Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 183] one of the best-known
and most highly respected women of
Lawrence County and North Beaver township,
was born at Hilltown, and is the widow of the
late James Cochran. She is the daughter of
Robert and Jane (Miller) Lochlin, and the
granddaughter of Robert and Nancy (Anderson)
Lochlin, both born in County Down, near Donegal,
Ireland. Robert Lochlin, the grandfather of
the subject of this article, came to America with
his wife, making the trip on a sailing-vessel, and
being for seven weeks out of sight of land. They
settled in North Beaver township, about two
miles from what is now known as Mt. Jackson.
Later on, Mr. Lochlin and his family resided in
Moravia, and finally moved to New Bedford,
where he died aged eighty-nine years. His faithful
wife, the companion through a long and singularly
happy married life, lived until her sixty-eighth
year. Their children were: Martin,
Polly, William, Alexander, Martha, John, James,
and Robert, the last the father of Mrs. Cochran.
Robert Lochlin, the younger, was born in North
Beaver township, and at an early age began
studying for the Christian ministry. His health
failed him, however, to his great disappointment,
and he had to give up his studies for some outside
employment that would put health and
vigor into his constitution. He chose civil
engineering as a pursuit and followed it for several
years, finally embarking in mercantile lines. But
he soon found this too confining, and accordingly
taught school in Lawrence County and across
the line in the State of Ohio for a number of
years. He died at the early age of thirty-six
years, and the grass had grown green over his
grave but a few summers, when his wife, the
daughter of William and Elizabeth (Law) Millet,
followed him. William Miller, the maternal
grandfather of the subject of this biography, was
a well-known and patriotic citizen; he served in
the army at Fort Erie during the War of 1812,
and sickened and died there; his widow drew a
pension after his death. Robert Lochlin left
four children: William and Robert, both deceased;
John, who resides in the State of Kansas;
and Nancy (Mrs. Cochran).
James Cochran was born in Allegheny Co., Pa., and resided there many years. When a young man he learned and became very proficient at the silver-plating trade, and followed that trade for a long time. Later on he turned his attention to farming and bought a place, where he supported himself and family by agricultural operations. He was upright, industrious, and progressive. Success seemed to crown his efforts from the start. Before many years had passed he was enabled to retire to Edenburg, where he passed away in 1878, aged sixty-eight years. Mr. Cochran was twice wedded before he married his last wife, Mrs. Nancy Cochran, the subject of this article. First he was united to Sophia K. H. McFarland, who died leaving six children: Margaret Ann, William, Andrew M., Hannah E., R. Sylvester, and Mary Ann. Mr. Cochran's second wife was a Miss Jane Needler, who died leaving no issue.
Mrs. Nancy Cochran has always been a bright, active woman. From her father she inherited a good mind and scholarly instincts. She received a good education, and was trained in the art of dress-making and millinery, lines in which she became very skilled and successful. Her bright, cheerful ways have always made her very popular, while her shrewd, business-like methods gained her the respect of all. After the death of her husband Mrs. Cochran settled down at Mt. Jackson. Always of a vigorous, restless temperament, she desired to busy herself at something. She was the possessor of an ample competence, sufficient to keep her in comfort the remainder of her life, but her thrifty habits would not allow her to idle any time away so she began nursing people that were ill. It is safe to say that no poor, suffering, tortured mortal ever had a more tender, motherly attendant, or one whose touch was more gentle, or whose voice was more soothing. She has taken many elderly ladies to care for. So simple and unostentatious has Mrs. Cochran been in her ways, yet such a power for doing good to them in need, that there is nothing to be wondered at in the fact that she is so widely known, loved and esteemed. Her property she manages wisely and well. She owns considerable real estate in and about Manhoningtown, as well as some houses and lots at other points. She enjoys most excellent health, being the possessor of a very strong constitution. It is the unanimous wish of her exceedingly wide circle of friends that she be spared to them for many years to come.
On a preceding page we present the portraits of Mrs. Cochran and her late husband.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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Updated: 4 May 2001