he learned engineering, and in the year following went to St. Ignace, Mich., on the Straits of Mackinac, where for ten years he was employed at his trade. New Castle, as the place of his boyhood years, and as the home of his parents and brothers and sisters, continued to be very dear to him, and his interest in the city was kept alive by frequent visits home during this period. In 1892 he returned to New Castle, and secured remunerative employment at the Aetna Furnace, where he worked two years. Since that time he was employed about two years as a master mechanic in the Arethusa Iron Works, owned by George W. Johnson of New Castle. In 1897 he accepted a position with the Norway Iron and Steel Co. as master mechanic.
Mr. Colnot was married Jan. 20, 1887, at St. Ignace, Mich., to Mary Agnes Martin of Artemisia Co., Pa., daughter of Agnes and Christine (McLean) Martin, both natives of Scotland. Mrs. Colnot is an attendant of the Presbyterian Church. Our subject is an independent Democrat in politics.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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