Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 233] foreman of the Dilworth Paper Co. of New Castle, Pa., was born in Fayette Co., Pa., May 4, 1847, and is a son of Lewis and Francis (Regan) Hough, both natives of Westmoreland Co., Pa.
Our subject's grandfather, Peter Hough, was born in Grant Co., Pa., and was a farmer by occupation, but also operated a still for many years of his life. There were a number of children born to him and his wife, of whom Lewis, our subject's father, was the youngest of seven sons. Peter was a stanch Democrat, and a member of the Methodist Church.
Lewis Hough was educated in the district schools of South Huntington township, and was engaged at farming all his life, and was considered by his neighbors and those best acquainted with him to be very successful in his work and might well have been called prosperous for his day. He was originally a Democrat, but latterly voted the Whig ticket. He married Frances M. Regan, daughter of Alexander Regan of Westmoreland Co., Pa., and eight children blessed their union, namely: Sampson, deceased; Louisa; Alexander, our subject; Catherine; Henry; Fannie; Isa; and Louis. The family were faithful to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Our subject's father departed this life in 1882, aged sixty-five years, and his life-long helpmeet followed him across the River of Death to the other shore in 1891, when aged seventy-one years.
Our subject's education was limited to what he was enabled to obtain in the district school of his native township; he worked on a farm until 1862, when he engaged in the manufacture of paper in West Newton, Pa., having charge of the mill for fifteen years. In 1882, Mr. Hough moved to Beaver Falls, Pa., where he superintended until 1888 a paper mill for the Dilworth Paper Co. In 1888, he came to New Castle, and is employed as superintendent or foreman of the company's mill there; Mr. Hough is one of the stockholders in the company. They manufacture sack and express paper. Although not active in politics, and no seeker after political honor and emolument, he votes the Republican ticket and contents himself with thus having performed his duty.
In 1872, Mr. Hough married Martha Bales, daughter of Thomas J. Bales of West Newton, Pa. This union has been blessed with four children, namely: Laura; Blanche, deceased; Nora; and Kurney. The family favor the Presbyterian Church, of which Mrs. Hough and daughters are members in good standing. Our subject is a member of the Royal Ancanum [sic] of New Castle.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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