Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 377] of New Castle, Pa., whose portrait we publish on the opposite page, was born in the above town, Oct. 26, 1872, and is a son of Mrs. Emeline (Cline) Lutton, a daughter of Jacob Cline, and a sister of Major Cline. To our subject's mother were born the following children: Charles W., born April 25, 1858; Albert G., Dec. 10, 1859; James H., Feb. 14, 1861; Willard L., July 15 1863; Agnes J., Dec. 22, 1864; Mary O., July 26, 1866; Laura E., Nov. 5, 1867; Jacob L., Jan. 24, 1870; John K., Jan. 25, 1871; Joseph R., the subject of this sketch; Ada, Jan. 4, 1874; Lemoin, Dec. 10, 1875; Mabel L., Sept. 20, 1876; and Nesbit, Oct. 29, 1879. Joseph R. Lutton was educated in the High School of New Castle, Pa., and in 1892 took a course in the business college. After the completion of his studies in that institution, he read medicine under the tutelage of Dr. A. M. Cook, and remained in his preceptor's office until 1894, when he became a student in the University of Georgetown, Washington, D. C., and remained there about one year. He then entered the University of the South, which is located at Sewanee, Tenn., and later on took a course in the Peabody Institute, at Nashville, Tenn., from which he graduated in 1896; he immediately returned to New Castle, Pa., his native town, where he is meeting with excellent success, considering the short time he has been known as a professional man. What with his especially fine education and special aptitude for the healing art, it is predicted by many that he will make his mark, and rise to unqualified success. In expressing his political preferences he is not at all backward, but proudly owns that he is a Republican.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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