Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 191] whose
likeness on the opposite page presents the
unmistakable features of refinement and high order
of intellectuality, is one of Ellwood City's prominent
physicians. A medical man of no small
ability or culture, he has been markedly successful
in the practice of his profession, and has
won the confidence and esteem of the public by
his care and courteous kindness, no less than
by his energy and industry. He stands high
among the members of the medical fraternity,
and is highly respected as a man of enterprise,
who thoroughly understands his work, and
rarely loses a case. He was born in Black Hawk,
Beaver Co., and was a son of the late Dr.
Thomas G. Boyd, a grandson of Joseph Boyd,
and a great-grandson of John Boyd.
John Boyd lived near Londonderry, Ireland; when he determined to come to America, he settled his affairs, and with his wife, Mary Fulton, and two children was about to embark in a sailing vessel with his wife's relatives for the New World, when it was discovered that there were several cases of small-pox on board the ship. This had the effect of delaying their departure three months until the next trip. The first vessel lost all the children on board and many of the adults by small-pox; as if this was not enough, the vessel foundered and did not reach port as soon as did the one on which the Boyds took passage. John Boyd settled in Allegheny Co., Pa., where he engaged in farming. His family showed unparalleled devotion to the Presbyterian Church, as four sons were ministers of that faith, three sons were elders in churches, and two daughters married Presbyterian elders.
Joseph Boyd, who was born in Allegheny County, emigrated to Marion County, Ohio, where he built the first hewed log-house in the county. He determined to have a "raising," and invited the neighbors, who responded in person, as there was always a frolic when the timbers of a building were raised, and whiskey was wont to flow freely. On that occasion, however, the exception proved to be the rule, for Mr Boyd set his foot down on having any liquor dispensed, and the men waited about until nine o'clock before yielding. When they did set to work, it was with a will, and the raising was finished by four o'clock, and that without an accident, something very rare in those days. This freedom from accident most likely was due to the absence of spirituous liquors to befuddle the brains and unsteady the nerves. Mr. Boyd always remained a farmer, and came to own a great deal of land. He was a sufferer from consumption, and his life was cut short at the age of fifty-six; Mrs. Bovd, who was Jane Glass before her marriage, died at seventy-two years of age. Their descendants of the next generation were: James, John, Robert G., Thomas G., Mary, and Gen. Joseph F., who was one of the one hundred and nine prisoners of war who escaped from Libby Prison. Of the above family, Robert G. and Joseph F. are the sole surviving members.
Dr. Thomas G. Boyd, the father of our subject, was a graduate of the Cleveland Medical College, and practiced two years in Freedom, Pa., after which he settled in Black Hawk, Pa., where he carried on the practice of his profession for thirty-seven years, and became a leading figure of Beaver County. He not only had a lucrative practice, but also won the admiration and highest respect of his patients. His wife was Jane H. Jeffrey, daughter of Alexander Jeffrey. Dr. Boyd died at the age of sixty-four from a fatal stroke of apoplexy. The following children were born to them: Joseph A., assistant general passenger agent of the Louisville & Nashville R. R.; Thomas H., real estate and insurance, McKeesport, Pa.; Addison, who died at the age of six; Dr. George J.; Ida J., who became the wife of D. C. Kirke of Leetsdale, Pa.
Dr. George J. Boyd studied in his father's Office, and took a medical course in Michigan University at Ann Arbor, where he graduated in 1889; while a student in college he became a brother of the Greek Letter Fraternity, Alpha Tau Omega. His father passed away when our subject was still pursuing his collegiate studies, so that on his return home, he immediately succeeded to his father's well-established practice. He remained in Black Hawk two years, and then removed to Esther, also in Beaver County, three and one-half miles distant, and in 1894 came to Ellwood City. In this favorable locality, he began building up a practice, and by his constant attention and eminent medical ability, he has fairly succeeded, and has a large scope of territory in town and country. He has dealt to a considerable extent in real estate, buying a number of years ago twenty-seven lots in Hazel Dell, which he later disposed of and bought the C. F. Buchanan block of Lawrence Avenue; this block, 22x60 feet on the ground, is two stories high, and was one of the first business blocks built in Ellwood City. On the first floor is a store and offices, and the second floor is utilized by the Doctor as living rooms.
Dr. Boyd married, Nov. 28, 1889, Jessie D. Fitz-Randolph, daughter of Jonathan and Rebecca Fitz-Randolph of Achor, Ohio. Three children have come to the household, but Wilda Fern was called home when sixteen months old and Helen Mae made a brief stay of five short months on earth. Jessie, who was born in Esther, Pa., on June 12, 1894, is a dear little girl, and the delight of her parents. Dr. Boyd is a Republican of no uncertain or wavering type, and as a representative citizen has been honored with office as a member of the city council, and also as a member of the board of health. He belongs to Ellwood Lodge, No. 599, F. & A. M., and holds a membership in the K. O. T. M.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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