Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 180] is the enterprising proprietor of the Dugan Hotel of Ellwood City, where he is widely known to the traveling public as a genial and accommodating host, and as a gentleman of sterling qualities. He was born in England, July 3, 1834, and was a son of Samuel Dugan, who was a butcher and a grocer as well as hotel-keeper.
The present Mr. Dugan passed his youth in England, crossing to this country when fully grown and able to care for himself, and finding employment in the rolling-mills at Cleveland, Ohio, as a heater. Then he worked in Pittsburg four years, and at the end of that period, Mr. Dugan took charge of the old English Hotel in Pittsburg, and retained that position many years, and so long was his service there that at one time he contemplated retiring permanently from active labor. When Ellwood City began to grow and to attract favorable attention because of its rapid progress, Mr. Dugan came here and invested in real estate, building an elegant brick block in 1893 that contained a double store, the dimensions being 66x60 feet, which structure is located at No. 948 Lawrence Avenue. In the following year, Mr. Dugan fitted up the building as a hotel, and again demonstrated successfully his ability to cater to the wants of travelers, as he made it thoroughly modern in all of its appointments and conveniences, and furnished it with elegance. Mr. Dugan has extensive property interests, as he owns in addition to the block already mentioned, considerable real estate and a number of tenements. He has always been ready and willing to further in any possible manner the progress of the flourishing city in which he has become one of the prominent citzens.
Mrs. Dugan is also of English extraction, as her father, George Rowley, was a native of the mother country. Mr. Dugan participates in municipal affairs with his usual spirit and energy, and on occasions when party politics prevail he unflinchingly maintains the platform and principles of the Republican party. His influence is invariably cast on the side of high moral principles and strict integrity, and while not identifying himself with any religious denomination, he has the highest respect for that true Christianity which impels man to recognize his brother-man in all the relations of life. He is now in the enjoyment of a well-earned competence, the result of his own skill, industry, and perseverance, and can look back upon a well-spent life, conscious of never having done a willful wrong to anyone. He has the esteem, confidence and affection of a wide circle of friends who delight to do him honor.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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